array( 'param' => 'master', 'help' => "Land feature branch onto a branch other than the default ". "('master' in git, 'default' in hg). You can change the ". "default by setting '' with ". "`arc set-config` or for the entire project in .arcconfig.", ), 'hold' => array( 'help' => "Prepare the change to be pushed, but do not actually ". "push it.", ), 'keep-branch' => array( 'help' => "Keep the feature branch after pushing changes to the ". "remote (by default, it is deleted).", ), 'remote' => array( 'param' => 'origin', 'help' => "Push to a remote other than the default ('origin' in git).", ), 'merge' => array( 'help' => 'Perform a --no-ff merge, not a --squash merge. If the '. 'project is marked as having an immutable history, this is '. 'the default behavior.', 'supports' => array( 'git', ), 'nosupport' => array( 'hg' => 'Use the --squash strategy when landing in mercurial.', ), ), 'squash' => array( 'help' => 'Perform a --squash merge, not a --no-ff merge. If the '. 'project is marked as having a mutable history, this is '. 'the default behavior.', 'conflicts' => array( 'merge' => '--merge and --squash are conflicting merge strategies.', ), ), 'delete-remote' => array( 'help' => 'Delete the feature branch in the remote after '. 'landing it.', 'conflicts' => array( 'keep-branch' => true, ), ), 'update-with-rebase' => array( 'help' => 'When updating the feature branch, use rebase intead of '. 'merge. This might make things work better in some cases.', 'conflicts' => array( 'merge' => 'The --merge strategy does not update the feature branch.', ), ), 'revision' => array( 'param' => 'id', 'help' => 'Use the message from a specific revision, rather than '. 'inferring the revision based on branch content.', ), '*' => 'branch', ); } public function run() { $this->readArguments(); $this->validate(); try { $this->pullFromRemote(); } catch (Exception $ex) { $this->restoreBranch(); throw $ex; } $this->checkoutBranch(); $this->findRevision(); if ($this->useSquash) { $this->rebase(); $this->squash(); } else { $this->merge(); } $this->push(); if (!$this->keepBranch) { $this->cleanupBranch(); } if ($this->oldBranch != $this->onto) { // If we were on some branch A and the user ran "arc land B", // switch back to A. if ($this->keepBranch || $this->oldBranch != $this->branch) { $this->restoreBranch(); } } echo "Done.\n"; return 0; } private function readArguments() { $repository_api = $this->getRepositoryAPI(); $this->isGit = $repository_api instanceof ArcanistGitAPI; $this->isHg = $repository_api instanceof ArcanistMercurialAPI; if (!$this->isGit && !$this->isHg) { throw new ArcanistUsageException( "'arc land' only supports git and mercurial."); } if ($this->isGit) { $repository = $this->loadProjectRepository(); $this->isGitSvn = (idx($repository, 'vcs') == 'svn'); } if ($this->isHg) { $this->isHgSvn = $repository_api->isHgSubversionRepo(); } $branch = $this->getArgument('branch'); if (empty($branch)) { $branch = $this->getBranchOrBookmark(); if ($branch) { $this->branchType = $this->getBranchType($branch); echo "Landing current {$this->branchType} '{$branch}'.\n"; $branch = array($branch); } } if (count($branch) !== 1) { throw new ArcanistUsageException( "Specify exactly one branch or bookmark to land changes from."); } $this->branch = head($branch); $this->keepBranch = $this->getArgument('keep-branch'); $this->shouldUpdateWithRebase = $this->getArgument('update-with-rebase'); if (!$this->branchType) { $this->branchType = $this->getBranchType($this->branch); } $onto_default = $this->isGit ? 'master' : 'default'; $onto_default = nonempty( $this->getWorkingCopy()->getConfigFromAnySource(''), $onto_default); $this->onto = $this->getArgument('onto', $onto_default); $this->ontoType = $this->getBranchType($this->onto); $remote_default = $this->isGit ? 'origin' : ''; $this->remote = $this->getArgument('remote', $remote_default); if ($this->getArgument('merge')) { $this->useSquash = false; } else if ($this->getArgument('squash')) { $this->useSquash = true; } else { $this->useSquash = !$this->isHistoryImmutable(); } $this->ontoRemoteBranch = $this->onto; if ($this->isGitSvn) { $this->ontoRemoteBranch = 'trunk'; } else if ($this->isGit) { $this->ontoRemoteBranch = $this->remote.'/'.$this->onto; } $this->oldBranch = $this->getBranchOrBookmark(); } private function validate() { $repository_api = $this->getRepositoryAPI(); if ($this->onto == $this->branch) { $message = "You can not land a {$this->branchType} onto itself -- you are trying". "to land '{$this->branch}' onto '{$this->onto}'. For more". "information on how to push changes, see 'Pushing and Closing". "Revisions' in 'Arcanist User Guide: arc diff' in the documentation."; if (!$this->isHistoryImmutable()) { $message .= " You may be able to 'arc amend' instead."; } throw new ArcanistUsageException($message); } if ($this->isHg) { if ($this->useSquash) { if (!$repository_api->supportsRebase()) { throw new ArcanistUsageException( "You must enable the rebase extension to use ". "the --squash strategy."); } } if ($this->branchType != $this->ontoType) { throw new ArcanistUsageException( "Source {$this->branch} is a {$this->branchType} but destination ". "{$this->onto} is a {$this->ontoType}. When landing a ". "{$this->branchType}, the destination must also be a ". "{$this->branchType}. Use --onto to specify a {$this->branchType}, ". "or set in .arcconfig."); } } if ($this->isGit) { list($err) = $repository_api->execManualLocal( 'rev-parse --verify %s', $this->branch); if ($err) { throw new ArcanistUsageException( "Branch '{$this->branch}' does not exist."); } } $this->requireCleanWorkingCopy(); } private function checkoutBranch() { $repository_api = $this->getRepositoryAPI(); if ($this->getBranchOrBookmark() != $this->branch) { $repository_api->execxLocal( 'checkout %s', $this->branch); } echo phutil_console_format( "Switched to {$this->branchType} **%s**. Identifying and merging...\n", $this->branch); } private function findRevision() { $repository_api = $this->getRepositoryAPI(); $this->parseBaseCommitArgument(array($this->ontoRemoteBranch)); $revision_id = $this->getArgument('revision'); if ($revision_id) { $revision_id = $this->normalizeRevisionID($revision_id); $revisions = $this->getConduit()->callMethodSynchronous( 'differential.query', array( 'ids' => array($revision_id), )); if (!$revisions) { throw new ArcanistUsageException("No such revision 'D{$revision_id}'!"); } } else { $revisions = $repository_api->loadWorkingCopyDifferentialRevisions( $this->getConduit(), array( 'authors' => array($this->getUserPHID()), )); } if (!count($revisions)) { throw new ArcanistUsageException( "arc can not identify which revision exists on {$this->branchType} ". "'{$this->branch}'. Update the revision with recent changes ". "to synchronize the {$this->branchType} name and hashes, or use ". "'arc amend' to amend the commit message at HEAD, or use ". "'--revision ' to select a revision explicitly."); } else if (count($revisions) > 1) { $message = "There are multiple revisions on feature {$this->branchType} ". "'{$this->branch}' which are not present on '{$this->onto}':\n\n". $this->renderRevisionList($revisions)."\n". "Separate these revisions onto different {$this->branchType}s, or use ". "'--revision ' to select one."; throw new ArcanistUsageException($message); } $this->revision = head($revisions); $rev_status = $this->revision['status']; $rev_id = $this->revision['id']; $rev_title = $this->revision['title']; $rev_auxiliary = idx($this->revision, 'auxiliary', array()); if ($rev_status != ArcanistDifferentialRevisionStatus::ACCEPTED) { $ok = phutil_console_confirm( "Revision 'D{$rev_id}: {$rev_title}' has not been ". "accepted. Continue anyway?"); if (!$ok) { throw new ArcanistUserAbortException(); } } if ($rev_auxiliary) { $phids = idx($rev_auxiliary, 'phabricator:depends-on', array()); $dep_on_revs = $this->getConduit()->callMethodSynchronous( 'differential.query', array( 'phids' => $phids, 'status' => 'status-open', )); $open_dep_revs = array(); foreach ($dep_on_revs as $dep_on_rev) { $dep_on_rev_id = $dep_on_rev['id']; $dep_on_rev_title = $dep_on_rev['title']; $dep_on_rev_status = $dep_on_rev['status']; $open_dep_revs[$dep_on_rev_id] = $dep_on_rev_title; } if (!empty($open_dep_revs)) { $open_revs = array(); foreach ($open_dep_revs as $id => $title) { $open_revs[] = " - D".$id.": ".$title; } $open_revs = implode("\n", $open_revs); echo "Revision 'D{$rev_id}: {$rev_title}' depends ". "on open revisions:\n\n"; echo $open_revs; $ok = phutil_console_confirm("Continue anyway?"); if (!$ok) { throw new ArcanistUserAbortException(); } } } $message = $this->getConduit()->callMethodSynchronous( 'differential.getcommitmessage', array( 'revision_id' => $rev_id, )); $this->messageFile = new TempFile(); Filesystem::writeFile($this->messageFile, $message); echo "Landing revision 'D{$rev_id}: ". "{$rev_title}'...\n"; } private function pullFromRemote() { $repository_api = $this->getRepositoryAPI(); $local_ahead_of_remote = false; if ($this->isGit) { $repository_api->execxLocal('checkout %s', $this->onto); echo phutil_console_format( "Switched to branch **%s**. Updating branch...\n", $this->onto); try { $repository_api->execxLocal('pull --ff-only --no-stat'); } catch (CommandException $ex) { if (!$this->isGitSvn) { throw $ex; } list($out) = $repository_api->execxLocal( 'log %s..%s', $this->ontoRemoteBranch, $this->onto); if (strlen(trim($out))) { $local_ahead_of_remote = true; } else { $repository_api->execxLocal('svn rebase'); } } } else if ($this->isHg) { echo phutil_console_format( "Updating **%s**...\n", $this->onto); if ($repository_api->supportsPhases()) { list($out) = $repository_api->execxLocal( 'log -r %s --template {phase}', $this->onto); if ($out != 'public') { $local_ahead_of_remote = true; } } else { // execManual instead of execx because outgoing returns // code 1 when there is nothing outgoing list($err, $out) = $repository_api->execManualLocal( 'outgoing -r %s', $this->onto); // $err === 0 means something is outgoing if ($err === 0) { $local_ahead_of_remote = true; } } if (!$local_ahead_of_remote) { try { $repository_api->execxLocal('pull'); } catch (CommandException $ex) { $err = $ex->getError(); $stdout = $ex->getStdOut(); // Copied from: PhabricatorRepositoryPullLocalDaemon.php // NOTE: Between versions 2.1 and 2.1.1, Mercurial changed the // behavior of "hg pull" to return 1 in case of a successful pull // with no changes. This behavior has been reverted, but users who // updated between Feb 1, 2012 and Mar 1, 2012 will have the // erroring version. Do a dumb test against stdout to check for this // possibility. // See: // NOTE: Mercurial has translated versions, which translate this error // string. In a translated version, the string will be something else, // like "aucun changement trouve". There didn't seem to be an easy way // to handle this (there are hard ways but this is not a common // problem and only creates log spam, not application failures). // Assume English. // TODO: Remove this once we're far enough in the future that // deployment of 2.1 is exceedingly rare? if ($err == 1 && preg_match('/no changes found/', $stdout)) { return; } else { throw $ex; } } } } if ($local_ahead_of_remote) { throw new ArcanistUsageException( "Local {$this->ontoType} '{$this->onto}' is ahead of remote ". "{$this->ontoType} '{$this->ontoRemoteBranch}', so landing a feature ". "{$this->ontoType} would push additional changes. Push or reset the ". "changes in '{$this->onto}' before running 'arc land'."); } } private function rebase() { $repository_api = $this->getRepositoryAPI(); chdir($repository_api->getPath()); if ($this->isGit) { if ($this->shouldUpdateWithRebase) { $err = phutil_passthru('git rebase %s', $this->onto); if ($err) { throw new ArcanistUsageException( "'git rebase {$this->onto}' failed. ". "You can abort with 'git rebase --abort', ". "or resolve conflicts and use 'git rebase ". "--continue' to continue forward. After resolving the rebase, ". "run 'arc land' again."); } } else { $err = phutil_passthru( 'git merge %s -m %s', $this->onto, "Automatic merge by 'arc land'"); if ($err) { throw new ArcanistUsageException( "'git merge {$this->onto}' failed. ". "To continue: resolve the conflicts, commit the changes, then run ". "'arc land' again. To abort: run 'git merge --abort'."); } } } else if ($this->isHg) { $onto_tip = $repository_api->getCanonicalRevisionName($this->onto); $common_ancestor = $repository_api->getCanonicalRevisionName( hgsprintf("ancestor(%s, %s)", $this->onto, $this->branch)); // Only rebase if the local branch is not at the tip of the onto branch. if ($onto_tip != $common_ancestor) { // keep branch here so later we can decide whether to remove it $err = $repository_api->execPassthru( 'rebase -d %s --keepbranches', $this->onto); if ($err) { throw new ArcanistUsageException( "'hg rebase {$this->onto}' failed. ". "You can abort with 'hg rebase --abort', ". "or resolve conflicts and use 'hg rebase ". "--continue' to continue forward. After resolving the rebase, ". "run 'arc land' again."); } } } $repository_api->reloadWorkingCopy(); } private function squash() { $repository_api = $this->getRepositoryAPI(); if ($this->isGit) { $repository_api->execxLocal('checkout %s', $this->onto); $repository_api->execxLocal( 'merge --squash --ff-only %s', $this->branch); } else if ($this->isHg) { // The hg code is a little more complex than git's because we // need to handle the case where the landing branch has child branches: // -a--------b master // \ // w--x mybranch // \--y subbranch1 // \--z subbranch2 // // arc land --branch mybranch --onto master : // -a--b--wx master // \--y subbranch1 // \--z subbranch2 $branch_rev_id = $repository_api->getCanonicalRevisionName($this->branch); // At this point $this->onto has been pulled from remote and // $this->branch has been rebased on top of onto(by the rebase() // function). So we're guaranteed to have onto as an ancestor of branch // when we use first((onto::branch)-onto) below. $branch_root = $repository_api->getCanonicalRevisionName( hgsprintf("first((%s::%s)-%s)", $this->onto, $this->branch, $this->onto)); $branch_range = hgsprintf( "(%s::%s)", $branch_root, $this->branch); if (!$this->keepBranch) { $this->handleAlternateBranches($branch_root, $branch_range); } // Collapse just the landing branch onto master. // Leave its children on the original branch. $repository_api->execxLocal( 'rebase --collapse --keep --logfile %s -r %s -d %s', $this->messageFile, $branch_range, $this->onto); if ($repository_api->isBookmark($this->branch)) { // a bug in mercurial means bookmarks end up on the revision prior // to the collapse when using --collapse with --keep, // so we manually move them to the correct spots // see: $repository_api->execxLocal( 'bookmark -f %s', $this->onto); $repository_api->execxLocal( 'bookmark -f %s -r %s', $this->branch, $branch_rev_id); } // check if the branch had children list($output) = $repository_api->execxLocal( "log -r %s --template '{node}\\n'", hgsprintf("children(%s)", $this->branch)); $child_branch_roots = phutil_split_lines($output, false); $child_branch_roots = array_filter($child_branch_roots); if ($child_branch_roots) { // move the branch's children onto the collapsed commit foreach ($child_branch_roots as $child_root) { $repository_api->execxLocal( 'rebase -d %s -s %s --keep --keepbranches', $this->onto, $child_root); } } // delete the old branch if necessary if (!$this->keepBranch) { $repository_api->execxLocal( '--config strip -r %s', $branch_root); if ($repository_api->isBookmark($this->branch)) { $repository_api->execxLocal( 'bookmark -d %s', $this->branch); } } // All the rebases may have moved us to another branch // so we move back. $repository_api->execxLocal('checkout %s', $this->onto); } } /** * Detect alternate branches and prompt the user for how to handle * them. An alternate branch is a branch that forks from the landing * branch prior to the landing branch tip. * * In a situation like this: * -a--------b master * \ * w--x landingbranch * \ \-- g subbranch * \--y altbranch1 * \--z altbranch2 * * y and z are alternate branches and will get deleted by the squash, * so we need to detect them and ask the user what they want to do. * * @param string The revision id of the landing branch's root commit. * @param string The revset specifying all the commits in the landing branch. * @return void */ private function handleAlternateBranches($branch_root, $branch_range) { $repository_api = $this->getRepositoryAPI(); // Using the tree in the doccomment, the revset below resolves as follows: // 1. roots(descendants(w) - descendants(x) - (w::x)) // 2. roots({x,g,y,z} - {g} - {w,x}) // 3. roots({y,z}) // 4. {y,z} $alt_branch_revset = hgsprintf( 'roots(descendants(%s)-descendants(%s)-%R)', $branch_root, $this->branch, $branch_range); list($alt_branches) = $repository_api->execxLocal( "log --template '{node}\n' -r %s", $alt_branch_revset); $alt_branches = phutil_split_lines($alt_branches, false); $alt_branches = array_filter($alt_branches); $alt_count = count($alt_branches); if ($alt_count > 0) { $input = phutil_console_prompt( ucfirst($this->branchType)." '{$this->branch}' has {$alt_count} ". "{$this->branchType}(s) forking off of it that would be deleted ". "during a squash. Would you like to keep a non-squashed copy, rebase ". "them on top of '{$this->branch}', or abort and deal with them ". "yourself? (k)eep, (r)ebase, (a)bort:"); if ($input == 'k' || $input == 'keep') { $this->keepBranch = true; } else if ($input == 'r' || $input == 'rebase') { foreach ($alt_branches as $alt_branch) { $repository_api->execxLocal( 'rebase --keep --keepbranches -d %s -s %s', $this->branch, $alt_branch); } } else if ($input == 'a' || $input == 'abort') { $branch_string = implode("\n", $alt_branches); echo "\nRemove the {$this->branchType}s starting at these revisions ". "and run arc land again:\n{$branch_string}\n\n"; throw new ArcanistUserAbortException(); } else { throw new ArcanistUsageException("Invalid choice. Aborting arc land."); } } } private function merge() { $repository_api = $this->getRepositoryAPI(); // In immutable histories, do a --no-ff merge to force a merge commit with // the right message. $repository_api->execxLocal('checkout %s', $this->onto); chdir($repository_api->getPath()); if ($this->isGit) { $err = phutil_passthru( 'git merge --no-ff --no-commit %s', $this->branch); if ($err) { throw new ArcanistUsageException( "'git merge' failed. Your working copy has been left in a partially ". "merged state. You can: abort with 'git merge --abort'; or follow ". "the instructions to complete the merge."); } } else if ($this->isHg) { // HG arc land currently doesn't support --merge. // When merging a bookmark branch to a master branch that // hasn't changed since the fork, mercurial fails to merge. // Instead of only working in some cases, we just disable --merge // until there is a demand for it. // The user should never reach this line, since --merge is // forbidden at the command line argument level. throw new ArcanistUsageException( "--merge is not currently supported for hg repos."); } } private function push() { $repository_api = $this->getRepositoryAPI(); if ($this->isGit) { $repository_api->execxLocal( 'commit -F %s', $this->messageFile); } else if ($this->isHg) { // hg rebase produces a commit earlier as part of rebase if (!$this->useSquash) { $repository_api->execxLocal( 'commit --logfile %s', $this->messageFile); } } if ($this->getArgument('hold')) { echo phutil_console_format( "Holding change in **%s**: it has NOT been pushed yet.\n", $this->onto); } else { echo "Pushing change...\n\n"; chdir($repository_api->getPath()); if ($this->isGitSvn) { $err = phutil_passthru('git svn dcommit'); $cmd = "git svn dcommit"; } else if ($this->isGit) { $err = phutil_passthru( 'git push %s %s', $this->remote, $this->onto); $cmd = "git push"; } else if ($this->isHgSvn) { // hg-svn doesn't support 'push -r', so we do a normal push // which hg-svn modifies to only push the current branch and // ancestors. $err = $repository_api->execPassthru( 'push %s', $this->remote); $cmd = "hg push"; } else if ($this->isHg) { $err = $repository_api->execPassthru( 'push -r %s %s', $this->onto, $this->remote); $cmd = "hg push"; } if ($err) { echo phutil_console_format("** PUSH FAILED! **\n"); if ($this->isGit) { $repository_api->execxLocal('reset --hard HEAD^'); $this->restoreBranch(); throw new ArcanistUsageException( "'{$cmd}' failed! Fix the error and run 'arc land' again."); } throw new ArcanistUsageException( "'{$cmd}' failed! Fix the error and push this change manually."); } $mark_workflow = $this->buildChildWorkflow( 'close-revision', array( '--finalize', '--quiet', $this->revision['id'], )); $mark_workflow->run(); echo "\n"; } } private function cleanupBranch() { $repository_api = $this->getRepositoryAPI(); echo "Cleaning up feature {$this->branchType}...\n"; if ($this->isGit) { list($ref) = $repository_api->execxLocal( 'rev-parse --verify %s', $this->branch); $ref = trim($ref); $recovery_command = csprintf( 'git checkout -b %s %s', $this->branch, $ref); echo "(Use `{$recovery_command}` if you want it back.)\n"; $repository_api->execxLocal( 'branch -D %s', $this->branch); } // hg branches/bookmarks were closed earlier if ($this->getArgument('delete-remote')) { if ($this->isGit) { list($err, $ref) = $repository_api->execManualLocal( 'rev-parse --verify %s/%s', $this->remote, $this->branch); if ($err) { echo "No remote feature {$this->branchType} to clean up.\n"; } else { // NOTE: In Git, you delete a remote branch by pushing it with a // colon in front of its name: // // git push : echo "Cleaning up remote feature branch...\n"; $repository_api->execxLocal( 'push %s :%s', $this->remote, $this->branch); } } else if ($this->isHg) { // named branches were closed as part of the earlier commit // so only worry about bookmarks if ($repository_api->isBookmark($this->branch)) { $repository_api->execxLocal( 'push -B %s %s', $this->branch, $this->remote); } } } } protected function getSupportedRevisionControlSystems() { return array('git', 'hg'); } private function getBranchOrBookmark() { $repository_api = $this->getRepositoryAPI(); if ($this->isGit) { $branch = $repository_api->getBranchName(); } else if ($this->isHg) { $branch = $repository_api->getActiveBookmark(); if (!$branch) { $branch = $repository_api->getBranchName(); } } return $branch; } private function getBranchType($branch) { $repository_api = $this->getRepositoryAPI(); if ($this->isHg && $repository_api->isBookmark($branch)) { return "bookmark"; } return "branch"; } /** * Restore the original branch, e.g. after a successful land or a failed * pull. */ private function restoreBranch() { $repository_api = $this->getRepositoryAPI(); $repository_api->execxLocal( 'checkout %s', $this->oldBranch); echo phutil_console_format( "Switched back to {$this->branchType} **%s**.\n", $this->oldBranch); } }