## Container mode is an object that provides out-of-box configuration
## for dind and kubernetes mode. Template will be modified as documented under the
## template object.
## If any customization is required for dind or kubernetes mode, containerMode should remain
## empty, and configuration should be applied to the template.
# containerMode:
# type: "dind" ## type can be set to dind or kubernetes
# ## the following is required when containerMode.type=kubernetes
# kubernetesModeWorkVolumeClaim:
# accessModes: ["ReadWriteOnce"]
# # For local testing, use https://github.com/openebs/dynamic-localpv-provisioner/blob/develop/docs/quickstart.md to provide dynamic provision volume with storageClassName: openebs-hostpath
# storageClassName: "dynamic-blob-storage"
# resources:
# requests:
# storage: 1Gi
# kubernetesModeServiceAccount:
# annotations:
## template is the PodSpec for each listener Pod
## For reference: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubernetes-api/workload-resources/pod-v1/#PodSpec
# listenerTemplate:
# spec:
# containers:
# # Use this section to append additional configuration to the listener container.
# # If you change the name of the container, the configuration will not be applied to the listener,
# # and it will be treated as a side-car container.
# - name: listener
# securityContext:
# runAsUser: 1000
# # Use this section to add the configuration of a side-car container.
# # Comment it out or remove it if you don't need it.
# # Spec for this container will be applied as is without any modifications.
# - name: side-car
# image: example-sidecar
## template is the PodSpec for each runner Pod
## For reference: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubernetes-api/workload-resources/pod-v1/#PodSpec
## template.spec will be modified if you change the container mode
## with containerMode.type=dind, we will populate the template.spec with following pod spec