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# Monitoring the LLVM main branch
This document proposes a design to improve the stability of the LLVM main branch
for use in pre-merge testing.
## Background
The stability of the pre-merge testing largely depends on the stability of the
LLVM main branch: Whenever something is broken on the main branch, also
pre-merge testing will fail: The patches from Phabricator are applied to some
revision on the main branch before they can be built. So the fewer revisions of
the main branch being broken, the more stable pre-merge testing will be.
## High-level Design
We propose to run a Buildbot worker on the main branch with the same
Docker image we're using for pre-merge testing. That worker shall check all
commits to main for build and test failures with regards to the configuration
we're using for pre-merge testing. Whenever these builds fails, Buildbot
notifies the commiters and gives them the opportunity to fix or revert their
This is much faster than a having a human investigate the issue and notify the
committers. By having faster feedback the main branch is broken for fewer
revisions and this the probability of a false-positive pre-merge test is lower.
## Machine setup
We would deploy another container as part of the existing Kubernetes cluster for
pre-merge testing. The image would be based on
, and we would just add the things needed for the Buildbot agent by resuing the
setup of an existing worker (e.g.
## Build configuration
The Buildbot worker should run as much of the pre-merge testing scripts as
possible to get the results as close as we can to that of what we would see
happen in pre-merge testing.
Currently we're running these steps on Buildkite to check the main branch:
``` bash
export SRC=${BUILDKITE_BUILD_PATH}/llvm-premerge-checks
rm -rf ${SRC}
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/google/llvm-premerge-checks.git "${SRC}"
cd "${SRC}"
git fetch origin "${ph_scripts_refspec:-master}":x
git checkout x
pip install -q -r ${SRC}/scripts/requirements.txt
${SRC}/scripts/pipeline_main.py | tee /dev/tty | buildkite-agent pipeline upload
We should run similar steps on Buildbot by creating a new `BuilderFactory` to
the [existing
list](https://github.com/llvm/llvm-zorg/tree/main/zorg/buildbot/builders) and
then configuring it [as
## Open questions
1. Do we actually need to create a `BuilderFactory` or can we also just run a
shell script?
2. How can we quickly test and iterate on the Python scripting? How can we run
our own Buildbot master for testing?
3. The current solution by only wrapping the existing pre-merge testing scripts
will not result in nice build steps as the other builders are producing as
buildkite does not have that concept. Is that an issue?
4. We do need to check out the pre-merge testing config and scripts form another
git repo. Is that an issue?