shouldRequireLogin()) { return false; } if (!$this->shouldRequireEnabledUser()) { return false; } if ($this->shouldAllowPartialSessions()) { return false; } $user = $this->getRequest()->getUser(); if (!$user->getIsStandardUser()) { return false; } return PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('security.require-multi-factor-auth'); } public function shouldAllowLegallyNonCompliantUsers() { return false; } public function isGlobalDragAndDropUploadEnabled() { return false; } public function willBeginExecution() { $request = $this->getRequest(); if ($request->getUser()) { // NOTE: Unit tests can set a user explicitly. Normal requests are not // permitted to do this. PhabricatorTestCase::assertExecutingUnitTests(); $user = $request->getUser(); } else { $user = new PhabricatorUser(); $session_engine = new PhabricatorAuthSessionEngine(); $phsid = $request->getCookie(PhabricatorCookies::COOKIE_SESSION); if (strlen($phsid)) { $session_user = $session_engine->loadUserForSession( PhabricatorAuthSession::TYPE_WEB, $phsid); if ($session_user) { $user = $session_user; } } else { // If the client doesn't have a session token, generate an anonymous // session. This is used to provide CSRF protection to logged-out users. $phsid = $session_engine->establishSession( PhabricatorAuthSession::TYPE_WEB, null, $partial = false); // This may be a resource request, in which case we just don't set // the cookie. if ($request->canSetCookies()) { $request->setCookie(PhabricatorCookies::COOKIE_SESSION, $phsid); } } if (!$user->isLoggedIn()) { $user->attachAlternateCSRFString(PhabricatorHash::weakDigest($phsid)); } $request->setUser($user); } id(new PhabricatorAuthSessionEngine()) ->willServeRequestForUser($user); if (PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('darkconsole.enabled')) { $dark_console = PhabricatorDarkConsoleSetting::SETTINGKEY; if ($user->getUserSetting($dark_console) || PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('darkconsole.always-on')) { $console = new DarkConsoleCore(); $request->getApplicationConfiguration()->setConsole($console); } } // NOTE: We want to set up the user first so we can render a real page // here, but fire this before any real logic. $restricted = array( 'code', ); foreach ($restricted as $parameter) { if ($request->getExists($parameter)) { if (!$this->shouldAllowRestrictedParameter($parameter)) { throw new Exception( pht( 'Request includes restricted parameter "%s", but this '. 'controller ("%s") does not whitelist it. Refusing to '. 'serve this request because it might be part of a redirection '. 'attack.', $parameter, get_class($this))); } } } if ($this->shouldRequireEnabledUser()) { if ($user->getIsDisabled()) { $controller = new PhabricatorDisabledUserController(); return $this->delegateToController($controller); } } $auth_class = 'PhabricatorAuthApplication'; $auth_application = PhabricatorApplication::getByClass($auth_class); // Require partial sessions to finish login before doing anything. if (!$this->shouldAllowPartialSessions()) { if ($user->hasSession() && $user->getSession()->getIsPartial()) { $login_controller = new PhabricatorAuthFinishController(); $this->setCurrentApplication($auth_application); return $this->delegateToController($login_controller); } } // Require users sign Legalpad documents before we check if they have // MFA. If we don't do this, they can get stuck in a state where they // can't add MFA until they sign, and can't sign until they add MFA. // See T13024 and PHI223. $result = $this->requireLegalpadSignatures(); if ($result !== null) { return $result; } // Check if the user needs to configure MFA. $need_mfa = $this->shouldRequireMultiFactorEnrollment(); $have_mfa = $user->getIsEnrolledInMultiFactor(); if ($need_mfa && !$have_mfa) { // Check if the cache is just out of date. Otherwise, roadblock the user // and require MFA enrollment. $user->updateMultiFactorEnrollment(); if (!$user->getIsEnrolledInMultiFactor()) { $mfa_controller = new PhabricatorAuthNeedsMultiFactorController(); $this->setCurrentApplication($auth_application); return $this->delegateToController($mfa_controller); } } if ($this->shouldRequireLogin()) { // This actually means we need either: // - a valid user, or a public controller; and // - permission to see the application; and // - permission to see at least one Space if spaces are configured. $allow_public = $this->shouldAllowPublic() && PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('policy.allow-public'); // If this controller isn't public, and the user isn't logged in, require // login. if (!$allow_public && !$user->isLoggedIn()) { $login_controller = new PhabricatorAuthStartController(); $this->setCurrentApplication($auth_application); return $this->delegateToController($login_controller); } if ($user->isLoggedIn()) { if ($this->shouldRequireEmailVerification()) { if (!$user->getIsEmailVerified()) { $controller = new PhabricatorMustVerifyEmailController(); $this->setCurrentApplication($auth_application); return $this->delegateToController($controller); } } } // If Spaces are configured, require that the user have access to at // least one. If we don't do this, they'll get confusing error messages // later on. $spaces = PhabricatorSpacesNamespaceQuery::getSpacesExist(); if ($spaces) { $viewer_spaces = PhabricatorSpacesNamespaceQuery::getViewerSpaces( $user); if (!$viewer_spaces) { $controller = new PhabricatorSpacesNoAccessController(); return $this->delegateToController($controller); } } // If the user doesn't have access to the application, don't let them use // any of its controllers. We query the application in order to generate // a policy exception if the viewer doesn't have permission. $application = $this->getCurrentApplication(); if ($application) { id(new PhabricatorApplicationQuery()) ->setViewer($user) ->withPHIDs(array($application->getPHID())) ->executeOne(); } // If users need approval, require they wait here. We do this near the // end so they can take other actions (like verifying email, signing // documents, and enrolling in MFA) while waiting for an admin to take a // look at things. See T13024 for more discussion. if ($this->shouldRequireEnabledUser()) { if ($user->isLoggedIn() && !$user->getIsApproved()) { $controller = new PhabricatorAuthNeedsApprovalController(); return $this->delegateToController($controller); } } } // NOTE: We do this last so that users get a login page instead of a 403 // if they need to login. if ($this->shouldRequireAdmin() && !$user->getIsAdmin()) { return new Aphront403Response(); } } public function getApplicationURI($path = '') { if (!$this->getCurrentApplication()) { throw new Exception(pht('No application!')); } return $this->getCurrentApplication()->getApplicationURI($path); } public function willSendResponse(AphrontResponse $response) { $request = $this->getRequest(); if ($response instanceof AphrontDialogResponse) { if (!$request->isAjax() && !$request->isQuicksand()) { $dialog = $response->getDialog(); $title = $dialog->getTitle(); $short = $dialog->getShortTitle(); $crumbs = $this->buildApplicationCrumbs(); $crumbs->addTextCrumb(coalesce($short, $title)); $page_content = array( $crumbs, $response->buildResponseString(), ); $view = id(new PhabricatorStandardPageView()) ->setRequest($request) ->setController($this) ->setDeviceReady(true) ->setTitle($title) ->appendChild($page_content); $response = id(new AphrontWebpageResponse()) ->setContent($view->render()) ->setHTTPResponseCode($response->getHTTPResponseCode()); } else { $response->getDialog()->setIsStandalone(true); return id(new AphrontAjaxResponse()) ->setContent(array( 'dialog' => $response->buildResponseString(), )); } } else if ($response instanceof AphrontRedirectResponse) { if ($request->isAjax() || $request->isQuicksand()) { return id(new AphrontAjaxResponse()) ->setContent( array( 'redirect' => $response->getURI(), 'close' => $response->getCloseDialogBeforeRedirect(), )); } } return $response; } /** * WARNING: Do not call this in new code. * * @deprecated See "Handles Technical Documentation". */ protected function loadViewerHandles(array $phids) { return id(new PhabricatorHandleQuery()) ->setViewer($this->getRequest()->getUser()) ->withPHIDs($phids) ->execute(); } public function buildApplicationMenu() { return null; } protected function buildApplicationCrumbs() { $crumbs = array(); $application = $this->getCurrentApplication(); if ($application) { $icon = $application->getIcon(); if (!$icon) { $icon = 'fa-puzzle'; } $crumbs[] = id(new PHUICrumbView()) ->setHref($this->getApplicationURI()) ->setName($application->getName()) ->setIcon($icon); } $view = new PHUICrumbsView(); foreach ($crumbs as $crumb) { $view->addCrumb($crumb); } return $view; } protected function hasApplicationCapability($capability) { return PhabricatorPolicyFilter::hasCapability( $this->getRequest()->getUser(), $this->getCurrentApplication(), $capability); } protected function requireApplicationCapability($capability) { PhabricatorPolicyFilter::requireCapability( $this->getRequest()->getUser(), $this->getCurrentApplication(), $capability); } protected function explainApplicationCapability( $capability, $positive_message, $negative_message) { $can_act = $this->hasApplicationCapability($capability); if ($can_act) { $message = $positive_message; $icon_name = 'fa-play-circle-o lightgreytext'; } else { $message = $negative_message; $icon_name = 'fa-lock'; } $icon = id(new PHUIIconView()) ->setIcon($icon_name); require_celerity_resource('policy-css'); $phid = $this->getCurrentApplication()->getPHID(); $explain_uri = "/policy/explain/{$phid}/{$capability}/"; $message = phutil_tag( 'div', array( 'class' => 'policy-capability-explanation', ), array( $icon, javelin_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => $explain_uri, 'sigil' => 'workflow', ), $message), )); return array($can_act, $message); } public function getDefaultResourceSource() { return 'phabricator'; } /** * Create a new @{class:AphrontDialogView} with defaults filled in. * * @return AphrontDialogView New dialog. */ public function newDialog() { $submit_uri = new PhutilURI($this->getRequest()->getRequestURI()); $submit_uri = $submit_uri->getPath(); return id(new AphrontDialogView()) ->setUser($this->getRequest()->getUser()) ->setSubmitURI($submit_uri); } public function newPage() { $page = id(new PhabricatorStandardPageView()) ->setRequest($this->getRequest()) ->setController($this) ->setDeviceReady(true); $application = $this->getCurrentApplication(); if ($application) { $page->setApplicationName($application->getName()); if ($application->getTitleGlyph()) { $page->setGlyph($application->getTitleGlyph()); } } $viewer = $this->getRequest()->getUser(); if ($viewer) { $page->setUser($viewer); } return $page; } public function newApplicationMenu() { return id(new PHUIApplicationMenuView()) ->setViewer($this->getViewer()); } public function newCurtainView($object = null) { $viewer = $this->getViewer(); $action_id = celerity_generate_unique_node_id(); $action_list = id(new PhabricatorActionListView()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->setID($action_id); // NOTE: Applications (objects of class PhabricatorApplication) can't // currently be set here, although they don't need any of the extensions // anyway. This should probably work differently than it does, though. if ($object) { if ($object instanceof PhabricatorLiskDAO) { $action_list->setObject($object); } } $curtain = id(new PHUICurtainView()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->setActionList($action_list); if ($object) { $panels = PHUICurtainExtension::buildExtensionPanels($viewer, $object); foreach ($panels as $panel) { $curtain->addPanel($panel); } } return $curtain; } protected function buildTransactionTimeline( PhabricatorApplicationTransactionInterface $object, PhabricatorApplicationTransactionQuery $query, PhabricatorMarkupEngine $engine = null, $render_data = array()) { $viewer = $this->getRequest()->getUser(); $xaction = $object->getApplicationTransactionTemplate(); $view = $xaction->getApplicationTransactionViewObject(); $pager = id(new AphrontCursorPagerView()) ->readFromRequest($this->getRequest()) ->setURI(new PhutilURI( '/transactions/showolder/'.$object->getPHID().'/')); $xactions = $query ->setViewer($viewer) ->withObjectPHIDs(array($object->getPHID())) ->needComments(true) ->executeWithCursorPager($pager); $xactions = array_reverse($xactions); if ($engine) { foreach ($xactions as $xaction) { if ($xaction->getComment()) { $engine->addObject( $xaction->getComment(), PhabricatorApplicationTransactionComment::MARKUP_FIELD_COMMENT); } } $engine->process(); $view->setMarkupEngine($engine); } $timeline = $view ->setUser($viewer) ->setObjectPHID($object->getPHID()) ->setTransactions($xactions) ->setPager($pager) ->setRenderData($render_data) ->setQuoteTargetID($this->getRequest()->getStr('quoteTargetID')) ->setQuoteRef($this->getRequest()->getStr('quoteRef')); $object->willRenderTimeline($timeline, $this->getRequest()); return $timeline; } public function buildApplicationCrumbsForEditEngine() { // TODO: This is kind of gross, I'm basically just making this public so // I can use it in EditEngine. We could do this without making it public // by using controller delegation, or make it properly public. return $this->buildApplicationCrumbs(); } private function requireLegalpadSignatures() { if (!$this->shouldRequireLogin()) { return null; } if ($this->shouldAllowLegallyNonCompliantUsers()) { return null; } $viewer = $this->getViewer(); if (!$viewer->hasSession()) { return null; } $session = $viewer->getSession(); if ($session->getIsPartial()) { // If the user hasn't made it through MFA yet, require they survive // MFA first. return null; } if ($session->getSignedLegalpadDocuments()) { return null; } if (!$viewer->isLoggedIn()) { return null; } $must_sign_docs = array(); $sign_docs = array(); $legalpad_class = 'PhabricatorLegalpadApplication'; $legalpad_installed = PhabricatorApplication::isClassInstalledForViewer( $legalpad_class, $viewer); if ($legalpad_installed) { $sign_docs = id(new LegalpadDocumentQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->withSignatureRequired(1) ->needViewerSignatures(true) ->setOrder('oldest') ->execute(); foreach ($sign_docs as $sign_doc) { if (!$sign_doc->getUserSignature($viewer->getPHID())) { $must_sign_docs[] = $sign_doc; } } } if (!$must_sign_docs) { // If nothing needs to be signed (either because there are no documents // which require a signature, or because the user has already signed // all of them) mark the session as good and continue. $engine = id(new PhabricatorAuthSessionEngine()) ->signLegalpadDocuments($viewer, $sign_docs); return null; } $request = $this->getRequest(); $request->setURIMap( array( 'id' => head($must_sign_docs)->getID(), )); $application = PhabricatorApplication::getByClass($legalpad_class); $this->setCurrentApplication($application); $controller = new LegalpadDocumentSignController(); return $this->delegateToController($controller); } /* -( Deprecated )--------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * DEPRECATED. Use @{method:newPage}. */ public function buildStandardPageView() { return $this->newPage(); } /** * DEPRECATED. Use @{method:newPage}. */ public function buildStandardPageResponse($view, array $data) { $page = $this->buildStandardPageView(); $page->appendChild($view); return $page->produceAphrontResponse(); } }