#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2020 Google LLC # # Licensed under the the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import json import os from typing import List def libcxx(): # TODO: read steps from the YAML file from the repo. return [] def generic_linux(projects: str, check_diff: bool) -> List: if os.getenv('ph_skip_linux') is not None: return [] scripts_refspec = os.getenv("ph_scripts_refspec", "master") no_cache = os.getenv('ph_no_cache') is not None filter_output = '--filter-output' if os.getenv('ph_no_filter_output') is None else '' log_level = os.getenv('ph_log_level', 'WARNING') linux_agents = {'queue': 'linux'} t = os.getenv('ph_linux_agents') if t is not None: linux_agents = json.loads(t) commands = [ 'set -euo pipefail', 'ccache --clear' if no_cache else '', 'ccache --zero-stats', 'ccache --show-config', 'mkdir -p artifacts', 'dpkg -l >> artifacts/packages.txt', # Clone scripts. 'export SRC=${BUILDKITE_BUILD_PATH}/llvm-premerge-checks', 'rm -rf ${SRC}', 'git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/google/llvm-premerge-checks.git "${SRC}"', 'cd ${SRC}', f'git fetch origin "{scripts_refspec}":x', 'git checkout x', 'echo "llvm-premerge-checks commit"', 'git rev-parse HEAD', 'cd "$BUILDKITE_BUILD_CHECKOUT_PATH"', 'set +e', ] if check_diff: commands.extend([ # Add link in review to the build. '${SRC}/scripts/add_phabricator_artifact.py ' '--phid="$ph_target_phid" ' '--url="$BUILDKITE_BUILD_URL" ' '--name="Buildkite build"' if check_diff else '', '${SRC}/scripts/premerge_checks.py --check-clang-format --check-clang-tidy ' f'--projects="{projects}" --log-level={log_level} {filter_output}', ]) else: commands.extend([ f'${{SRC}}/scripts/premerge_checks.py --projects="{projects}" --log-level={log_level} {filter_output}' ]) commands.extend([ 'EXIT_STATUS=\\$?', 'echo "--- ccache stats"', 'ccache --print-stats', 'ccache --show-stats', 'exit \\$EXIT_STATUS', ]) linux_buld_step = { 'label': ':linux: build and test linux', 'key': 'linux', 'commands': commands, 'artifact_paths': ['artifacts/**/*', '*_result.json'], 'agents': linux_agents, 'timeout_in_minutes': 120, 'retry': {'automatic': [ {'exit_status': -1, 'limit': 2}, # Agent lost {'exit_status': 255, 'limit': 2}, # Forced agent shutdown ]}, } return [linux_buld_step] def generic_windows(projects: str) -> List: if os.getenv('ph_skip_windows') is not None: return [] scripts_refspec = os.getenv("ph_scripts_refspec", "master") no_cache = os.getenv('ph_no_cache') is not None log_level = os.getenv('ph_log_level', 'WARNING') filter_output = '--filter-output' if os.getenv('ph_no_filter_output') is None else '' clear_sccache = 'powershell -command "sccache --stop-server; echo \\$env:SCCACHE_DIR; ' \ 'Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore \\$env:SCCACHE_DIR; ' \ 'sccache --start-server"' win_agents = {'queue': 'windows'} t = os.getenv('ph_windows_agents') if t is not None: win_agents = json.loads(t) windows_buld_step = { 'label': ':windows: build and test windows', 'key': 'windows', 'commands': [ clear_sccache if no_cache else '', 'sccache --zero-stats', # Clone scripts. 'set SRC=%BUILDKITE_BUILD_PATH%/llvm-premerge-checks', 'rm -rf %SRC%', 'git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/google/llvm-premerge-checks.git %SRC%', 'cd %SRC%', f'git fetch origin "{scripts_refspec}":x', 'git checkout x', 'echo llvm-premerge-checks commit:', 'git rev-parse HEAD', 'cd %BUILDKITE_BUILD_CHECKOUT_PATH%', 'powershell -command "' f'%SRC%/scripts/premerge_checks.py --projects=\'{projects}\' --log-level={log_level} {filter_output}; ' '\\$exit=\\$?;' 'sccache --show-stats;' 'if (\\$exit) {' ' echo success;' ' exit 0; } ' 'else {' ' echo failure;' ' exit 1;' '}"', ], 'artifact_paths': ['artifacts/**/*', '*_result.json'], 'agents': win_agents, 'timeout_in_minutes': 90, 'retry': {'automatic': [ {'exit_status': -1, 'limit': 2}, # Agent lost {'exit_status': 255, 'limit': 2}, # Forced agent shutdown ]}, } return [windows_buld_step]