/** * @provides javelin-behavior-conpherence-menu * @requires javelin-behavior * javelin-dom * javelin-util * javelin-stratcom * javelin-workflow * javelin-behavior-device * javelin-history * javelin-vector * phabricator-shaped-request */ JX.behavior('conpherence-menu', function(config) { /** * State for displayed thread. */ var _thread = { selected: null, visible: null, node: null }; /** * Current role of this behavior. The two possible roles are to show a 'list' * of threads or a specific 'thread'. On devices, this behavior stays in the * 'list' role indefinitely, treating clicks normally and the next page * loads the behavior with role = 'thread'. On desktop, this behavior * auto-loads a thread as part of the 'list' role. As the thread loads the * role is changed to 'thread'. */ var _currentRole = null; /** * When _oldDevice is null the code is executing for the first time. */ var _oldDevice = null; /** * Initializes this behavior based on all the configuraton jonx and the * result of JX.Device.getDevice(); */ function init() { _currentRole = config.role; if (_currentRole == 'thread') { markThreadsLoading(true); } else { markThreadLoading(true); } markWidgetLoading(true); onDeviceChange(); } init(); /** * Selecting threads */ JX.Stratcom.listen( 'conpherence-selectthread', null, function (e) { selectThreadByID(e.getData().id); } ); function selectThreadByID(id, update_page_data) { var thread = JX.$(id); selectThread(thread, update_page_data); } function selectThread(node, update_page_data) { if (_thread.node) { JX.DOM.alterClass(_thread.node, 'conpherence-selected', false); // keep the unread-count hidden still. big TODO once we ajax in updates // to threads to make this work right and move threads between read / // unread } JX.DOM.alterClass(node, 'conpherence-selected', true); JX.DOM.alterClass(node, 'hide-unread-count', true); _thread.node = node; var data = JX.Stratcom.getData(node); _thread.selected = data.threadID; if (update_page_data) { updatePageData(data); } redrawThread(); } function updatePageData(data) { var uri_suffix = _thread.selected + '/'; if (data.use_base_uri) { uri_suffix = ''; } JX.History.replace(config.baseURI + uri_suffix); if (data.title) { document.title = data.title; } else if (_thread.node) { var threadData = JX.Stratcom.getData(_thread.node); document.title = threadData.title; } } JX.Stratcom.listen( 'conpherence-update-page-data', null, function (e) { updatePageData(e.getData()); } ); function redrawThread() { if (!_thread.node) { return; } if (_thread.visible == _thread.selected) { return; } var data = JX.Stratcom.getData(_thread.node); if (_thread.visible !== null || !config.hasThread) { markThreadLoading(true); var uri = config.baseURI + data.threadID + '/'; new JX.Workflow(uri, {}) .setHandler(JX.bind(null, onLoadThreadResponse, data.threadID)) .start(); } else if (config.hasThread) { _scrollMessageWindow(); } else { didRedrawThread(); } if (_thread.visible !== null || !config.hasWidgets) { reloadWidget(data); } else { JX.Stratcom.invoke( 'conpherence-update-widgets', null, { widget : getDefaultWidget(), buildSelectors : false, toggleWidget : true, threadID : _thread.selected }); } _thread.visible = _thread.selected; } function markThreadsLoading(loading) { var root = JX.DOM.find(document, 'div', 'conpherence-layout'); var menu = JX.DOM.find(root, 'div', 'conpherence-menu-pane'); JX.DOM.alterClass(menu, 'loading', loading); } function markThreadLoading(loading) { var root = JX.DOM.find(document, 'div', 'conpherence-layout'); var header_root = JX.DOM.find(root, 'div', 'conpherence-header-pane'); var messages_root = JX.DOM.find(root, 'div', 'conpherence-message-pane'); var form_root = JX.DOM.find(root, 'div', 'conpherence-form'); JX.DOM.alterClass(header_root, 'loading', loading); JX.DOM.alterClass(messages_root, 'loading', loading); JX.DOM.alterClass(form_root, 'loading', loading); try { var textarea = JX.DOM.find(form, 'textarea'); textarea.disabled = loading; var button = JX.DOM.find(form, 'button'); button.disabled = loading; } catch (ex) { // haven't loaded it yet! } } function markWidgetLoading(loading) { var root = JX.DOM.find(document, 'div', 'conpherence-layout'); var widgets_root = JX.DOM.find(root, 'div', 'conpherence-widget-pane'); JX.DOM.alterClass(widgets_root, 'loading', loading); } function reloadWidget(data) { markWidgetLoading(true); if (!data.widget) { data.widget = getDefaultWidget(); } var widget_uri = config.baseURI + 'widget/' + data.threadID + '/'; new JX.Workflow(widget_uri, {}) .setHandler(JX.bind(null, onWidgetResponse, data.threadID, data.widget)) .start(); } JX.Stratcom.listen( 'conpherence-reload-widget', null, function (e) { var data = e.getData(); if (data.threadID != _thread.selected) { return; } reloadWidget(data); } ); function onWidgetResponse(thread_id, widget, response) { // we got impatient and this is no longer the right answer :/ if (_thread.selected != thread_id) { return; } var root = JX.DOM.find(document, 'div', 'conpherence-layout'); var widgets_root = JX.DOM.find(root, 'div', 'conpherence-widgets-holder'); JX.DOM.setContent(widgets_root, JX.$H(response.widgets)); JX.Stratcom.invoke( 'conpherence-update-widgets', null, { widget : widget, buildSelectors : true, toggleWidget : true, threadID : _thread.selected }); markWidgetLoading(false); } function getDefaultWidget() { var device = JX.Device.getDevice(); var widget = 'conpherence-message-pane'; if (device == 'desktop') { widget = 'widgets-people'; } return widget; } function onLoadThreadResponse(thread_id, response) { // we got impatient and this is no longer the right answer :/ if (_thread.selected != thread_id) { return; } var header = JX.$H(response.header); var messages = JX.$H(response.messages); var form = JX.$H(response.form); var root = JX.DOM.find(document, 'div', 'conpherence-layout'); var header_root = JX.DOM.find(root, 'div', 'conpherence-header-pane'); var messages_root = JX.DOM.find(root, 'div', 'conpherence-messages'); var form_root = JX.DOM.find(root, 'div', 'conpherence-form'); JX.DOM.setContent(header_root, header); JX.DOM.setContent(messages_root, messages); JX.DOM.setContent(form_root, form); markThreadLoading(false); didRedrawThread(true); } /** * This function is a wee bit tricky. Internally, we want to scroll the * message window and let other stuff - notably widgets - redraw / build if * necessary. Externally, we want a hook to scroll the message window * - notably when the widget selector is used to invoke the message pane. * The following three functions get 'er done. */ function didRedrawThread(build_device_widget_selector) { _scrollMessageWindow(); JX.Stratcom.invoke( 'conpherence-did-redraw-thread', null, { widget : getDefaultWidget(), threadID : _thread.selected, buildDeviceWidgetSelector : build_device_widget_selector }); } function _scrollMessageWindow() { var root = JX.DOM.find(document, 'div', 'conpherence-layout'); var messages_root = JX.DOM.find(root, 'div', 'conpherence-messages'); messages_root.scrollTop = messages_root.scrollHeight; } JX.Stratcom.listen( 'conpherence-redraw-thread', null, function (e) { _scrollMessageWindow(); } ); JX.Stratcom.listen( 'click', 'conpherence-menu-click', function(e) { if (!e.isNormalClick()) { return; } // On devices, just follow the link normally. if (JX.Device.getDevice() != 'desktop') { return; } e.kill(); selectThread(e.getNode('conpherence-menu-click'), true); }); JX.Stratcom.listen('click', 'conpherence-edit-metadata', function (e) { e.kill(); var root = e.getNode('conpherence-layout'); var form = JX.DOM.find(root, 'form', 'conpherence-pontificate'); var data = e.getNodeData('conpherence-edit-metadata'); var header = JX.DOM.find(root, 'div', 'conpherence-header-pane'); var messages = JX.DOM.find(root, 'div', 'conpherence-messages'); new JX.Workflow.newFromForm(form, data) .setHandler(JX.bind(this, function(r) { JX.DOM.appendContent(messages, JX.$H(r.transactions)); messages.scrollTop = messages.scrollHeight; JX.DOM.setContent( header, JX.$H(r.header) ); try { // update the menu entry JX.DOM.replace( JX.$(r.conpherence_phid + '-nav-item'), JX.$H(r.nav_item) ); JX.Stratcom.invoke( 'conpherence-selectthread', null, { id : r.conpherence_phid + '-nav-item' } ); } catch (ex) { // Ignore; this view may not have a menu. } })) .start(); }); var _loadingTransactionID = null; JX.Stratcom.listen('click', 'show-older-messages', function(e) { e.kill(); var data = e.getNodeData('show-older-messages'); if (data.oldest_transaction_id == _loadingTransactionID) { return; } _loadingTransactionID = data.oldest_transaction_id; var node = e.getNode('show-older-messages'); JX.DOM.setContent(node, 'Loading...'); JX.DOM.alterClass(node, 'conpherence-show-older-messages-loading', true); var conf_id = _thread.selected; var root = JX.DOM.find(document, 'div', 'conpherence-layout'); var messages_root = JX.DOM.find(root, 'div', 'conpherence-messages'); new JX.Workflow(config.baseURI + conf_id + '/', data) .setHandler(function(r) { JX.DOM.remove(node); var messages = JX.$H(r.messages); JX.DOM.prependContent( messages_root, JX.$H(messages)); }).start(); }); /** * On devices, we just show a thread list, so we don't want to automatically * select or load any threads. On desktop, we automatically select the first * thread, changing the _currentRole from list to thread. */ function onDeviceChange() { var new_device = JX.Device.getDevice(); if (new_device === _oldDevice) { return; } if (_oldDevice === null) { _oldDevice = new_device; if (_currentRole == 'list') { if (new_device != 'desktop') { return; } } else { loadThreads(); return; } } var update_toggled_widget = new_device == 'desktop' || _oldDevice == 'desktop'; _oldDevice = new_device; if (_thread.visible !== null && update_toggled_widget) { JX.Stratcom.invoke( 'conpherence-did-redraw-thread', null, { widget : getDefaultWidget(), threadID : _thread.selected }); } if (_currentRole == 'list' && new_device == 'desktop') { // this selects a thread and loads it didLoadThreads(); _currentRole = 'thread'; var root = JX.DOM.find(document, 'div', 'conpherence-layout'); JX.DOM.alterClass(root, 'conpherence-role-list', false); JX.DOM.alterClass(root, 'conpherence-role-thread', true); } } JX.Stratcom.listen('phabricator-device-change', null, onDeviceChange); function loadThreads() { markThreadsLoading(true); var uri = config.baseURI + 'thread/' + config.selectedThreadID + '/'; new JX.Workflow(uri) .setHandler(onLoadThreadsResponse) .start(); } function onLoadThreadsResponse(r) { var layout = JX.$(config.layoutID); var menu = JX.DOM.find(layout, 'div', 'conpherence-menu-pane'); JX.DOM.setContent(menu, JX.$H(r)); config.selectedID && selectThreadByID(config.selectedID); _thread.node.scrollIntoView(); markThreadsLoading(false); } function didLoadThreads() { // If there's no thread selected yet, select the current thread or the // first thread. if (!_thread.selected) { if (config.selectedID) { selectThreadByID(config.selectedID, true); } else { var layout = JX.$(config.layoutID); var threads = JX.DOM.scry(layout, 'a', 'conpherence-menu-click'); if (threads.length) { selectThread(threads[0]); } else { var nothreads = JX.DOM.find(layout, 'div', 'conpherence-no-threads'); nothreads.style.display = 'block'; markThreadLoading(false); markWidgetLoading(false); } } } } var handleThreadScrollers = function (e) { e.kill(); var data = e.getNodeData('conpherence-menu-scroller'); var scroller = e.getNode('conpherence-menu-scroller'); JX.DOM.alterClass(scroller, 'loading', true); JX.DOM.setContent(scroller.firstChild, 'Loading...'); new JX.Workflow(scroller.href, data) .setHandler( JX.bind(null, threadScrollerResponse, scroller, data.direction)) .start(); }; var threadScrollerResponse = function (scroller, direction, r) { var html = JX.$H(r.html); var thread_phids = r.phids; var reselect_id = null; // remove any threads that are in the list that we just got back // in the result set; things have changed and they'll be in the // right place soon for (var ii = 0; ii < thread_phids.length; ii++) { try { var node_id = thread_phids[ii] + '-nav-item'; var node = JX.$(node_id); var node_data = JX.Stratcom.getData(node); if (node_data.id == _thread.selected) { reselect_id = node_id; } JX.DOM.remove(node); } catch (ex) { // ignore , just haven't seen this thread yet } } var root = JX.DOM.find(document, 'div', 'conpherence-layout'); var menu_root = JX.DOM.find(root, 'div', 'conpherence-menu-pane'); var scroll_y = 0; // we have to do some hyjinx in the up case to make the menu scroll to // where it should if (direction == 'up') { var style = { position: 'absolute', left: '-10000px' }; var test_size = JX.$N('div', {style: style}, html); document.body.appendChild(test_size); var html_size = JX.Vector.getDim(test_size); JX.DOM.remove(test_size); scroll_y = html_size.y; } JX.DOM.replace(scroller, html); menu_root.scrollTop += scroll_y; if (reselect_id) { JX.Stratcom.invoke( 'conpherence-selectthread', null, { id : reselect_id } ); } }; JX.Stratcom.listen( ['click'], 'conpherence-menu-scroller', handleThreadScrollers ); var onkeydownDraft = function (e) { var form = e.getNode('tag:form'); var uri = config.baseURI + 'update/' + _thread.selected + '/'; var draftRequest = new JX.PhabricatorShapedRequest( uri, JX.bag, function () { var data = JX.DOM.convertFormToDictionary(form); data.action = 'draft'; return data; }); draftRequest.start(); }; JX.Stratcom.listen( ['keydown'], 'conpherence-pontificate', onkeydownDraft); });