#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2019 Google LLC # # Licensed under the the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Interactions with Phabricator. """ import logging from typing import Optional, List, Dict import uuid import argparse import backoff from phabricator import Phabricator from benedict import benedict class PhabTalk: """Talk to Phabricator to upload build results. See https://secure.phabricator.com/conduit/method/harbormaster.sendmessage/ You might want to use it as it provides retries on most of the calls. """ def __init__(self, token: Optional[str], host: Optional[str] = 'https://reviews.llvm.org/api/', dry_run_updates: bool = False): self._phab = None # type: Optional[Phabricator] self.dry_run_updates = dry_run_updates self._phab = Phabricator(token=token, host=host) self.update_interfaces() @backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, Exception, max_tries=5, logger='', factor=3) def update_interfaces(self): self._phab.update_interfaces() @backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, Exception, max_tries=5, logger='', factor=3) def get_revision_id(self, diff: str) -> Optional[str]: """Get the revision ID for a diff from Phabricator.""" result = self._phab.differential.querydiffs(ids=[diff]) return 'D' + result[diff]['revisionID'] @backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, Exception, max_tries=5, logger='', factor=3) def get_diff(self, diff_id: int): """Get a diff from Phabricator based on its diff id.""" return self._phab.differential.getdiff(diff_id=diff_id) def comment_on_diff(self, diff_id: str, text: str): """Add a comment to a differential based on the diff_id""" logging.info('Sending comment to diff {}:'.format(diff_id)) logging.info(text) revision_id = self.get_revision_id(diff_id) if revision_id is not None: self._comment_on_revision(revision_id, text) @backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, Exception, max_tries=5, logger='', factor=3) def _comment_on_revision(self, revision: str, text: str): """Add comment on a differential based on the revision id.""" transactions = [{ 'type': 'comment', 'value': text }] if self.dry_run_updates: logging.info('differential.revision.edit =================') logging.info('Transactions: {}'.format(transactions)) return # API details at # https://secure.phabricator.com/conduit/method/differential.revision.edit/ self._phab.differential.revision.edit(objectIdentifier=revision, transactions=transactions) logging.info('Uploaded comment to Revision D{}:{}'.format(revision, text)) @backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, Exception, max_tries=5, logger='', factor=3) def update_build_status(self, phid: str, working: bool, success: bool, lint: {}, unit: []): """Submit collected report to Phabricator. """ result_type = 'pass' if working: result_type = 'working' elif not success: result_type = 'fail' # Group lint messages by file and line. lint_messages = [] for v in lint.values(): path = '' line = 0 descriptions = [] for e in v: path = e['path'] line = e['line'] descriptions.append('{}: {}'.format(e['name'], e['description'])) lint_message = { 'name': 'Pre-merge checks', 'severity': 'warning', 'code': 'llvm-premerge-checks', 'path': path, 'line': line, 'description': '\n'.join(descriptions), } lint_messages.append(lint_message) if self.dry_run_updates: logging.info('harbormaster.sendmessage =================') logging.info('type: {}'.format(result_type)) logging.info('unit: {}'.format(unit)) logging.info('lint: {}'.format(lint_messages)) return self._phab.harbormaster.sendmessage( buildTargetPHID=phid, type=result_type, unit=unit, lint=lint_messages) logging.info('Uploaded build status {}, {} test results and {} lint results'.format( result_type, len(unit), len(lint_messages))) @backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, Exception, max_tries=5, logger='', factor=3) def create_artifact(self, phid, artifact_key, artifact_type, artifact_data): if self.dry_run_updates: logging.info('harbormaster.createartifact =================') logging.info('artifactKey: {}'.format(artifact_key)) logging.info('artifactType: {}'.format(artifact_type)) logging.info('artifactData: {}'.format(artifact_data)) return self._phab.harbormaster.createartifact( buildTargetPHID=phid, artifactKey=artifact_key, artifactType=artifact_type, artifactData=artifact_data) def maybe_add_url_artifact(self, phid: str, url: str, name: str): if self.dry_run_updates: logging.info(f'add ULR artifact "{name}" {url}') return if phid is None: logging.warning('PHID is not provided, cannot create URL artifact') return self.create_artifact(phid, str(uuid.uuid4()), 'uri', {'uri': url, 'ui.external': True, 'name': name}) @backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, Exception, max_tries=5, logger='', factor=3) def user_projects(self, user_phid: str) -> List[str]: """Returns slugs of all projects user has a membership.""" projects = benedict(self._phab.project.search(constraints={'members': [user_phid]})) slugs = [] for p in projects.get('data', []): slug = benedict(p).get('fields.slug') if slug: slugs.append(p['fields']['slug']) return slugs @backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, Exception, max_tries=5, logger='', factor=3) def get_revision(self, revision_id: int): """Get a revision from Phabricator based on its revision id.""" return self._phab.differential.query(ids=[revision_id])[0] @backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, Exception, max_tries=5, logger='', factor=3) def get_diff(self, diff_id: int): """Get a diff from Phabricator based on its diff id.""" return self._phab.differential.getdiff(diff_id=diff_id) class Step: def __init__(self, name=''): self.name = name self.success = True self.duration = 0.0 self.reproduce_commands = [] def set_status_from_exit_code(self, exit_code: int): if exit_code != 0: self.success = False class Report: def __init__(self): self.os = '' self.name = '' self.comments = [] self.success = True self.working = False self.unit = [] # type: List self.lint = {} self.test_stats = { 'pass': 0, 'fail': 0, 'skip': 0 } # type: Dict[str, int] self.steps = [] # type: List[Step] self.artifacts = [] # type: List def __str__(self): return str(self.__dict__) def add_lint(self, m): key = '{}:{}'.format(m['path'], m['line']) if key not in self.lint: self.lint[key] = [] self.lint[key].append(m) def add_artifact(self, dir: str, file: str, name: str): self.artifacts.append({'dir': dir, 'file': file, 'name': name}) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Sample interaction with Phabricator') parser.add_argument('--url', type=str, dest='url', default='https://reviews.llvm.org/api/') parser.add_argument('--token', type=str, dest='token', default=None, required=True) parser.add_argument('--diff_id', type=str, dest='diff_id', default=None, required=True) args = parser.parse_args() phabtalk = PhabTalk(args.token, args.url, False) print(phabtalk.get_revision_id(args.diff_id))