array( 'param' => 'revision', 'help' => pht( 'Run unit tests covering changes since a specific revision.'), 'supports' => array( 'git', 'hg', ), 'nosupport' => array( 'svn' => pht( 'Arc unit does not currently support %s in SVN.', '--rev'), ), ), 'engine' => array( 'param' => 'classname', 'help' => pht('Override configured unit engine for this project.'), ), 'coverage' => array( 'help' => pht('Always enable coverage information.'), 'conflicts' => array( 'no-coverage' => null, ), ), 'no-coverage' => array( 'help' => pht('Always disable coverage information.'), ), 'detailed-coverage' => array( 'help' => pht( 'Show a detailed coverage report on the CLI. Implies %s.', '--coverage'), ), 'json' => array( 'help' => pht('Report results in JSON format.'), ), 'output' => array( 'param' => 'format', 'help' => pht( "With 'full', show full pretty report (Default). ". "With 'json', report results in JSON format. ". "With 'ugly', use uglier (but more efficient) JSON formatting. ". "With 'none', don't print results."), 'conflicts' => array( 'json' => pht('Only one output format allowed'), 'ugly' => pht('Only one output format allowed'), ), ), 'target' => array( 'param' => 'phid', 'help' => pht( '(PROTOTYPE) Record a copy of the test results on the specified '. 'Harbormaster build target.'), ), 'everything' => array( 'help' => pht('Run every test.'), 'conflicts' => array( 'rev' => pht('%s runs all tests.', '--everything'), ), ), 'ugly' => array( 'help' => pht( 'With %s, use uglier (but more efficient) formatting.', '--json'), ), '*' => 'paths', ); } public function requiresWorkingCopy() { return true; } public function requiresRepositoryAPI() { return true; } public function requiresConduit() { return $this->shouldUploadResults(); } public function requiresAuthentication() { return $this->shouldUploadResults(); } public function getEngine() { return $this->engine; } public function run() { $working_copy = $this->getWorkingCopy(); $paths = $this->getArgument('paths'); $rev = $this->getArgument('rev'); $everything = $this->getArgument('everything'); if ($everything && $paths) { throw new ArcanistUsageException( pht( 'You can not specify paths with %s. The %s flag runs every test.', '--everything', '--everything')); } if ($everything) { $paths = iterator_to_array($this->getRepositoryApi()->getAllFiles()); } else { $paths = $this->selectPathsForWorkflow($paths, $rev); } $this->engine = $this->newUnitTestEngine($this->getArgument('engine')); if ($everything) { $this->engine->setRunAllTests(true); } else { $this->engine->setPaths($paths); } $renderer = new ArcanistUnitConsoleRenderer(); $this->engine->setRenderer($renderer); $enable_coverage = null; // Means "default". if ($this->getArgument('coverage') || $this->getArgument('detailed-coverage')) { $enable_coverage = true; } else if ($this->getArgument('no-coverage')) { $enable_coverage = false; } $this->engine->setEnableCoverage($enable_coverage); $results = $this->engine->run(); $this->validateUnitEngineResults($this->engine, $results); $this->testResults = $results; $console = PhutilConsole::getConsole(); $output_format = $this->getOutputFormat(); if ($output_format !== 'full') { $console->disableOut(); } $unresolved = array(); $coverage = array(); foreach ($results as $result) { $result_code = $result->getResult(); if ($this->engine->shouldEchoTestResults()) { $console->writeOut('%s', $renderer->renderUnitResult($result)); } if ($result_code != ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_PASS) { $unresolved[] = $result; } if ($result->getCoverage()) { foreach ($result->getCoverage() as $file => $report) { $coverage[$file][] = $report; } } } if ($coverage) { $file_coverage = array_fill_keys( $paths, 0); $file_reports = array(); foreach ($coverage as $file => $reports) { $report = ArcanistUnitTestResult::mergeCoverage($reports); $cov = substr_count($report, 'C'); $uncov = substr_count($report, 'U'); if ($cov + $uncov) { $coverage = $cov / ($cov + $uncov); } else { $coverage = 0; } $file_coverage[$file] = $coverage; $file_reports[$file] = $report; } $console->writeOut("\n__%s__\n", pht('COVERAGE REPORT')); asort($file_coverage); foreach ($file_coverage as $file => $coverage) { $console->writeOut( " **%s%%** %s\n", sprintf('% 3d', (int)(100 * $coverage)), $file); $full_path = $working_copy->getProjectRoot().'/'.$file; if ($this->getArgument('detailed-coverage') && Filesystem::pathExists($full_path) && is_file($full_path) && array_key_exists($file, $file_reports)) { $console->writeOut( '%s', $this->renderDetailedCoverageReport( Filesystem::readFile($full_path), $file_reports[$file])); } } } $this->unresolvedTests = $unresolved; $overall_result = self::RESULT_OKAY; foreach ($results as $result) { $result_code = $result->getResult(); if ($result_code == ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_FAIL || $result_code == ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_BROKEN) { $overall_result = self::RESULT_FAIL; break; } else if ($result_code == ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_UNSOUND) { $overall_result = self::RESULT_UNSOUND; } } if ($output_format !== 'full') { $console->enableOut(); } $data = array_values(mpull($results, 'toDictionary')); switch ($output_format) { case 'ugly': $console->writeOut('%s', json_encode($data)); break; case 'json': $json = new PhutilJSON(); $console->writeOut('%s', $json->encodeFormatted($data)); break; case 'full': // already printed break; case 'none': // do nothing break; } $target_phid = $this->getArgument('target'); if ($target_phid) { $this->uploadTestResults($target_phid, $overall_result, $results); } return $overall_result; } public function getUnresolvedTests() { return $this->unresolvedTests; } public function getTestResults() { return $this->testResults; } private function renderDetailedCoverageReport($data, $report) { $data = explode("\n", $data); $out = ''; $n = 0; foreach ($data as $line) { $out .= sprintf('% 5d ', $n + 1); $line = str_pad($line, 80, ' '); if (empty($report[$n])) { $c = 'N'; } else { $c = $report[$n]; } switch ($c) { case 'C': $out .= phutil_console_format( ' %s ', $line); break; case 'U': $out .= phutil_console_format( ' %s ', $line); break; case 'X': $out .= phutil_console_format( ' %s ', $line); break; default: $out .= ' '.$line.' '; break; } $out .= "\n"; $n++; } return $out; } private function getOutputFormat() { if ($this->getArgument('ugly')) { return 'ugly'; } if ($this->getArgument('json')) { return 'json'; } $format = $this->getArgument('output'); $known_formats = array( 'none' => 'none', 'json' => 'json', 'ugly' => 'ugly', 'full' => 'full', ); return idx($known_formats, $format, 'full'); } /** * Raise a tailored error when a unit test engine returns results in an * invalid format. * * @param ArcanistUnitTestEngine The engine. * @param wild Results from the engine. */ private function validateUnitEngineResults( ArcanistUnitTestEngine $engine, $results) { if (!is_array($results)) { throw new Exception( pht( 'Unit test engine (of class "%s") returned invalid results when '. 'run (with method "%s"). Expected a list of "%s" objects as results.', get_class($engine), 'run()', 'ArcanistUnitTestResult')); } foreach ($results as $key => $result) { if (!($result instanceof ArcanistUnitTestResult)) { throw new Exception( pht( 'Unit test engine (of class "%s") returned invalid results when '. 'run (with method "%s"). Expected a list of "%s" objects as '. 'results, but value with key "%s" is not valid.', get_class($engine), 'run()', 'ArcanistUnitTestResult', $key)); } } } public static function getHarbormasterTypeFromResult($unit_result) { switch ($unit_result) { case self::RESULT_OKAY: case self::RESULT_SKIP: $type = 'pass'; break; default: $type = 'fail'; break; } return $type; } private function shouldUploadResults() { return ($this->getArgument('target') !== null); } private function uploadTestResults( $target_phid, $unit_result, array $unit) { // TODO: It would eventually be nice to stream test results up to the // server as we go, but just get things working for now. $message_type = self::getHarbormasterTypeFromResult($unit_result); foreach ($unit as $key => $result) { $dictionary = $result->toDictionary(); $unit[$key] = $this->getModernUnitDictionary($dictionary); } $this->getConduit()->callMethodSynchronous( 'harbormaster.sendmessage', array( 'buildTargetPHID' => $target_phid, 'unit' => array_values($unit), 'type' => $message_type, )); } }