#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2020 Google LLC # # Licensed under the the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import logging import os from buildkite_utils import annotate, feedback_url, set_metadata from choose_projects import ChooseProjects import git from steps import generic_linux, generic_windows, from_shell_output, checkout_scripts import yaml steps_generators = [ '${BUILDKITE_BUILD_CHECKOUT_PATH}/libcxx/utils/ci/buildkite-pipeline-premerge.sh', ] if __name__ == '__main__': scripts_refspec = os.getenv("ph_scripts_refspec", "main") diff_id = os.getenv("ph_buildable_diff", "") no_cache = os.getenv('ph_no_cache') is not None projects = os.getenv('ph_projects', 'detect') log_level = os.getenv('ph_log_level', 'INFO') logging.basicConfig(level=log_level, format='%(levelname)-7s %(message)s') phid = os.getenv('ph_target_phid') url = f"https://reviews.llvm.org/D{os.getenv('ph_buildable_revision')}?id={diff_id}" annotate(f"Build for [D{os.getenv('ph_buildable_revision')}#{diff_id}]({url}). " f"[Harbormaster build](https://reviews.llvm.org/harbormaster/build/{os.getenv('ph_build_id')}).\n" f"If there is a build infrastructure issue, please [create a bug]({feedback_url()}).") set_metadata('ph_buildable_diff', os.getenv("ph_buildable_diff")) set_metadata('ph_buildable_revision', os.getenv('ph_buildable_revision')) set_metadata('ph_build_id', os.getenv("ph_build_id")) # List all affected projects. repo = git.Repo('.') patch = repo.git.diff("HEAD~1") cp = ChooseProjects('.') modified_files = cp.get_changed_files(patch) modified_projects, unmapped_changes = cp.get_changed_projects(modified_files) if unmapped_changes: logging.warning('There were changes that could not be mapped to a project. Checking everything') modified_projects = cp.all_projects logging.info(f'modified projects: {modified_projects}') # Add projects that depend on modified. affected_projects = cp.get_affected_projects(modified_projects) steps = [] projects = cp.add_dependencies(affected_projects) logging.info(f'projects with dependencies: {projects}') # Add generic Linux checks. excluded_linux = cp.get_excluded('linux') logging.info(f'excluded for linux: {excluded_linux}') linux_projects = projects - excluded_linux if len(linux_projects) > 0: steps.extend(generic_linux(';'.join(sorted(linux_projects)), True)) # Add generic Windows steps. excluded_windows = cp.get_excluded('windows') logging.info(f'excluded for windows: {excluded_windows}') windows_projects = projects - excluded_windows if len(windows_projects) > 0: steps.extend(generic_windows(';'.join(sorted(windows_projects)))) # Add custom checks. if os.getenv('ph_skip_generated') is None: for gen in steps_generators: steps.extend(from_shell_output(gen)) if phid is None: logging.warning('ph_target_phid is not specified. Skipping "Report" step') else: steps.append({ 'wait': '~', 'continue_on_failure': True, }) report_step = { 'label': ':phabricator: update build status on Phabricator', 'commands': [ *checkout_scripts('linux', scripts_refspec), '$${SRC}/scripts/summary.py', ], 'artifact_paths': ['artifacts/**/*'], 'agents': {'queue': 'service'}, 'timeout_in_minutes': 10, } steps.append(report_step) print(yaml.dump({'steps': steps}))