'Unknown Symbol', self::LINT_DUPLICATE_SYMBOL => 'Duplicate Symbol', self::LINT_ONE_CLASS_PER_FILE => 'One Class Per File', ); } public function getLinterName() { return 'PHL'; } public function getLintSeverityMap() { return array(); } public function willLintPaths(array $paths) { if (!xhpast_is_available()) { throw new Exception(xhpast_get_build_instructions()); } // NOTE: For now, we completely ignore paths and just lint every library in // its entirety. This is simpler and relatively fast because we don't do any // detailed checks and all the data we need for this comes out of module // caches. $bootloader = PhutilBootloader::getInstance(); $libs = $bootloader->getAllLibraries(); // Load the up-to-date map for each library, without loading the library // itself. This means lint results will accurately reflect the state of // the working copy. $arc_root = dirname(phutil_get_library_root('arcanist')); $bin = "{$arc_root}/scripts/phutil_rebuild_map.php"; $symbols = array(); foreach ($libs as $lib) { // Do these one at a time since they individually fanout to saturate // available system resources. $future = new ExecFuture( '%s --show --quiet --ugly -- %s', $bin, phutil_get_library_root($lib)); $symbols[$lib] = $future->resolveJSON(); } $all_symbols = array(); foreach ($symbols as $library => $map) { // Check for files which declare more than one class/interface in the same // file, or mix function definitions with class/interface definitions. We // must isolate autoloadable symbols to one per file so the autoloader // can't end up in an unresolvable cycle. foreach ($map as $file => $spec) { $have = idx($spec, 'have', array()); $have_classes = idx($have, 'class', array()) + idx($have, 'interface', array()); $have_functions = idx($have, 'function'); if ($have_functions && $have_classes) { $function_list = implode(', ', array_keys($have_functions)); $class_list = implode(', ', array_keys($have_classes)); $this->raiseLintInLibrary( $library, $file, end($have_functions), self::LINT_ONE_CLASS_PER_FILE, "File '{$file}' mixes function ({$function_list}) and ". "class/interface ({$class_list}) definitions in the same file. ". "A file which declares a class or an interface MUST ". "declare nothing else."); } else if (count($have_classes) > 1) { $class_list = implode(', ', array_keys($have_classes)); $this->raiseLintInLibrary( $library, $file, end($have_classes), self::LINT_ONE_CLASS_PER_FILE, "File '{$file}' declares more than one class or interface ". "({$class_list}). A file which declares a class or interface MUST ". "declare nothing else."); } } // Check for duplicate symbols: two files providing the same class or // function. foreach ($map as $file => $spec) { $have = idx($spec, 'have', array()); foreach (array('class', 'function', 'interface') as $type) { $libtype = ($type == 'interface') ? 'class' : $type; foreach (idx($have, $type, array()) as $symbol => $offset) { if (empty($all_symbols[$libtype][$symbol])) { $all_symbols[$libtype][$symbol] = array( 'library' => $library, 'file' => $file, 'offset' => $offset, ); continue; } $osrc = $all_symbols[$libtype][$symbol]['file']; $olib = $all_symbols[$libtype][$symbol]['library']; $this->raiseLintInLibrary( $library, $file, $offset, self::LINT_DUPLICATE_SYMBOL, "Definition of {$type} '{$symbol}' in '{$file}' in library ". "'{$library}' duplicates prior definition in '{$osrc}' in ". "library '{$olib}'."); } } } } foreach ($symbols as $library => $map) { // Check for unknown symbols: uses of classes, functions or interfaces // which are not defined anywhere. We reference the list of all symbols // we built up earlier. foreach ($map as $file => $spec) { $need = idx($spec, 'need', array()); foreach (array('class', 'function', 'interface') as $type) { $libtype = ($type == 'interface') ? 'class' : $type; foreach (idx($need, $type, array()) as $symbol => $offset) { if (!empty($all_symbols[$libtype][$symbol])) { // Symbol is defined somewhere. continue; } $this->raiseLintInLibrary( $library, $file, $offset, self::LINT_UNKNOWN_SYMBOL, "Use of unknown {$type} '{$symbol}'. This symbol is not defined ". "in any loaded phutil library."); } } } } } private function raiseLintInLibrary($library, $path, $offset, $code, $desc) { $root = phutil_get_library_root($library); $this->activePath = $root.'/'.$path; $this->raiseLintAtOffset($offset, $code, $desc); } public function lintPath($path) { return; } }