# This file is used to configure the environment variables and define # the command line arguments for cmake # environment variables that are set per operating system environment: linux: CC: 'clang' CXX: 'clang++' LD: 'LLD' windows: 'CC': 'cl' 'CXX': 'cl' 'LD': 'link' # command line arguments for cmake arguments: # command line arguments for all OS general: # LLVM path is set in script # LLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS is set in script - '-G Ninja' - '-D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release' - '-D LLVM_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS=ON' - '-D LLVM_LIT_ARGS="-v --xunit-xml-output test-results.xml"' linux: # CCACHE is enabled in script iff environment variable `CCACHE_PATH` is set - '-D LLVM_ENABLE_LLD=ON' - '-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-gmlt' windows: - '-D LLVM_ENABLE_DIA_SDK=OFF' # to help debugging failing tests - '-D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo'