array( 'help' => 'Show available configuration values.', ), '*' => 'argv', ); } public function run() { if ($this->getArgument('show')) { return $this->show(); } $argv = $this->getArgument('argv'); if (count($argv) != 2) { throw new ArcanistUsageException( "Specify a key and a value, or --show."); } $config = self::readGlobalArcConfig(); $key = $argv[0]; $val = $argv[1]; $old = null; if (array_key_exists($key, $config)) { $old = $config[$key]; } if (!strlen($val)) { unset($config[$key]); self::writeGlobalArcConfig($config); if ($old === null) { echo "Deleted key '{$key}'.\n"; } else { echo "Deleted key '{$key}' (was '{$old}').\n"; } } else { $val = $this->parse($key, $val); $config[$key] = $val; self::writeGlobalArcConfig($config); $val = self::formatConfigValueForDisplay($val); $old = self::formatConfigValueForDisplay($old); if ($old === null) { echo "Set key '{$key}' = '{$val}'.\n"; } else { echo "Set key '{$key}' = '{$val}' (was '{$old}').\n"; } } return 0; } private function show() { $keys = array( 'default' => array( 'help' => 'The URI of a Phabricator install to connect to by default, if '. 'arc is run in a project without a Phabricator URI or run outside '. 'of a project.', 'example' => '', ), 'load' => array( 'help' => 'A list of paths to phutil libraries that should be loaded at '. 'startup. This can be used to make classes available, like lint or '. 'unit test engines.', 'example' => '["/var/arc/customlib/src"]', ), 'lint.engine' => array( 'help' => 'The name of a default lint engine to use, if no lint engine is '. 'specified by the current project.', 'example' => 'ExampleLintEngine', ), 'unit.engine' => array( 'help' => 'The name of a default unit test engine to use, if no unit test '. 'engine is specified by the current project.', 'example' => 'ExampleUnitTestEngine', ), ); $config = self::readGlobalArcConfig(); foreach ($keys as $key => $spec) { $type = $this->getType($key); $value = idx($config, $key); $value = self::formatConfigValueForDisplay($value); echo phutil_console_format("**__%s__** (%s)\n\n", $key, $type); echo phutil_console_format(" Example: %s\n", $spec['example']); if (strlen($value)) { echo phutil_console_format(" Global Setting: %s\n", $value); } echo "\n"; echo phutil_console_wrap($spec['help'], 4); echo "\n\n\n"; } return 0; } private function getType($key) { static $types = array( 'load' => 'list', ); return idx($types, $key, 'string'); } private function parse($key, $val) { $type = $this->getType($key); switch ($type) { case 'string': return $val; case 'list': $val = json_decode($val, true); if (!is_array($val)) { $example = '["apple", "banana", "cherry"]'; throw new ArcanistUsageException( "Value for key '{$key}' must be specified as a JSON-encoded ". "list. Example: {$example}"); } return $val; default: throw new Exception("Unknown config key type '{$type}'!"); } } }