
 * Build maps of libphutil libraries. libphutil uses the library map to locate
 * and load classes and functions in the library.
 * @task map      Mapping libphutil Libraries
 * @task path     Path Management
 * @task symbol   Symbol Analysis and Caching
 * @task source   Source Management
final class PhutilLibraryMapBuilder {

  private $root;
  private $quiet;
  private $subprocessLimit = 8;
  private $ugly;
  private $showMap;

  const LIBRARY_MAP_VERSION_KEY   = '__library_version__';
  const LIBRARY_MAP_VERSION       = 2;

  const SYMBOL_CACHE_VERSION_KEY  = '__symbol_cache_version__';
  const SYMBOL_CACHE_VERSION      = 11;

/* -(  Mapping libphutil Libraries  )---------------------------------------- */

   * Create a new map builder for a library.
   * @param string Path to the library root.
   * @task map
  public function __construct($root) {
    $this->root = $root;

   * Control status output. Use --quiet to set this.
   * @param   bool  If true, don't show status output.
   * @return  this
   * @task map
  public function setQuiet($quiet) {
    $this->quiet = $quiet;
    return $this;

   * Control subprocess parallelism limit. Use --limit to set this.
   * @param   int   Maximum number of subprocesses to run in parallel.
   * @return  this
   * @task map
  public function setSubprocessLimit($limit) {
    $this->subprocessLimit = $limit;
    return $this;

   * Control whether the ugly (but fast) or pretty (but slower) JSON formatter
   * is used.
   * @param   bool  If true, use the fastest formatter.
   * @return  this
   * @task map
  public function setUgly($ugly) {
    $this->ugly = $ugly;
    return $this;

   * Control whether the map should be rebuilt, or just shown (printed to
   * stdout in JSON).
   * @param bool  If true, show map instead of updating.
   * @return this
   * @task map
  public function setShowMap($show_map) {
    $this->showMap = $show_map;
    return $this;

   * Build or rebuild the library map.
   * @return this
   * @task map
  public function buildMap() {

    // Identify all the ".php" source files in the library.
    $this->log("Finding source files...\n");
    $source_map = $this->loadSourceFileMap();
    $this->log("Found ".number_format(count($source_map))." files.\n");

    // Load the symbol cache with existing parsed symbols. This allows us
    // to remap libraries quickly by analyzing only changed files.
    $this->log("Loading symbol cache...\n");
    $symbol_cache = $this->loadSymbolCache();

    // Build out the symbol analysis for all the files in the library. For
    // each file, check if it's in cache. If we miss in the cache, do a fresh
    // analysis.
    $symbol_map = array();
    $futures = array();
    foreach ($source_map as $file => $hash) {
      if (!empty($symbol_cache[$hash])) {
        $symbol_map[$file] = $symbol_cache[$hash];
      $futures[$file] = $this->buildSymbolAnalysisFuture($file);
    $this->log("Found ".number_format(count($symbol_map))." files in cache.\n");

    // Run the analyzer on any files which need analysis.
    if ($futures) {
      $limit = $this->subprocessLimit;
      $count = number_format(count($futures));

      $this->log("Analyzing {$count} files with {$limit} subprocesses...\n");

      foreach (Futures($futures)->limit($limit) as $file => $future) {
        $result = $future->resolveJSON();
        if (empty($result['error'])) {
          $symbol_map[$file] = $result;
        } else {
          echo phutil_console_format(
            "\n**SYNTAX ERROR!**\nFile: %s\nLine: %d\n\n%s\n",

    // We're done building the cache, so write it out immediately. Note that
    // we've only retained entries for files we found, so this implicitly cleans
    // out old cache entries.
    $this->writeSymbolCache($symbol_map, $source_map);

    // Our map is up to date, so either show it on stdout or write it to disk.

    if ($this->showMap) {
      $this->log("Showing map...\n");

      if ($this->ugly) {
        echo json_encode($symbol_map);
      } else {
        $json = new PhutilJSON();
        echo $json->encodeFormatted($symbol_map);
    } else {
      $this->log("Building library map...\n");
      $library_map = $this->buildLibraryMap($symbol_map);

      $this->log("Writing map...\n");


    return $this;

   * Write a status message to the user, if not running in quiet mode.
   * @param   string Message to write.
   * @return  this
   * @task map
  private function log($message) {
    if (!$this->quiet) {
      @fwrite(STDERR, $message);
    return $this;

/* -(  Path Management  )---------------------------------------------------- */

   * Get the path to some file in the library.
   * @param string  A library-relative path. If omitted, returns the library
   *                root path.
   * @return string An absolute path.
   * @task path
  private function getPath($path = '') {
    return $this->root.'/'.$path;

   * Get the path to the symbol cache file.
   * @return string Absolute path to symbol cache.
   * @task path
  private function getPathForSymbolCache() {
    return $this->getPath('.phutil_module_cache');

   * Get the path to the map file.
   * @return string Absolute path to the library map.
   * @task path
  private function getPathForLibraryMap() {
    return $this->getPath('__phutil_library_map__.php');

   * Get the path to the library init file.
   * @return string Absolute path to the library init file
   * @task path
  private function getPathForLibraryInit() {
    return $this->getPath('__phutil_library_init__.php');

/* -(  Symbol Analysis and Caching  )---------------------------------------- */

   * Load the library symbol cache, if it exists and is readable and valid.
   * @return  dict  Map of content hashes to cache of output from
   *                `phutil_symbols.php`.
   * @task symbol
  private function loadSymbolCache() {
    $cache_file = $this->getPathForSymbolCache();

    try {
      $cache = Filesystem::readFile($cache_file);
    } catch (Exception $ex) {
      $cache = null;

    $symbol_cache = array();
    if ($cache) {
      $symbol_cache = json_decode($cache, true);
      if (!is_array($symbol_cache)) {
        $symbol_cache = array();

    $version = idx($symbol_cache, self::SYMBOL_CACHE_VERSION_KEY);
    if ($version != self::SYMBOL_CACHE_VERSION) {
      // Throw away caches from a different version of the library.
      $symbol_cache = array();

    return $symbol_cache;

   * Write a symbol map to disk cache.
   * @param dict  Symbol map of relative paths to symbols.
   * @param dict  Source map (like @{method:loadSourceFileMap}).
   * @return void
   * @task symbol
  private function writeSymbolCache(array $symbol_map, array $source_map) {
    $cache_file = $this->getPathForSymbolCache();

    $cache = array(

    foreach ($symbol_map as $file => $symbols) {
      $cache[$source_map[$file]] = $symbols;

    $json = json_encode($cache);
    try {
      Filesystem::writeFile($cache_file, $json);
    } catch (FilesystemException $ex) {
      $this->log("Unable to save the cache!\n");

   * Drop the symbol cache, forcing a clean rebuild.
   * @return this
   * @task symbol
  public function dropSymbolCache() {
    $this->log("Dropping symbol cache...\n");

   * Build a future which returns a `phutil_symbols.php` analysis of a source
   * file.
   * @param   string  Relative path to the source file to analyze.
   * @return  Future  Analysis future.
   * @task symbol
  private function buildSymbolAnalysisFuture($file) {
    $absolute_file = $this->getPath($file);
    $bin = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/phutil_symbols.php';

    return new ExecFuture('php %s --ugly -- %s', $bin, $absolute_file);

/* -(  Source Management  )-------------------------------------------------- */

   * Build a map of all source files in a library to hashes of their content.
   * Returns an array like this:
   *   array(
   *     'src/parser/ExampleParser.php' => '60b725f10c9c85c70d97880dfe8191b3',
   *     // ...
   *   );
   * @return  dict    Map of library-relative paths to content hashes.
   * @task source
  private function loadSourceFileMap() {
    $root = $this->getPath();

    $init = $this->getPathForLibraryInit();
    if (!Filesystem::pathExists($init)) {
      throw new Exception("Provided path '{$root}' is not a phutil library.");

    $files = id(new FileFinder($root))

    $map = array();
    foreach ($files as $file => $hash) {
      $file = Filesystem::readablePath($file, $root);
      $file = ltrim($file, '/');

      if (dirname($file) == '.') {
        // We don't permit normal source files at the root level, so just ignore
        // them; they're special library files.

      if (dirname($file) == 'extensions') {
        // Ignore files in the extensions/ directory.

      // We include also filename in the hash to handle cases when the file is
      // moved without modifying its content.
      $map[$file] = md5($hash.$file);

    return $map;

   * Convert the symbol analysis of all the source files in the library into
   * a library map.
   * @param   dict  Symbol analysis of all source files.
   * @return  dict  Library map.
   * @task source
  private function buildLibraryMap(array $symbol_map) {
    $library_map = array(
      'class'     => array(),
      'function'  => array(),
      'xmap'      => array(),

    // Detect duplicate symbols within the library.
    foreach ($symbol_map as $file => $info) {
      foreach ($info['have'] as $type => $symbols) {
        foreach ($symbols as $symbol => $declaration) {
          $lib_type = ($type == 'interface') ? 'class' : $type;
          if (!empty($library_map[$lib_type][$symbol])) {
            $prior = $library_map[$lib_type][$symbol];
            throw new Exception(
              "Definition of {$type} '{$symbol}' in file '{$file}' duplicates ".
              "prior definition in file '{$prior}'. You can not declare the ".
              "same symbol twice.");
          $library_map[$lib_type][$symbol] = $file;
      $library_map['xmap'] += $info['xmap'];

    // Simplify the common case (one parent) to make the file a little easier
    // to deal with.
    foreach ($library_map['xmap'] as $class => $extends) {
      if (count($extends) == 1) {
        $library_map['xmap'][$class] = reset($extends);

    // Sort the map so it is relatively stable across changes.
    foreach ($library_map as $key => $symbols) {
      $library_map[$key] = $symbols;

    return $library_map;

   * Write a finalized library map.
   * @param  dict Library map structure to write.
   * @return void
   * @task source
  private function writeLibraryMap(array $library_map) {
    $map_file = $this->getPathForLibraryMap();
    $version = self::LIBRARY_MAP_VERSION;

    $library_map = array(
      self::LIBRARY_MAP_VERSION_KEY => $version,
    ) + $library_map;

    $library_map = var_export($library_map, $return_string = true);
    $library_map = preg_replace('/\s+$/m', '', $library_map);
    $library_map = preg_replace('/array \(/', 'array(', $library_map);
    $at = '@';

    $source_file = <<<EOPHP

 * This file is automatically generated. Use 'arc liberate' to rebuild it.
 * {$at}generated
 * {$at}phutil-library-version {$version}



    Filesystem::writeFile($map_file, $source_file);
