projectRoot = $this->getWorkingCopy()->getProjectRoot(); // Determine build engine. if (Filesystem::binaryExists("msbuild")) { $this->buildEngine = "msbuild"; } else if (Filesystem::binaryExists("xbuild")) { $this->buildEngine = "xbuild"; } else { throw new Exception("Unable to find msbuild or xbuild in PATH!"); } // Determine runtime engine (.NET or Mono). if (phutil_is_windows()) { $this->runtimeEngine = ""; } else if (Filesystem::binaryExists("mono")) { $this->runtimeEngine = Filesystem::resolveBinary("mono"); } else { throw new Exception("Unable to find Mono and you are not on Windows!"); } // Determine xUnit test runner path. if ($this->xunitHintPath === null) { $this->xunitHintPath = $this->getWorkingCopy()->getConfig( 'unit.xunit.binary'); } if ($this->xunitHintPath === null) { } $xunit = $this->projectRoot."/".$this->xunitHintPath; if (file_exists($xunit)) { $this->testEngine = Filesystem::resolvePath($xunit); } else if (Filesystem::binaryExists("xunit.console.clr4.exe")) { $this->testEngine = "xunit.console.clr4.exe"; } else { throw new Exception( "Unable to locate xUnit console runner. Configure ". "it with the `$config_item' option in .arcconfig"); } } /** * Returns all available tests and related projects. Recurses into * Protobuild submodules if they are present. * * @return array Mappings of test project to project being tested. */ public function getAllAvailableTestsAndRelatedProjects($path = null) { if ($path == null) { $path = $this->projectRoot; } $entries = Filesystem::listDirectory($path); $mappings = array(); foreach ($entries as $entry) { if (substr($entry, -6) === ".Tests") { if (is_dir($path."/".$entry)) { $mappings[$path."/".$entry] = $path."/". substr($entry, 0, strlen($entry) - 6); } } elseif (is_dir($path."/".$entry."/Build")) { if (file_exists($path."/".$entry."/Build/Module.xml")) { // The entry is a Protobuild submodule, which we should // also recurse into. $submappings = $this->getAllAvailableTestsAndRelatedProjects($path."/".$entry); foreach ($submappings as $key => $value) { $mappings[$key] = $value; } } } } return $mappings; } /** * Main entry point for the test engine. Determines what assemblies to * build and test based on the files that have changed. * * @return array Array of test results. */ public function run() { $this->loadEnvironment(); $affected_tests = array(); if ($this->getRunAllTests()) { echo "Loading tests..."."\n"; $entries = $this->getAllAvailableTestsAndRelatedProjects(); foreach ($entries as $key => $value) { echo "Test: ".substr($key, strlen($this->projectRoot) + 1)."\n"; $affected_tests[] = substr($key, strlen($this->projectRoot) + 1); } } else { $paths = $this->getPaths(); foreach ($paths as $path) { if (substr($path, -4) == ".dll" || substr($path, -4) == ".mdb") { continue; } if (substr_count($path, "/") > 0) { $components = explode("/", $path); $affected_assembly = $components[0]; // If the change is made inside an assembly that has a `.Tests` // extension, then the developer has changed the actual tests. if (substr($affected_assembly, -6) === ".Tests") { $affected_assembly_path = Filesystem::resolvePath( $affected_assembly); $test_assembly = $affected_assembly; } else { $affected_assembly_path = Filesystem::resolvePath( $affected_assembly.".Tests"); $test_assembly = $affected_assembly.".Tests"; } if (is_dir($affected_assembly_path) && !in_array($test_assembly, $affected_tests)) { $affected_tests[] = $test_assembly; } } } } return $this->runAllTests($affected_tests); } /** * Builds and runs the specified test assemblies. * * @param array Array of test assemblies. * @return array Array of test results. */ public function runAllTests(array $test_assemblies) { if (empty($test_assemblies)) { return array(); } $results = array(); $results[] = $this->generateProjects(); if ($this->resultsContainFailures($results)) { return array_mergev($results); } $results[] = $this->buildProjects($test_assemblies); if ($this->resultsContainFailures($results)) { return array_mergev($results); } $results[] = $this->testAssemblies($test_assemblies); return array_mergev($results); } /** * Determine whether or not a current set of results contains any failures. * This is needed since we build the assemblies as part of the unit tests, but * we can't run any of the unit tests if the build fails. * * @param array Array of results to check. * @return bool If there are any failures in the results. */ private function resultsContainFailures(array $results) { $results = array_mergev($results); foreach ($results as $result) { if ($result->getResult() != ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_PASS) { return true; } } return false; } /** * If the `Build` directory exists, we assume that this is a multi-platform * project that requires generation of C# project files. Because we want to * test that the generation and subsequent build is whole, we need to * regenerate any projects in case the developer has added files through an * IDE and then forgotten to add them to the respective `.definitions` file. * By regenerating the projects we ensure that any missing definition entries * will cause the build to fail. * * @return array Array of test results. */ private function generateProjects() { // No "Build" directory; so skip generation of projects. if (!is_dir(Filesystem::resolvePath($this->projectRoot."/Build"))) { return array(); } // Work out what platform the user is building for already. $platform = phutil_is_windows() ? "Windows" : "Linux"; $files = Filesystem::listDirectory($this->projectRoot); foreach ($files as $file) { if (strtolower(substr($file, -4)) == ".sln") { $parts = explode(".", $file); $platform = $parts[count($parts) - 2]; break; } } $regenerate_start = microtime(true); $regenerate_future = new ExecFuture( "%C Protobuild.exe --resync %s", $this->runtimeEngine, $platform); $regenerate_future->setCWD(Filesystem::resolvePath( $this->projectRoot)); $results = array(); $result = new ArcanistUnitTestResult(); $result->setName("(regenerate projects for $platform)"); try { $regenerate_future->resolvex(); $result->setResult(ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_PASS); } catch(CommandException $exc) { if ($exc->getError() > 1) { throw $exc; } $result->setResult(ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_FAIL); $result->setUserdata($exc->getStdout()); } $result->setDuration(microtime(true) - $regenerate_start); $results[] = $result; return $results; } /** * Build the projects relevant for the specified test assemblies and return * the results of the builds as test results. This build also passes the * "SkipTestsOnBuild" parameter when building the projects, so that MSBuild * conditionals can be used to prevent any tests running as part of the * build itself (since the unit tester is about to run each of the tests * individually). * * @param array Array of test assemblies. * @return array Array of test results. */ private function buildProjects(array $test_assemblies) { $build_futures = array(); $build_failed = false; $build_start = microtime(true); $results = array(); foreach ($test_assemblies as $test_assembly) { $build_future = new ExecFuture( "%C %s", $this->buildEngine, "/p:SkipTestsOnBuild=True"); $build_future->setCWD(Filesystem::resolvePath( $this->projectRoot."/".$test_assembly)); $build_futures[$test_assembly] = $build_future; } $iterator = Futures($build_futures)->limit(1); foreach ($iterator as $test_assembly => $future) { $result = new ArcanistUnitTestResult(); $result->setName("(build) ".$test_assembly); try { $future->resolvex(); $result->setResult(ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_PASS); } catch(CommandException $exc) { if ($exc->getError() > 1) { throw $exc; } $result->setResult(ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_FAIL); $result->setUserdata($exc->getStdout()); $build_failed = true; } $result->setDuration(microtime(true) - $build_start); $results[] = $result; } return $results; } /** * Build the future for running a unit test. This can be * overridden to enable support for code coverage via * another tool * * @param string Name of the test assembly. * @return array The future, output filename and coverage filename * stored in an array. */ protected function buildTestFuture($test_assembly) { // FIXME: Can't use TempFile here as xUnit doesn't like // UNIX-style full paths. It sees the leading / as the // start of an option flag, even when quoted. $xunit_temp = $test_assembly.".results.xml"; if (file_exists($xunit_temp)) { unlink($xunit_temp); } $future = new ExecFuture( "%C %s /xml %s /silent", trim($this->runtimeEngine." ".$this->testEngine), $test_assembly."/bin/Debug/".$test_assembly.".dll", $xunit_temp); $future->setCWD(Filesystem::resolvePath($this->projectRoot)); return array($future, $xunit_temp, null); } /** * Run the xUnit test runner on each of the assemblies and parse the * resulting XML. * * @param array Array of test assemblies. * @return array Array of test results. */ private function testAssemblies(array $test_assemblies) { $results = array(); // Build the futures for running the tests. $futures = array(); $outputs = array(); $coverages = array(); foreach ($test_assemblies as $test_assembly) { list($future, $xunit_temp, $coverage) = $this->buildTestFuture($test_assembly); $futures[$test_assembly] = $future; $outputs[$test_assembly] = $xunit_temp; $coverages[$test_assembly] = $coverage; } // Run all of the tests. foreach (Futures($futures) as $test_assembly => $future) { $future->resolve(); if (file_exists($outputs[$test_assembly])) { $result = $this->parseTestResult( $outputs[$test_assembly], $coverages[$test_assembly]); $results[] = $result; unlink($outputs[$test_assembly]); } else { $result = new ArcanistUnitTestResult(); $result->setName("(execute) ".$test_assembly); $result->setResult(ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_BROKEN); $result->setUserData($outputs[$test_assembly]." not found on disk."); $results[] = array($result); } } return array_mergev($results); } /** * Returns null for this implementation as xUnit does not support code * coverage directly. Override this method in another class to provide * code coverage information (also see `CSharpToolsUnitEngine`). * * @param string The name of the coverage file if one was provided by * `buildTestFuture`. * @return array Code coverage results, or null. */ protected function parseCoverageResult($coverage) { return null; } /** * Parses the test results from xUnit. * * @param string The name of the xUnit results file. * @param string The name of the coverage file if one was provided by * `buildTestFuture`. This is passed through to * `parseCoverageResult`. * @return array Test results. */ private function parseTestResult($xunit_tmp, $coverage) { $xunit_dom = new DOMDocument(); $xunit_dom->loadXML(Filesystem::readFile($xunit_tmp)); $results = array(); $tests = $xunit_dom->getElementsByTagName("test"); foreach ($tests as $test) { $name = $test->getAttribute("name"); $time = $test->getAttribute("time"); $status = ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_UNSOUND; switch ($test->getAttribute("result")) { case "Pass": $status = ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_PASS; break; case "Fail": $status = ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_FAIL; break; case "Skip": $status = ArcanistUnitTestResult::RESULT_SKIP; break; } $userdata = ""; $reason = $test->getElementsByTagName("reason"); $failure = $test->getElementsByTagName("failure"); if ($reason->length > 0 || $failure->length > 0) { $node = ($reason->length > 0) ? $reason : $failure; $message = $node->item(0)->getElementsByTagName("message"); if ($message->length > 0) { $userdata = $message->item(0)->nodeValue; } $stacktrace = $node->item(0)->getElementsByTagName("stack-trace"); if ($stacktrace->length > 0) { $userdata .= "\n".$stacktrace->item(0)->nodeValue; } } $result = new ArcanistUnitTestResult(); $result->setName($name); $result->setResult($status); $result->setDuration($time); $result->setUserData($userdata); if ($coverage != null) { $result->setCoverage($this->parseCoverageResult($coverage)); } $results[] = $result; } return $results; } }