setName($path) ->setUserData($this->stderr) ->setResult(ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_BROKEN); return array($result); } $report = $this->getJsonReport($test_results); // coverage is for all testcases in the executed $path $coverage = array(); if ($this->enableCoverage !== false) { $coverage = $this->readCoverage(); } $last_test_finished = true; $results = array(); foreach ($report as $event) { switch (idx($event, 'event')) { case 'test': break; case 'testStart': $last_test_finished = false; // fall through default: continue 2; // switch + loop } $status = ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_PASS; $user_data = ''; if ('fail' == idx($event, 'status')) { $status = ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_FAIL; $user_data .= idx($event, 'message')."\n"; foreach (idx($event, 'trace') as $trace) { $user_data .= sprintf( "\n%s:%s", idx($trace, 'file'), idx($trace, 'line')); } } else if ('error' == idx($event, 'status')) { if (strpos(idx($event, 'message'), 'Skipped Test') !== false) { $status = ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_SKIP; $user_data .= idx($event, 'message'); } else if (strpos( idx($event, 'message'), 'Incomplete Test') !== false) { $status = ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_SKIP; $user_data .= idx($event, 'message'); } else { $status = ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_BROKEN; $user_data .= idx($event, 'message'); foreach (idx($event, 'trace') as $trace) { $user_data .= sprintf( "\n%s:%s", idx($trace, 'file'), idx($trace, 'line')); } } } $name = preg_replace('/ \(.*\)/s', '', idx($event, 'test')); $result = new ArcanistUnitTestResult(); $result->setName($name); $result->setResult($status); $result->setDuration(idx($event, 'time')); $result->setCoverage($coverage); $result->setUserData($user_data); $results[] = $result; $last_test_finished = true; } if (!$last_test_finished) { $results[] = id(new ArcanistUnitTestResult()) ->setName(idx($event, 'test')) // use last event ->setUserData($this->stderr) ->setResult(ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_BROKEN); } return $results; } /** * Read the coverage from phpunit generated clover report * * @return array */ private function readCoverage() { $test_results = Filesystem::readFile($this->coverageFile); if (empty($test_results)) { return array(); } $coverage_dom = new DOMDocument(); $coverage_dom->loadXML($test_results); $reports = array(); $files = $coverage_dom->getElementsByTagName('file'); foreach ($files as $file) { $class_path = $file->getAttribute('name'); if (empty($this->affectedTests[$class_path])) { continue; } $test_path = $this->affectedTests[$file->getAttribute('name')]; // get total line count in file $line_count = count(file($class_path)); $coverage = ''; $any_line_covered = false; $start_line = 1; $lines = $file->getElementsByTagName('line'); $coverage = str_repeat('N', $line_count); foreach ($lines as $line) { if ($line->getAttribute('type') != 'stmt') { continue; } if ((int)$line->getAttribute('count') > 0) { $is_covered = 'C'; $any_line_covered = true; } else { $is_covered = 'U'; } $line_no = (int)$line->getAttribute('num'); $coverage[$line_no - 1] = $is_covered; } // Sometimes the Clover coverage gives false positives on uncovered lines // when the file wasn't actually part of the test. This filters out files // with no coverage which helps give more accurate overall results. if ($any_line_covered) { $len = strlen($this->projectRoot.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); $class_path = substr($class_path, $len); $reports[$class_path] = $coverage; } } return $reports; } /** * We need this non-sense to make json generated by phpunit * valid. * * @param string $json String containing JSON report * @return array JSON decoded array */ private function getJsonReport($json) { if (empty($json)) { throw new Exception( pht( 'JSON report file is empty, it probably means that phpunit '. 'failed to run tests. Try running %s with %s option and then run '. 'generated phpunit command yourself, you might get the answer.', 'arc unit', '--trace')); } $json = preg_replace('/}{\s*"/', '},{"', $json); $json = '['.$json.']'; return phutil_json_decode($json); } }