176 lines
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176 lines
7.2 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2020 Google LLC
# Licensed under the the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Runs all check on buildkite agent.
import json
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import time
import uuid
from typing import Callable, Optional
import clang_format_report
import clang_tidy_report
import run_cmake
import test_results_report
from phabtalk.phabtalk import Report, CheckResult, PhabTalk
def upload_file(base_dir: str, file: str):
Uploads artifact to buildkite and returns URL to it
r = subprocess.run(f'buildkite-agent artifact upload "{file}"', shell=True, capture_output=True, cwd=base_dir)
logging.debug(f'upload-artifact {r}')
match = re.search('Uploading artifact ([^ ]*) ', r.stderr.decode())
logging.debug(f'match {match}')
if match:
url = f'https://buildkite.com/organizations/llvm-project/pipelines/premerge-checks/builds/{os.getenv("BUILDKITE_BUILD_NUMBER")}/jobs/{os.getenv("BUILDKITE_JOB_ID")}/artifacts/{match.group(1)}'
logging.info(f'uploaded {file} to {url}')
return url
logging.warning(f'could not find artifact {base_dir}/{file}')
return None
def maybe_add_url_artifact(phab: PhabTalk, url: str, name: str):
phid = os.getenv('ph_target_phid')
if phid is None:
phab.create_artifact(phid, str(uuid.uuid4()), 'uri', {'uri': url, 'ui.external': True, 'name': name})
def add_shell_result(report: Report, name: str, exit_code: int) -> CheckResult:
logging.info(f'"{name}" exited with {exit_code}')
z = CheckResult.SUCCESS
if exit_code != 0:
z = CheckResult.FAILURE
report.add_step(name, z, '')
return z
def ninja_all_report(report: Report) -> CheckResult:
print('Full will be available in Artifacts "ninja-all.log"')
r = subprocess.run(f'ninja all | '
f'tee {artifacts_dir}/ninja-all.log | '
f'grep -vE "\\[.*] (Building|Linking|Copying|Generating|Creating)"',
shell=True, cwd=build_dir)
return add_shell_result(report, 'ninja all', r.returncode)
def ninja_check_all_report(report: Report) -> CheckResult:
# TODO: merge running ninja check all and analysing results in one step?
print('Full will be available in Artifacts "ninja-check-all.log"')
r = subprocess.run(f'ninja check-all | tee {artifacts_dir}/ninja-check-all.log | '
f'grep -vE "^\\[.*] (Building|Linking)" | '
f'grep -vE "^(PASS|XFAIL|UNSUPPORTED):"', shell=True, cwd=build_dir)
z = add_shell_result(report, 'ninja check all', r.returncode)
# TODO: check if test-results are present.
report.add_artifact(build_dir, 'test-results.xml', 'test results')
test_results_report.run(os.path.join(build_dir, 'test-results.xml'), report)
return z
def run_step(name: str, report: Report, thunk: Callable[[Report], CheckResult]) -> CheckResult:
global timings
start = time.time()
print(f'--- {name}') # New section in Buildkite log.
result = thunk(report)
timings[name] = time.time() - start
# Expand section if it failed.
if result == CheckResult.FAILURE:
print('^^^ +++')
return result
def cmake_report(report: Report) -> CheckResult:
global build_dir
cmake_result, build_dir, cmake_artifacts = run_cmake.run('detect', os.getcwd())
for file in cmake_artifacts:
if os.path.exists(file):
shutil.copy2(file, artifacts_dir)
return add_shell_result(report, 'cmake', cmake_result)
def furl(url: str, name: Optional[str] = None):
if name is None:
name = url
return f"\033]1339;url='{url}';content='{name}'\a\n"
if __name__ == '__main__':
build_dir = ''
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING, format='%(levelname)-7s %(message)s')
scripts_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute()
phab = PhabTalk(os.getenv('CONDUIT_TOKEN'), 'https://reviews.llvm.org/api/', False)
maybe_add_url_artifact(phab, os.getenv('BUILDKITE_BUILD_URL'), 'Buildkite build')
artifacts_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'artifacts')
os.makedirs(artifacts_dir, exist_ok=True)
report = Report()
timings = {}
cmake_result = run_step('cmake', report, cmake_report)
if cmake_result == CheckResult.SUCCESS:
compile_result = run_step('ninja all', report, ninja_all_report)
if compile_result == CheckResult.SUCCESS:
run_step('ninja check all', report, ninja_check_all_report)
run_step('clang-tidy', report,
lambda x: clang_tidy_report.run('HEAD~1', os.path.join(scripts_dir, 'clang-tidy.ignore'), x))
run_step('clang-format', report,
lambda x: clang_format_report.run('HEAD~1', os.path.join(scripts_dir, 'clang-format.ignore'), x))
print('+++ summary')
print(f'Branch {os.getenv("BUILDKITE_BRANCH")} at {os.getenv("BUILDKITE_REPO")}')
ph_buildable_diff = os.getenv('ph_buildable_diff')
if ph_buildable_diff is not None:
url = f'https://reviews.llvm.org/D{os.getenv("ph_buildable_revision")}?id={ph_buildable_diff}'
print(f'Review: {furl(url)}')
url = f'https://buildkite.com/llvm-project/' \
print(f'Triggered from build {furl(url)}')
success = True
for s in report.steps:
mark = 'V'
if s['result'] == CheckResult.UNKNOWN:
mark = '?'
if s['result'] == CheckResult.FAILURE:
success = False
mark = 'X'
msg = s['message']
if len(msg):
msg = ': ' + msg
print(f'{mark} {s["title"]}{msg}')
# TODO: dump the report and deduplicate tests and other reports later (for multiple OS) in a separate step.
ph_target_phid = os.getenv('ph_target_phid')
if ph_target_phid is not None:
build_url = f'https://reviews.llvm.org/harbormaster/build/{os.getenv("ph_build_id")}'
print(f'Reporting results to Phabricator build {furl(build_url)}')
phab.update_build_status(ph_buildable_diff, ph_target_phid, False, success, report.lint, report.unit)
for a in report.artifacts:
url = upload_file(a['dir'], a['file'])
if url is not None:
maybe_add_url_artifact(phab, url, a['name'])
logging.warning('No phabricator phid is specified. Will not update the build status in Phabricator')
# TODO: add link to report issue on github
with open(os.path.join(artifacts_dir, 'step-timings.json'), 'w') as f: