Fork 0

copied beta to production pipelines

This commit is contained in:
Christian Kühnel 2020-05-06 13:11:03 +02:00
parent 289dec11b7
commit dadb507afb
2 changed files with 182 additions and 0 deletions

Jenkins/apply-patch/Jenkinsfile vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC // // Licensed under the the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. def success = true def failure_message = "" pipeline { agent { label 'linux' } parameters { string(name: 'DIFF_ID') string(name: 'PHID') string(name: 'REV_ID') } environment { CONDUIT_TOKEN = credentials('phabricator-conduit-token') PHABRICATOR_HOST = 'https://reviews.llvm.org' LLVM_DIR = "${WORKSPACE}/llvm-project" SCRIPT_DIR = "${WORKSPACE}/llvm-premerge-checks/scripts" RESULT_DIR = "${WORKSPACE}/results" PHAB_LOG = "${RESULT_DIR}/.phabricator-comment" MY_BUILD_ID = "${JOB_BASE_NAME}-${BUILD_NUMBER}" TARGET_DIR = "/mnt/nfs/results/${MY_BUILD_ID}" RESULT_URL = "http://results.llvm-merge-guard.org/${MY_BUILD_ID}" } options { timeout(time:10, unit:'MINUTES') } stages { stage("build info"){ steps { echo "Building diff ${DIFF_ID} with PHID ${PHID} for Revision ${REV_ID}" script { currentBuild.displayName += " D${REV_ID}" currentBuild.description = "<a href='https://reviews.llvm.org/D${REV_ID}'>D${REV_ID}</a>" } } } stage("git checkout"){ steps { dir("${LLVM_DIR}"){ git url: 'git@github.com:llvm-premerge-tests/llvm-project.git' } dir("llvm-premerge-checks") { git url: 'https://github.com/google/llvm-premerge-checks.git' } sh """ rm -rf ${RESULT_DIR} mkdir -p ${RESULT_DIR} """ } } stage('arc patch'){ steps { dir("${LLVM_DIR}"){ sh """ ${SCRIPT_DIR}/phabtalk/apply_patch2.py ${DIFF_ID} \ --token ${CONDUIT_TOKEN} \ --url ${PHABRICATOR_HOST} \ --comment-file ${PHAB_LOG} \ --push-branch """ } } } } post { always { dir("${RESULT_DIR}") { // copy console log to result folder sh "wget -qO console-log.txt http://jenkins-ui.jenkins.svc.cluster.local:8080/job/${JOB_BASE_NAME}/${BUILD_NUMBER}/consoleText" sh "mkdir ${TARGET_DIR}" sh "cp * ${TARGET_DIR}" } sh """${SCRIPT_DIR}/phabtalk/phabtalk.py "${PHID}" "${DIFF_ID}" \ --workspace "${LLVM_DIR}" \ --conduit-token "${CONDUIT_TOKEN}" \ --host "${PHABRICATOR_HOST}/api/" \ --buildresult ${currentBuild.result} \ --results-dir "${TARGET_DIR}" \ --results-url "${RESULT_URL}" \ --failures "Applying patch failed" \ --name "apply patch" """ } } }

Jenkins/phabricator-linux/Jenkinsfile vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
def success = true
def failure_message = ""
pipeline {
agent { label 'linux' }
parameters {
string(name: 'DIFF_ID')
string(name: 'PHID')
string(name: 'REV_ID')
environment {
CONDUIT_TOKEN = credentials('phabricator-conduit-token')
PHABRICATOR_HOST = 'https://reviews.llvm.org'
LLVM_DIR = "${WORKSPACE}/llvm-project"
SCRIPT_DIR = "${WORKSPACE}/llvm-premerge-checks/scripts"
PHAB_LOG = "${RESULT_DIR}/.phabricator-comment"
TARGET_DIR = "/mnt/nfs/results/${MY_BUILD_ID}"
RESULT_URL = "http://results.llvm-merge-guard.org/${MY_BUILD_ID}"
options {
timeout(time:2, unit:'HOURS')
stages {
stage("build info"){
steps {
echo "Building diff ${DIFF_ID} with PHID ${PHID} for Revision ${REV_ID}"
script {
currentBuild.displayName += " D${REV_ID}"
currentBuild.description = "<a href='https://reviews.llvm.org/D${REV_ID}'>D${REV_ID}</a>"
sh """
rm -rf ${RESULT_DIR}
mkdir -p ${RESULT_DIR}
// Report versions of the installed packages.
sh """
echo Versions of various tools: > ${RESULT_DIR}/package_version.log
clang --version >> ${RESULT_DIR}/package_version.log
clang-tidy --version >> ${RESULT_DIR}/package_version.log
ld.lld --version >> ${RESULT_DIR}/package_version.log
dpkg -l >> ${RESULT_DIR}/package_version.log
stage("git checkout")
steps {
git url: 'git@github.com:llvm-premerge-tests/llvm-project.git', branch: "phab-diff-${DIFF_ID}"
sh 'git clean -fdx'
sh 'git show -s'
git url: 'https://github.com/google/llvm-premerge-checks.git'
stage('CMake') {
steps {
script {
success = false
failure_message = "Failed to run cmake"
sh "${SCRIPT_DIR}/run_cmake.py detect"
script {
success = true
failure_message = ""
stage('ninja all') {
steps {
script {
try {
sh(script: "${SCRIPT_DIR}/run_ninja.py all")
} catch (e) {
success = false;
failure_message = "'ninja all' failed" // append as build might already be broken
echo e.toString()
stage('ninja check-all') {
steps {
script {
try {
sh(script: "${SCRIPT_DIR}/run_ninja.py check-all")
} catch (e) {
success = false;
failure_message += "\n'ninja check-all' failed" // append as build might already be broken
echo e.toString()
stage('linters') {
steps {
script {
try {
sh(script: "${SCRIPT_DIR}/lint.sh HEAD~1 ${RESULT_DIR}")
} catch (e) {
success = false;
failure_message += "\nFailed to run linters" // append as build might already be broken
echo e.toString()
post {
always {
script {
if (success) {
currentBuild.result = "SUCCESS"
} else {
currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
echo "Console log is available at ${RESULT_URL}"
dir("${RESULT_DIR}") {
// copy console log to result folder
sh "wget -qO console-log.txt http://jenkins-ui.jenkins.svc.cluster.local:8080/job/${JOB_BASE_NAME}/${BUILD_NUMBER}/consoleText"
// keep a copy of the answer from Phabricator for debugging
// TODO: move all file copy operations here
sh """
set -eu
cp ${LLVM_DIR}/build/CMakeCache.txt . || :
cp ${LLVM_DIR}/build/test-results.xml . || :
mkdir -p ${TARGET_DIR}
cp * ${TARGET_DIR}
/// send results to Phabricator
sh """${SCRIPT_DIR}/phabtalk/phabtalk.py "${PHID}" "${DIFF_ID}" \
--workspace "${WORKSPACE}" \
--conduit-token "${CONDUIT_TOKEN}" \
--test-result-file "${RESULT_DIR}/test-results.xml" \
--host "${PHABRICATOR_HOST}/api/" \
--buildresult ${currentBuild.result} \
--clang-format-patch "${RESULT_DIR}/clang-format.patch" \
--clang-tidy-result "${RESULT_DIR}/clang-tidy.txt" \
--clang-tidy-ignore "${SCRIPT_DIR}/clang-tidy-comments.ignore" \
--results-dir "${TARGET_DIR}" \
--results-url "${RESULT_URL}" \
--failures "${failure_message}" \
--name "linux"