# Based ob https://dandraka.com/2019/08/13/find-and-kill-processes-that-lock-a-file-or-directory/ $path = $args[0] $handleOutput = & handle -a $path if ($handleOutput -match "no matching handles found") { Write-Host "Nothing to kill, exiting" exit } $pidList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $lines = $handleOutput -split "`n" foreach($line in $lines) { # sample line: # chrome.exe pid: 11392 type: File 5BC: C:\Windows\Fonts\timesbd.ttf # regex to get pid and process name: (.*)\b(?:.*)(?:pid: )(\d*) $matches = $null $line -match "(.*)\b(?:.*)(?:pid: )(\d*)" | Out-Null if (-not $matches) { continue } if ($matches.Count -eq 0) { continue } $pidName = $matches[1] $pidStr = $matches[2] if ($pidList -notcontains $pidStr) { Write-Host "Will kill process $pidStr $pidName" $pidList.Add($pidStr) | Out-Null } } foreach($pidStr in $pidList) { $pidInt = [int]::Parse($pidStr) Stop-Process -Id $pidInt -Force Write-Host "Killed process $pidInt" } Write-Host "Finished"