#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2020 Google LLC # # Licensed under the the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import argparse import logging import os from typing import Any, Tuple from phabtalk.phabtalk import PhabTalk from buildkite_utils import format_url, BuildkiteApi, strip_emojis import xunit_utils from command_utils import get_env_or_die from benedict import benedict from dataclasses import dataclass def get_failed_jobs(build: benedict) -> []: failed_jobs = [] for j in build.get('jobs', []): j = benedict(j) if j.get('state') == 'failed' and j.get('name'): failed_jobs.append(j.get('name')) return failed_jobs @dataclass class jobResult: name: str url: str sub: list success: bool tests: list # Returns list of jobs in the build and success flag. def process_build(bk: BuildkiteApi, build: benedict) -> Tuple[list[jobResult], bool]: logging.info(f"Processing build {build.get('id')} {build.get('pipeline.name')}. All jobs:") for job in build.get('jobs', []): logging.info(f'job ID={job.get("id")} NAME={job.get("name")} type={job.get("type")} state={job.get("state")}') success = True result = [] for job in build.get('jobs', []): job = benedict(job) job_type = job.get('type') logging.info(f'Processing job ID={job.get("id")}') if job.get('id') == os.getenv("BUILDKITE_JOB_ID"): logging.info("job ID matches current job, ignoring") continue job_state = job.get('state') if job_type == 'waiter': logging.info('job type is "waiter", ignoring') continue name = job.get('name') if (name is None) or (strip_emojis(name).strip() == ''): name = f"({job.get('type')})" logging.info(f"name {name}") name = strip_emojis(name) j = jobResult( name=name, sub=[], success=job_state=='passed', tests=fetch_job_unit_tests(job), url=job.get('web_url','')) if job.get('type') == 'trigger': triggered_url = job.get('triggered_build.url') logging.info(f'processing a trigger build from {triggered_url}') if triggered_url != '': sub_build = benedict(bk.get(triggered_url).json()) j.name = sub_build.get('pipeline.name') j.url = sub_build.get('web_url') j.sub, s = process_build(bk, sub_build) j.success = j.success and s result.append(j) success = success and j.success return [result, success] # Returns a list of failed tests from a failed script job. def fetch_job_unit_tests(job: benedict) -> list[Any]: if job.get('state') != 'failed' or job.get('type') != 'script': logging.info(f"skipping job with state {job.get('state')} and type {job.get('type')}, only failed scripts are considered") return [] artifacts_url = job.get('artifacts_url') if artifacts_url is None: logging.warning('job has not artifacts') return [] artifacts = bk.get(artifacts_url).json() for a in artifacts: a = benedict(a) if not a.get('filename').endswith('test-results.xml') or not a.get('download_url'): continue content = bk.get(a.get('download_url')).content ctx = strip_emojis(job.get('name', build.get('pipeline.name'))) return xunit_utils.parse_failures(content, ctx) logging.info('file test-results.xml not found') return [] def print_jobs(jobs: list[jobResult], pad: str): for j in jobs: print(f"{pad} {j.name} {j.success}") print_jobs(j.sub, pad + ' ') # Returns a flat list of job tests, appends prefix of job names to test names. def flatten_tests(jobs: list[jobResult], prefix: str) -> list[Any]: t = [] for j in jobs: t.extend(xunit_utils.add_context_prefix(j.tests, prefix)) t.extend(flatten_tests(j.sub, f"{prefix}{j.name} - ")) return t if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--log-level', type=str, default='INFO') parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() logging.basicConfig(level=args.log_level, format='%(levelname)-7s %(message)s') bk_api_token = get_env_or_die('BUILDKITE_API_TOKEN') bk_pipeline_slug = get_env_or_die('BUILDKITE_PIPELINE_SLUG') bk_organization_slug = get_env_or_die("BUILDKITE_ORGANIZATION_SLUG") bk_build_number = get_env_or_die("BUILDKITE_BUILD_NUMBER") dry_run=os.getenv('ph_dry_run_report') is not None if dry_run: logging.info('running in dry-run mode, not exchanging with phabricator') ph_buildable_diff = os.getenv('ph_buildable_diff') conduit_token = get_env_or_die('CONDUIT_TOKEN') ph_target_phid = 'ph_target_phid' if not dry_run: ph_target_phid = get_env_or_die('ph_target_phid') phabtalk = PhabTalk(conduit_token, dry_run_updates=dry_run) report_success = False # for try block failed_tests = [] try: bk = BuildkiteApi(bk_api_token, bk_organization_slug) # Build type is https://buildkite.com/docs/apis/rest-api/builds#get-a-build. build = bk.get_build(bk_pipeline_slug, bk_build_number) jobs, success = process_build(bk, build) failed_tests = flatten_tests(jobs, '') if args.debug: print_jobs(jobs, '') for t in failed_tests: t['details'] = '' for j in jobs: if not j.success: phabtalk.maybe_add_url_artifact(ph_target_phid, j.url, j.name + " FAILED") report_success = success finally: build_url = f'https://reviews.llvm.org/harbormaster/build/{os.getenv("ph_build_id")}' print(f'Reporting results to Phabricator build {format_url(build_url)}', flush=True) phabtalk.update_build_status(ph_target_phid, False, report_success, {}, failed_tests)