withType('f') ->withSuffix('lint-test') ->find(); $test_count = 0; foreach ($files as $file) { $this->lintFile($root.$file, $linter); $test_count++; } $this->assertTrue( ($test_count > 0), pht('Expected to find some .lint-test tests in directory %s!', $root)); } private function lintFile($file, $linter) { $linter = clone $linter; $contents = Filesystem::readFile($file); $contents = explode("~~~~~~~~~~\n", $contents); if (count($contents) < 2) { throw new Exception( "Expected '~~~~~~~~~~' separating test case and results."); } list ($data, $expect, $xform, $config) = array_merge( $contents, array(null, null)); $basename = basename($file); if ($config) { $config = json_decode($config, true); if (!is_array($config)) { throw new Exception( "Invalid configuration in test '{$basename}', not valid JSON."); } } else { $config = array(); } PhutilTypeSpec::checkMap( $config, array( 'hook' => 'optional bool', 'config' => 'optional wild', 'path' => 'optional string', 'arcconfig' => 'optional map', )); $exception = null; $after_lint = null; $messages = null; $exception_message = false; $caught_exception = false; try { $tmp = new TempFile($basename); Filesystem::writeFile($tmp, $data); $full_path = (string)$tmp; $dir = dirname($full_path); $path = basename($full_path); $config_file = null; $arcconfig = idx($config, 'arcconfig'); if ($arcconfig) { $config_file = json_encode($arcconfig); } $working_copy = ArcanistWorkingCopyIdentity::newFromRootAndConfigFile( $dir, $config_file, 'Unit Test'); $configuration_manager = new ArcanistConfigurationManager(); $configuration_manager->setWorkingCopyIdentity($working_copy); $engine = new UnitTestableArcanistLintEngine(); $engine->setWorkingCopy($working_copy); $engine->setConfigurationManager($configuration_manager); $engine->setPaths(array($path)); $engine->setCommitHookMode(idx($config, 'hook', false)); $path_name = idx($config, 'path', $path); $linter->addPath($path_name); $linter->addData($path_name, $data); $linter->setConfig(idx($config, 'config', array())); $engine->addLinter($linter); $engine->addFileData($path_name, $data); $results = $engine->run(); $this->assertEqual( 1, count($results), 'Expect one result returned by linter.'); $result = reset($results); $patcher = ArcanistLintPatcher::newFromArcanistLintResult($result); $after_lint = $patcher->getModifiedFileContent(); } catch (ArcanistPhutilTestTerminatedException $ex) { throw $ex; } catch (Exception $exception) { $caught_exception = true; if ($exception instanceof PhutilAggregateException) { $caught_exception = false; foreach ($exception->getExceptions() as $ex) { if ($ex instanceof ArcanistUsageException) { $this->assertSkipped($ex->getMessage()); } else { $caught_exception = true; } } } else if ($exception instanceof ArcanistUsageException) { $this->assertSkipped($exception->getMessage()); } $exception_message = $exception->getMessage()."\n\n". $exception->getTraceAsString(); } switch ($basename) { default: $this->assertEqual(false, $caught_exception, $exception_message); $this->compareLint($basename, $expect, $result); $this->compareTransform($xform, $after_lint); break; } } private function compareLint($file, $expect, $result) { $seen = array(); $raised = array(); $message_map = array(); foreach ($result->getMessages() as $message) { $sev = $message->getSeverity(); $line = $message->getLine(); $char = $message->getChar(); $code = $message->getCode(); $name = $message->getName(); $message_key = $sev.":".$line.":".$char; $message_map[$message_key] = $message; $seen[] = $message_key; $raised[] = " {$sev} at line {$line}, char {$char}: {$code} {$name}"; } $expect = trim($expect); if ($expect) { $expect = explode("\n", $expect); } else { $expect = array(); } foreach ($expect as $key => $expected) { $expect[$key] = head(explode(' ', $expected)); } $expect = array_fill_keys($expect, true); $seen = array_fill_keys($seen, true); if (!$raised) { $raised = array("No messages."); } $raised = "Actually raised:\n".implode("\n", $raised); foreach (array_diff_key($expect, $seen) as $missing => $ignored) { list($sev, $line, $char) = explode(':', $missing); $this->assertFailure( "In '{$file}', ". "expected lint to raise {$sev} on line {$line} at char {$char}, ". "but no {$sev} was raised. {$raised}"); } foreach (array_diff_key($seen, $expect) as $surprising => $ignored) { $message = $message_map[$surprising]; $message_info = $message->getDescription(); list($sev, $line, $char) = explode(':', $surprising); $this->assertFailure( "In '{$file}', ". "lint raised {$sev} on line {$line} at char {$char}, ". "but nothing was expected:\n\n{$message_info}\n\n{$raised}"); } } protected function compareTransform($expected, $actual) { if (!strlen($expected)) { return; } $this->assertEqual( $expected, $actual, "File as patched by lint did not match the expected patched file."); } }