#!/usr/bin/env php <?php /* * Copyright 2012 Facebook, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ $builtin_classes = get_declared_classes(); $builtin_interfaces = get_declared_interfaces(); $builtin_functions = get_defined_functions(); $builtin_functions = $builtin_functions['internal']; $builtin = array( 'class' => array_fill_keys($builtin_classes, true) + array( 'PhutilBootloader' => true, ), 'function' => array_filter( array( 'empty' => true, 'isset' => true, 'echo' => true, 'print' => true, 'exit' => true, 'die' => true, 'phutil_is_windows' => true, // HPHP/i defines these functions as 'internal', but they are NOT // builtins and do not exist in vanilla PHP. Make sure we don't mark them // as builtin since we need to add dependencies for them. 'idx' => false, 'id' => false, ) + array_fill_keys($builtin_functions, true)), 'interface' => array_fill_keys($builtin_interfaces, true), ); require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/__init_script__.php'; if ($argc != 2) { $self = basename($argv[0]); echo "usage: {$self} <module>\n"; exit(1); } phutil_require_module('phutil', 'filesystem'); $dir = Filesystem::resolvePath($argv[1]); phutil_require_module('phutil', 'parser/docblock'); phutil_require_module('phutil', 'parser/xhpast/bin'); phutil_require_module('phutil', 'parser/xhpast/api/tree'); phutil_require_module('arcanist', 'lint/linter/phutilmodule'); phutil_require_module('arcanist', 'lint/message'); phutil_require_module('arcanist', 'parser/phutilmodule'); $data = array(); $futures = array(); foreach (Filesystem::listDirectory($dir, $hidden_files = false) as $file) { if (!preg_match('/.php$/', $file)) { continue; } $data[$file] = Filesystem::readFile($dir.'/'.$file); $futures[$file] = xhpast_get_parser_future($data[$file]); } $requirements = new PhutilModuleRequirements(); $requirements->addBuiltins($builtin); $doc_parser = new PhutilDocblockParser(); $has_init = false; $has_files = false; foreach (Futures($futures) as $file => $future) { try { $tree = XHPASTTree::newFromDataAndResolvedExecFuture( $data[$file], $future->resolve()); } catch (XHPASTSyntaxErrorException $ex) { echo "Syntax Error! In '{$file}': ".$ex->getMessage()."\n"; exit(1); } $root = $tree->getRootNode(); $requirements->setCurrentFile($file); if ($file == '__init__.php') { $has_init = true; $calls = $root->selectDescendantsOfType('n_FUNCTION_CALL'); foreach ($calls as $call) { $name = $call->getChildByIndex(0); $call_name = $name->getConcreteString(); if ($call_name == 'phutil_require_source') { $params = $call->getChildByIndex(1)->getChildren(); if (count($params) !== 1) { $requirements->addLint( $call, $call->getConcreteString(), ArcanistPhutilModuleLinter::LINT_ANALYZER_SIGNATURE, "Call to phutil_require_source() must have exactly one argument."); continue; } $param = reset($params); $value = $param->getStringLiteralValue(); if ($value === null) { $requirements->addLint( $param, $param->getConcreteString(), ArcanistPhutilModuleLinter::LINT_ANALYZER_SIGNATURE, "phutil_require_source() parameter must be a string literal."); continue; } $requirements->addSourceDependency($name, $value); } else if ($call_name == 'phutil_require_module') { analyze_phutil_require_module($call, $requirements, true); } } } else { $has_files = true; $requirements->addSourceDeclaration(basename($file)); // Find symbols declared as "@phutil-external-symbol function example", // and ignore these in building dependency lists. $externals = array(); foreach ($root->getTokens() as $token) { if ($token->getTypeName() == 'T_DOC_COMMENT') { list($block, $special) = $doc_parser->parse($token->getValue()); $ext_list = idx($special, 'phutil-external-symbol'); $ext_list = explode("\n", $ext_list); $ext_list = array_filter($ext_list); foreach ($ext_list as $ext_ref) { $matches = null; if (preg_match('/^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)/', $ext_ref, $matches)) { $externals[$matches[1]][$matches[2]] = true; } } } } // Function uses: // - Explicit call // TODO?: String literal in ReflectionFunction(). $calls = $root->selectDescendantsOfType('n_FUNCTION_CALL'); foreach ($calls as $call) { $name = $call->getChildByIndex(0); if ($name->getTypeName() == 'n_VARIABLE' || $name->getTypeName() == 'n_VARIABLE_VARIABLE') { $requirements->addLint( $name, $name->getConcreteString(), ArcanistPhutilModuleLinter::LINT_ANALYZER_DYNAMIC, "Use of variable function calls prevents dependencies from being ". "checked statically. This module may have undetectable errors."); continue; } if ($name->getTypeName() == 'n_CLASS_STATIC_ACCESS') { // We'll pick this up later. continue; } $call_name = $name->getConcreteString(); if ($call_name == 'phutil_require_module') { analyze_phutil_require_module($call, $requirements, false); } else if ($call_name == 'call_user_func' || $call_name == 'call_user_func_array') { $params = $call->getChildByIndex(1)->getChildren(); if (count($params) == 0) { $requirements->addLint( $call, $call->getConcreteString(), ArcanistPhutilModuleLinter::LINT_ANALYZER_SIGNATURE, "Call to {$call_name}() must have at least one argument."); } $symbol = array_shift($params); $symbol_value = $symbol->getStringLiteralValue(); if ($symbol_value) { $requirements->addFunctionDependency( $symbol, $symbol_value); } else { $requirements->addLint( $symbol, $symbol->getConcreteString(), ArcanistPhutilModuleLinter::LINT_ANALYZER_DYNAMIC, "Use of variable arguments to {$call_name} prevents dependencies ". "from being checked statically. This module may have undetectable ". "errors."); } } else if (empty($externals['function'][$name->getConcreteString()])) { $requirements->addFunctionDependency( $name, $name->getConcreteString()); } } $functions = $root->selectDescendantsOfType('n_FUNCTION_DECLARATION'); foreach ($functions as $function) { $name = $function->getChildByIndex(2); $requirements->addFunctionDeclaration( $name, $name->getConcreteString()); } // Class uses: // - new // - extends (in class declaration) // - Static method call // - Static property access // - Constant use // TODO?: String literal in ReflectionClass(). // TODO?: String literal in array literal in call_user_func / // call_user_func_array(). // TODO: Raise a soft warning for use of an unknown class in: // - Typehints // - instanceof // - catch $classes = $root->selectDescendantsOfType('n_CLASS_DECLARATION'); foreach ($classes as $class) { $class_name = $class->getChildByIndex(1); $requirements->addClassDeclaration( $class_name, $class_name->getConcreteString()); $extends = $class->getChildByIndex(2); foreach ($extends->selectDescendantsOfType('n_CLASS_NAME') as $parent) { if (empty($externals['class'][$parent->getConcreteString()])) { $requirements->addClassDependency( $class_name->getConcreteString(), $parent, $parent->getConcreteString()); } } $implements = $class->getChildByIndex(3); $interfaces = $implements->selectDescendantsOfType('n_CLASS_NAME'); foreach ($interfaces as $interface) { if (empty($externals['interface'][$interface->getConcreteString()])) { $requirements->addInterfaceDependency( $class_name->getConcreteString(), $interface, $interface->getConcreteString()); } } } if (count($classes) > 1) { foreach ($classes as $class) { $class_name = $class->getChildByIndex(1); $class_string = $class_name->getConcreteString(); $requirements->addLint( $class_name, $class_string, ArcanistPhutilModuleLinter::LINT_ANALYZER_MULTIPLE_CLASSES, "This file declares more than one class. Declare only one class per ". "file."); break; } } $uses_of_new = $root->selectDescendantsOfType('n_NEW'); foreach ($uses_of_new as $new_operator) { $name = $new_operator->getChildByIndex(0); if ($name->getTypeName() == 'n_VARIABLE' || $name->getTypeName() == 'n_VARIABLE_VARIABLE') { $requirements->addLint( $name, $name->getConcreteString(), ArcanistPhutilModuleLinter::LINT_ANALYZER_DYNAMIC, "Use of variable class instantiation prevents dependencies from ". "being checked statically. This module may have undetectable ". "errors."); continue; } if (empty($externals['class'][$name->getConcreteString()])) { $requirements->addClassDependency( null, $name, $name->getConcreteString()); } } $static_uses = $root->selectDescendantsOfType('n_CLASS_STATIC_ACCESS'); foreach ($static_uses as $static_use) { $name = $static_use->getChildByIndex(0); if ($name->getTypeName() != 'n_CLASS_NAME') { echo "WARNING UNLINTABLE\n"; continue; } $name_concrete = $name->getConcreteString(); $magic_names = array( 'static' => true, 'parent' => true, 'self' => true, ); if (isset($magic_names[$name_concrete])) { continue; } if (empty($externals['class'][$name_concrete])) { $requirements->addClassDependency( null, $name, $name_concrete); } } // Interface uses: // - implements // - extends (in interface declaration) $interfaces = $root->selectDescendantsOfType('n_INTERFACE_DECLARATION'); foreach ($interfaces as $interface) { $interface_name = $interface->getChildByIndex(1); $requirements->addInterfaceDeclaration( $interface_name, $interface_name->getConcreteString()); $extends = $interface->getChildByIndex(2); foreach ($extends->selectDescendantsOfType('n_CLASS_NAME') as $parent) { if (empty($externals['interface'][$parent->getConcreteString()])) { $requirements->addInterfaceDependency( $interface_name->getConcreteString(), $parent, $parent->getConcreteString()); } } } } } if (!$has_init && $has_files) { $requirements->addRawLint( ArcanistPhutilModuleLinter::LINT_ANALYZER_NO_INIT, "Create an __init__.php file in this module."); } echo json_encode($requirements->toDictionary()); /** * Parses meaning from calls to phutil_require_module() in __init__.php files. * * @group module */ function analyze_phutil_require_module( XHPASTNode $call, PhutilModuleRequirements $requirements, $create_dependency) { $name = $call->getChildByIndex(0); $params = $call->getChildByIndex(1)->getChildren(); if (count($params) !== 2) { $requirements->addLint( $call, $call->getConcreteString(), ArcanistPhutilModuleLinter::LINT_ANALYZER_SIGNATURE, "Call to phutil_require_module() must have exactly two arguments."); return; } $module_param = array_pop($params); $library_param = array_pop($params); $library_value = $library_param->getStringLiteralValue(); if ($library_value === null) { $requirements->addLint( $library_param, $library_param->getConcreteString(), ArcanistPhutilModuleLinter::LINT_ANALYZER_SIGNATURE, "phutil_require_module() parameters must be string literals."); return; } $module_value = $module_param->getStringLiteralValue(); if ($module_value === null) { $requirements->addLint( $module_param, $module_param->getConcreteString(), ArcanistPhutilModuleLinter::LINT_ANALYZER_SIGNATURE, "phutil_require_module() parameters must be string literals."); return; } if ($create_dependency) { $requirements->addModuleDependency( $name, $library_value.':'.$module_value); } }