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namespace Httpful;
use Httpful\Exception\ConnectionErrorException;
* Clean, simple class for sending HTTP requests
* in PHP.
* There is an emphasis of readability without loosing concise
* syntax. As such, you will notice that the library lends
* itself very nicely to "chaining". You will see several "alias"
* methods: more readable method definitions that wrap
* their more concise counterparts. You will also notice
* no public constructor. This two adds to the readability
* and "chainabilty" of the library.
* @author Nate Good <me@nategood.com>
class Request
// Option constants
public $uri,
$method = Http::GET,
$headers = array(),
$raw_headers = '',
$strict_ssl = false,
$additional_curl_opts = array(),
$auto_parse = true,
$serialize_payload_method = self::SERIALIZE_PAYLOAD_SMART,
$follow_redirects = false,
$max_redirects = self::MAX_REDIRECTS_DEFAULT,
$payload_serializers = array();
// Options
// private $_options = array(
// 'serialize_payload_method' => self::SERIALIZE_PAYLOAD_SMART
// 'auto_parse' => true
// );
// Curl Handle
public $_ch,
// Template Request object
private static $_template;
* We made the constructor private to force the factory style. This was
* done to keep the syntax cleaner and better the support the idea of
* "default templates". Very basic and flexible as it is only intended
* for internal use.
* @param array $attrs hash of initial attribute values
private function __construct($attrs = null)
if (!is_array($attrs)) return;
foreach ($attrs as $attr => $value) {
$this->$attr = $value;
// Defaults Management
* Let's you configure default settings for this
* class from a template Request object. Simply construct a
* Request object as much as you want to and then pass it to
* this method. It will then lock in those settings from
* that template object.
* The most common of which may be default mime
* settings or strict ssl settings.
* Again some slight memory overhead incurred here but in the grand
* scheme of things as it typically only occurs once
* @param Request $template
public static function ini(Request $template)
self::$_template = clone $template;
* Reset the default template back to the
* library defaults.
public static function resetIni()
* Get default for a value based on the template object
* @return mixed default value
* @param string|null $attr Name of attribute (e.g. mime, headers)
* if null just return the whole template object;
public static function d($attr)
return isset($attr) ? self::$_template->$attr : self::$_template;
// Accessors
* @return bool does the request have a timeout?
public function hasTimeout()
return isset($this->timeout);
* @return bool has the internal curl request been initialized?
public function hasBeenInitialized()
return isset($this->_ch);
* @return bool Is this request setup for basic auth?
public function hasBasicAuth()
return isset($this->password) && isset($this->username);
* @return bool Is this request setup for digest auth?
public function hasDigestAuth()
return isset($this->password) && isset($this->username) && $this->additional_curl_opts['CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH'] = CURLAUTH_DIGEST;
* Specify a HTTP timeout
* @return Request $this
* @param |int $timeout seconds to timeout the HTTP call
public function timeout($timeout)
$this->timeout = $timeout;
return $this;
* If the response is a 301 or 302 redirect, automatically
* send off another request to that location
* @return Request $this
* @param bool|int $follow follow or not to follow or maximal number of redirects
public function followRedirects($follow = true)
$this->max_redirects = $follow === true ? self::MAX_REDIRECTS_DEFAULT : max(0, $follow);
$this->follow_redirects = (bool) $follow;
return $this;
* @return Request $this
* @see Request::followRedirects()
public function doNotFollowRedirects()
return $this->followRedirects(false);
* Actually send off the request, and parse the response
* @return string|associative array of parsed results
* @throws ConnectionErrorException when unable to parse or communicate w server
public function send()
if (!$this->hasBeenInitialized())
$result = curl_exec($this->_ch);
if ($result === false) {
throw new ConnectionErrorException('Unable to connect.');
$info = curl_getinfo($this->_ch);
$response = explode("\r\n\r\n", $result, 2 + $info['redirect_count']);
$body = array_pop($response);
$headers = array_pop($response);
return new Response($body, $headers, $this);
public function sendIt()
return $this->send();
// Setters
* @return Request this
* @param string $uri
public function uri($uri)
$this->uri = $uri;
return $this;
* User Basic Auth.
* Only use when over SSL/TSL/HTTPS.
* @return Request this
* @param string $username
* @param string $password
public function basicAuth($username, $password)
$this->username = $username;
$this->password = $password;
return $this;
// @alias of basicAuth
public function authenticateWith($username, $password)
return $this->basicAuth($username, $password);
// @alias of basicAuth
public function authenticateWithBasic($username, $password)
return $this->basicAuth($username, $password);
* User Digest Auth.
* @return Request this
* @param string $username
* @param string $password
public function digestAuth($username, $password)
return $this->basicAuth($username, $password);
// @alias of digestAuth
public function authenticateWithDigest($username, $password)
return $this->digestAuth($username, $password);
* @return is this request setup for client side cert?
public function hasClientSideCert() {
return isset($this->client_cert) && isset($this->client_key);
* Use Client Side Cert Authentication
* @return Response $this
* @param string $key file path to client key
* @param string $cert file path to client cert
* @param string $passphrase for client key
* @param string $encoding default PEM
public function clientSideCert($cert, $key, $passphrase = null, $encoding = 'PEM')
$this->client_cert = $cert;
$this->client_key = $key;
$this->client_passphrase = $passphrase;
$this->client_encoding = $encoding;
return $this;
// @alias of basicAuth
public function authenticateWithCert($cert, $key, $passphrase = null, $encoding = 'PEM')
return $this->clientSideCert($cert, $key, $passphrase, $encoding);
* Set the body of the request
* @return Request this
* @param mixed $payload
* @param string $mimeType
public function body($payload, $mimeType = null)
$this->payload = $payload;
// Iserntentially don't call _serializePayload yet. Wait until
// we actually send off the request to convert payload to string.
// At that time, the `serialized_payload` is set accordingly.
return $this;
* Helper function to set the Content type and Expected as same in
* one swoop
* @return Request this
* @param string $mime mime type to use for content type and expected return type
public function mime($mime)
if (empty($mime)) return $this;
$this->content_type = $this->expected_type = Mime::getFullMime($mime);
return $this;
// @alias of mime
public function sendsAndExpectsType($mime)
return $this->mime($mime);
// @alias of mime
public function sendsAndExpects($mime)
return $this->mime($mime);
* Set the method. Shouldn't be called often as the preferred syntax
* for instantiation is the method specific factory methods.
* @return Request this
* @param string $method
public function method($method)
if (empty($method)) return $this;
$this->method = $method;
return $this;
* @return Request this
* @param string $mime
public function expects($mime)
if (empty($mime)) return $this;
$this->expected_type = Mime::getFullMime($mime);
return $this;
// @alias of expects
public function expectsType($mime)
return $this->expects($mime);
* @return Request this
* @param string $mime
public function contentType($mime)
if (empty($mime)) return $this;
$this->content_type = Mime::getFullMime($mime);
return $this;
// @alias of contentType
public function sends($mime)
return $this->contentType($mime);
// @alias of contentType
public function sendsType($mime)
return $this->contentType($mime);
* Do we strictly enforce SSL verification?
* @return Request this
* @param bool $strict
public function strictSSL($strict)
$this->strict_ssl = $strict;
return $this;
public function withoutStrictSSL()
return $this->strictSSL(false);
public function withStrictSSL()
return $this->strictSSL(true);
* Determine how/if we use the built in serialization by
* setting the serialize_payload_method
* The default (SERIALIZE_PAYLOAD_SMART) is...
* - if payload is not a scalar (object/array)
* use the appropriate serialize method according to
* the Content-Type of this request.
* - if the payload IS a scalar (int, float, string, bool)
* than just return it as is.
* When this option is set SERIALIZE_PAYLOAD_ALWAYS,
* it will always use the appropriate
* serialize option regardless of whether payload is scalar or not
* When this option is set SERIALIZE_PAYLOAD_NEVER,
* it will never use any of the serialization methods.
* Really the only use for this is if you want the serialize methods
* to handle strings or not (e.g. Blah is not valid JSON, but "Blah"
* is). Forcing the serialization helps prevent that kind of error from
* happening.
* @return Request $this
* @param int $mode
public function serializePayload($mode)
$this->serialize_payload_method = $mode;
return $this;
* @see Request::serializePayload()
* @return Request
public function neverSerializePayload()
return $this->serializePayload(self::SERIALIZE_PAYLOAD_NEVER);
* This method is the default behavior
* @see Request::serializePayload()
* @return Request
public function smartSerializePayload()
return $this->serializePayload(self::SERIALIZE_PAYLOAD_SMART);
* @see Request::serializePayload()
* @return Request
public function alwaysSerializePayload()
return $this->serializePayload(self::SERIALIZE_PAYLOAD_ALWAYS);
* Add an additional header to the request
* Can also use the cleaner syntax of
* $Request->withMyHeaderName($my_value);
* @see Request::__call()
* @return Request this
* @param string $header_name
* @param string $value
public function addHeader($header_name, $value)
$this->headers[$header_name] = $value;
return $this;
* Add group of headers all at once. Note: This is
* here just as a convenience in very specific cases.
* The preferred "readable" way would be to leverage
* the support for custom header methods.
* @return Response $this
* @param array $headers
public function addHeaders(array $headers)
foreach ($headers as $header => $value) {
$this->addHeader($header, $value);
return $this;
* @return Request
* @param bool $auto_parse perform automatic "smart"
* parsing based on Content-Type or "expectedType"
* If not auto parsing, Response->body returns the body
* as a string.
public function autoParse($auto_parse = true)
$this->auto_parse = $auto_parse;
return $this;
* @see Request::autoParse()
* @return Request
public function withoutAutoParsing()
return $this->autoParse(false);
* @see Request::autoParse()
* @return Request
public function withAutoParsing()
return $this->autoParse(true);
* Use a custom function to parse the response.
* @return Request this
* @param \Closure $callback Takes the raw body of
* the http response and returns a mixed
public function parseWith(\Closure $callback)
$this->parse_callback = $callback;
return $this;
* @see Request::parseResponsesWith()
* @return Request $this
* @param \Closure $callback
public function parseResponsesWith(\Closure $callback)
return $this->parseWith($callback);
* Register a callback that will be used to serialize the payload
* for a particular mime type. When using "*" for the mime
* type, it will use that parser for all responses regardless of the mime
* type. If a custom '*' and 'application/json' exist, the custom
* 'application/json' would take precedence over the '*' callback.
* @return Request $this
* @param string $mime mime type we're registering
* @param Closure $callback takes one argument, $payload,
* which is the payload that we'll be
public function registerPayloadSerializer($mime, \Closure $callback)
$this->payload_serializers[Mime::getFullMime($mime)] = $callback;
return $this;
* @see Request::registerPayloadSerializer()
* @return Request $this
* @param Closure $callback
public function serializePayloadWith(\Closure $callback)
return $this->regregisterPayloadSerializer('*', $callback);
* Magic method allows for neatly setting other headers in a
* similar syntax as the other setters. This method also allows
* for the sends* syntax.
* @return Request this
* @param string $method "missing" method name called
* the method name called should be the name of the header that you
* are trying to set in camel case without dashes e.g. to set a
* header for Content-Type you would use contentType() or more commonly
* to add a custom header like X-My-Header, you would use xMyHeader().
* To promote readability, you can optionally prefix these methods with
* "with" (e.g. withXMyHeader("blah") instead of xMyHeader("blah")).
* @param array $args in this case, there should only ever be 1 argument provided
* and that argument should be a string value of the header we're setting
public function __call($method, $args)
// This method supports the sends* methods
// like sendsJSON, sendsForm
//!method_exists($this, $method) &&
if (substr($method, 0, 5) === 'sends') {
$mime = strtolower(substr($method, 5));
if (Mime::supportsMimeType($mime)) {
return $this;
// else {
// throw new \Exception("Unsupported Content-Type $mime");
// }
if (substr($method, 0, 7) === 'expects') {
$mime = strtolower(substr($method, 7));
if (Mime::supportsMimeType($mime)) {
return $this;
// else {
// throw new \Exception("Unsupported Content-Type $mime");
// }
// This method also adds the custom header support as described in the
// method comments
if (count($args) === 0)
// Strip the sugar. If it leads with "with", strip.
// This is okay because: No defined HTTP headers begin with with,
// and if you are defining a custom header, the standard is to prefix it
// with an "X-", so that should take care of any collisions.
if (substr($method, 0, 4) === 'with')
$method = substr($method, 4);
// Precede upper case letters with dashes, uppercase the first letter of method
$header = ucwords(implode('-', preg_split('/([A-Z][^A-Z]*)/', $method, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY)));
$this->addHeader($header, $args[0]);
return $this;
// Internal Functions
* This is the default template to use if no
* template has been provided. The template
* tells the class which default values to use.
* While there is a slight overhead for object
* creation once per execution (not once per
* Request instantiation), it promotes readability
* and flexibility within the class.
private static function _initializeDefaults()
// This is the only place you will
// see this constructor syntax. It
// is only done here to prevent infinite
// recusion. Do not use this syntax elsewhere.
// It goes against the whole readability
// and transparency idea.
self::$_template = new Request(array('method' => Http::GET));
// This is more like it...
* Set the defaults on a newly instantiated object
* Doesn't copy variables prefixed with _
* @return Request this
private function _setDefaults()
if (!isset(self::$_template))
foreach (self::$_template as $k=>$v) {
if ($k[0] != '_')
$this->$k = $v;
return $this;
private function _error($error)
// Default actions write to error log
// TODO add in support for various Loggers
* Factory style constructor works nicer for chaining. This
* should also really only be used internally. The Request::get,
* Request::post syntax is preferred as it is more readable.
* @return Request
* @param string $method Http Method
* @param string $mime Mime Type to Use
public static function init($method = null, $mime = null)
// Setup our handlers, can call it here as it's idempotent
// Setup the default template if need be
if (!isset(self::$_template))
$request = new Request();
return $request
* Does the heavy lifting. Uses de facto HTTP
* library cURL to set up the HTTP request.
* Note: It does NOT actually send the request
* @return Request $this;
public function _curlPrep()
// Check for required stuff
if (!isset($this->uri))
throw new \Exception('Attempting to send a request before defining a URI endpoint.');
$ch = curl_init($this->uri);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $this->method);
if ($this->hasBasicAuth()) {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->username . ':' . $this->password);
if ($this->hasClientSideCert()) {
if (!file_exists($this->client_key))
throw new \Exception('Could not read Client Key');
if (!file_exists($this->client_cert))
throw new \Exception('Could not read Client Certificate');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSLCERTTYPE, $this->client_encoding);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSLKEYTYPE, $this->client_encoding);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSLCERT, $this->client_cert);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSLKEY, $this->client_key);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSLKEYPASSWD, $this->client_passphrase);
// curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSLCERTPASSWD, $this->client_cert_passphrase);
if ($this->hasTimeout()) {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $this->timeout);
if ($this->follow_redirects) {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, $this->max_redirects);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, $this->strict_ssl);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$headers = array();
// https://github.com/nategood/httpful/issues/37
// Except header removes any HTTP 1.1 Continue from response headers
$headers[] = 'Expect:';
if (!isset($this->headers['User-Agent'])) {
$headers[] = $this->buildUserAgent();
$headers[] = "Content-Type: {$this->content_type}";
// allow custom Accept header if set
if (!isset($this->headers['Accept'])) {
// http://pretty-rfc.herokuapp.com/RFC2616#header.accept
$accept = 'Accept: */*; q=0.5, text/plain; q=0.8, text/html;level=3;';
if (!empty($this->expected_type)) {
$accept .= "q=0.9, {$this->expected_type}";
$headers[] = $accept;
foreach ($this->headers as $header => $value) {
$headers[] = "$header: $value";
$url = \parse_url($this->uri);
$path = (isset($url['path']) ? $url['path'] : '/').(isset($url['query']) ? '?'.$url['query'] : '');
$this->raw_headers = "{$this->method} $path HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$host = (isset($url['host']) ? $url['host'] : 'localhost').(isset($url['port']) ? ':'.$url['port'] : '');
$this->raw_headers .= "Host: $host\r\n";
$this->raw_headers .= \implode("\r\n", $headers);
$this->raw_headers .= "\r\n";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
if (isset($this->payload)) {
$this->serialized_payload = $this->_serializePayload($this->payload);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $this->serialized_payload);
if ($this->_debug) {
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
// If there are some additional curl opts that the user wants
// to set, we can tack them in here
foreach ($this->additional_curl_opts as $curlopt => $curlval) {
curl_setopt($ch, $curlopt, $curlval);
$this->_ch = $ch;
return $this;
public function buildUserAgent() {
$user_agent = 'User-Agent: Httpful/' . Httpful::VERSION . ' (cURL/';
$curl = \curl_version();
if (isset($curl['version'])) {
$user_agent .= $curl['version'];
} else {
$user_agent .= '?.?.?';
$user_agent .= ' PHP/'. PHP_VERSION . ' (' . PHP_OS . ')';
if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'])) {
$user_agent .= ' ' . \preg_replace('~PHP/[\d\.]+~U', '',
} else {
if (isset($_SERVER['TERM_PROGRAM'])) {
$user_agent .= " {$_SERVER['TERM_PROGRAM']}";
$user_agent .= "/{$_SERVER['TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION']}";
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
$user_agent .= " {$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']}";
$user_agent .= ')';
return $user_agent;
* Semi-reluctantly added this as a way to add in curl opts
* that are not otherwise accessible from the rest of the API.
* @return Request $this
* @param string $curlopt
* @param mixed $curloptval
public function addOnCurlOption($curlopt, $curloptval)
$this->additional_curl_opts[$curlopt] = $curloptval;
return $this;
* Turn payload from structured data into
* a string based on the current Mime type.
* This uses the auto_serialize option to determine
* it's course of action. See serialize method for more.
* Renamed from _detectPayload to _serializePayload as of
* 2012-02-15.
* Added in support for custom payload serializers.
* The serialize_payload_method stuff still holds true though.
* @see Request::registerPayloadSerializer()
* @return string
* @param mixed $payload
private function _serializePayload($payload)
if (empty($payload) || $this->serialize_payload_method === self::SERIALIZE_PAYLOAD_NEVER)
return $payload;
// When we are in "smart" mode, don't serialize strings/scalars, assume they are already serialized
if ($this->serialize_payload_method === self::SERIALIZE_PAYLOAD_SMART && is_scalar($payload))
return $payload;
// Use a custom serializer if one is registered for this mime type
if (isset($this->payload_serializers['*']) || isset($this->payload_serializers[$this->content_type])) {
$key = isset($this->payload_serializers[$this->content_type]) ? $this->content_type : '*';
return call_user_func($this->payload_serializers[$key], $payload);
return Httpful::get($this->content_type)->serialize($payload);
* HTTP Method Get
* @return Request
* @param string $uri optional uri to use
* @param string $mime expected
public static function get($uri, $mime = null)
return self::init(Http::GET)->uri($uri)->mime($mime);
* Like Request:::get, except that it sends off the request as well
* returning a response
* @return Response
* @param string $uri optional uri to use
* @param string $mime expected
public static function getQuick($uri, $mime = null)
return self::get($uri, $mime)->send();
* HTTP Method Post
* @return Request
* @param string $uri optional uri to use
* @param string $payload data to send in body of request
* @param string $mime MIME to use for Content-Type
public static function post($uri, $payload = null, $mime = null)
return self::init(Http::POST)->uri($uri)->body($payload, $mime);
* HTTP Method Put
* @return Request
* @param string $uri optional uri to use
* @param string $payload data to send in body of request
* @param string $mime MIME to use for Content-Type
public static function put($uri, $payload = null, $mime = null)
return self::init(Http::PUT)->uri($uri)->body($payload, $mime);
* HTTP Method Patch
* @return Request
* @param string $uri optional uri to use
* @param string $payload data to send in body of request
* @param string $mime MIME to use for Content-Type
public static function patch($uri, $payload = null, $mime = null)
return self::init(Http::PATCH)->uri($uri)->body($payload, $mime);
* HTTP Method Delete
* @return Request
* @param string $uri optional uri to use
public static function delete($uri, $mime = null)
return self::init(Http::DELETE)->uri($uri)->mime($mime);
* HTTP Method Head
* @return Request
* @param string $uri optional uri to use
public static function head($uri)
return self::init(Http::HEAD)->uri($uri);
* HTTP Method Options
* @return Request
* @param string $uri optional uri to use
public static function options($uri)
return self::init(Http::OPTIONS)->uri($uri);