Fork 0
2023-05-19 14:09:34 +02:00
kubernetes Add cloud build configuration to build workers 2023-03-20 12:30:27 +01:00
.gitignore move terraform specific .gitignore to the folder 2023-05-19 14:09:34 +02:00
backend.tf Add windows slaves 2023-01-20 13:46:33 +01:00
billing.tf Bugfixing + Enabled billing alerts in TF 2023-03-20 12:30:27 +01:00
cluster.tf Bugfixing + Enabled billing alerts in TF 2023-03-20 12:30:27 +01:00
main.tf Add cloud build configuration to build workers 2023-03-20 12:30:27 +01:00
provider.tf Bugfixing + Enabled billing alerts in TF 2023-03-20 12:30:27 +01:00
README.md Add cloud build configuration to build workers 2023-03-20 12:30:27 +01:00
variables.tf Bugfixing + Enabled billing alerts in TF 2023-03-20 12:30:27 +01:00
variables.tfvars_example Add cloud build configuration to build workers 2023-03-20 12:30:27 +01:00

#ToDo: Move secrets to gcp secrets Format readme in md Cloud build for terraform [?]Wait for kubernetes plugin to finish apply Add readme if the budget is exceeded

Be aware, the actions you execute on your gcp project will generate some cost.

#Permissions TODO

#1st run (bootstrap)

Copy variables.tfvars from variables.tfvars_example Replace the placeholders for project-id and billing-account in variables.tfvars Insert secret values in the variables.tfvars file or insert values on runtime when using terraform plan or apply

Initialise terraform Comment out everything in backend.tf file to use local state for the first run as the bucket for storing the state is not created. terraform init

Create the state bucket terraform apply -var-file=variables.tfvars -target="google_storage_bucket.terraform_state" To disable the conformation use --auto-aprove flag

##Move the state to the bucket. Uncomment everything in backend.tf file to use remote state with newly created bucket. export PROJECT_ID="<PROJECT_ID>" terraform init -backend-config="bucket=terraform-state-${PROJECT_ID}" -backend-config="prefix=terraform/state"

Create the cluster. Due to the problem described here terraform kubernetes provider requires kubernetes cluster to be created first. So to create the cluster without applying kubernetes resources we will do the apply in 2 runs using the -target flag. terraform apply -var-file=variables.tfvars -target="google_container_cluster.llvm_premerge_checks_cluster"

##Creating worker images To deploy build workers you need the worker docker images in your project. TODO cloud build SA permissions

###Linux worker image Execute cloud build to build Linux worker: gcloud builds submit --config=containers/buildkite-premerge-debian/cloudbuild.yaml containers/buildkite-premerge-debian/ --project=${PROJECT_ID}

###Windows worker image Build windows cloud builder. Follow the steps described here: link

Execute cloud build to build Windows worker: gcloud builds submit --config=containers/buildkite-premerge-windows/cloudbuild.yaml containers/buildkite-premerge-windows/ --project=${PROJECT_ID}

##Create the rest of the gcp resources including workers in kubernetes pods terraform apply -var-file="variables.tfvars"

#Budget TODO