shouldAllowPublic()) { return false; } return true; } public function shouldRequireAdmin() { return false; } public function shouldRequireEnabledUser() { return true; } public function shouldAllowPublic() { return false; } public function shouldRequireEmailVerification() { $need_verify = PhabricatorUserEmail::isEmailVerificationRequired(); $need_login = $this->shouldRequireLogin(); return ($need_login && $need_verify); } final public function willBeginExecution() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $user = new PhabricatorUser(); $phusr = $request->getCookie('phusr'); $phsid = $request->getCookie('phsid'); if (strlen($phusr) && $phsid) { $info = queryfx_one( $user->establishConnection('r'), 'SELECT u.* FROM %T u JOIN %T s ON u.phid = s.userPHID AND s.type LIKE %> AND s.sessionKey = %s', $user->getTableName(), 'phabricator_session', 'web-', $phsid); if ($info) { $user->loadFromArray($info); } } $translation = $user->getTranslation(); if ($translation && $translation != PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('translation.provider')) { $translation = newv($translation, array()); PhutilTranslator::getInstance() ->setLanguage($translation->getLanguage()) ->addTranslations($translation->getTranslations()); } $request->setUser($user); if ($user->getIsDisabled() && $this->shouldRequireEnabledUser()) { $disabled_user_controller = new PhabricatorDisabledUserController( $request); return $this->delegateToController($disabled_user_controller); } $event = new PhabricatorEvent( PhabricatorEventType::TYPE_CONTROLLER_CHECKREQUEST, array( 'request' => $request, 'controller' => $this, )); $event->setUser($user); PhutilEventEngine::dispatchEvent($event); $checker_controller = $event->getValue('controller'); if ($checker_controller != $this) { return $this->delegateToController($checker_controller); } $preferences = $user->loadPreferences(); if (PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('darkconsole.enabled')) { $dark_console = PhabricatorUserPreferences::PREFERENCE_DARK_CONSOLE; if ($preferences->getPreference($dark_console) || PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('darkconsole.always-on')) { $console = new DarkConsoleCore(); $request->getApplicationConfiguration()->setConsole($console); } } if ($this->shouldRequireLogin() && !$user->getPHID()) { $login_controller = new PhabricatorLoginController($request); return $this->delegateToController($login_controller); } if ($this->shouldRequireEmailVerification()) { $email = $user->loadPrimaryEmail(); if (!$email) { throw new Exception( "No primary email address associated with this account!"); } if (!$email->getIsVerified()) { $verify_controller = new PhabricatorMustVerifyEmailController($request); return $this->delegateToController($verify_controller); } } if ($this->shouldRequireAdmin() && !$user->getIsAdmin()) { return new Aphront403Response(); } } public function buildStandardPageView() { $view = new PhabricatorStandardPageView(); $view->setRequest($this->getRequest()); $view->setController($this); return $view; } public function buildStandardPageResponse($view, array $data) { $page = $this->buildStandardPageView(); $page->appendChild($view); $response = new AphrontWebpageResponse(); $response->setContent($page->render()); return $response; } public function getApplicationURI($path = '') { if (!$this->getCurrentApplication()) { throw new Exception("No application!"); } return $this->getCurrentApplication()->getBaseURI().ltrim($path, '/'); } public function buildApplicationPage($view, array $options) { $page = $this->buildStandardPageView(); $application = $this->getCurrentApplication(); $page->setTitle(idx($options, 'title')); if ($application) { $page->setApplicationName($application->getName()); if ($application->getTitleGlyph()) { $page->setGlyph($application->getTitleGlyph()); } } if (!($view instanceof AphrontSideNavFilterView)) { $nav = new AphrontSideNavFilterView(); $nav->appendChild($view); $view = $nav; } $view->setUser($this->getRequest()->getUser()); $page->appendChild($view); if (idx($options, 'device')) { $page->setDeviceReady(true); } $page->setShowChrome(idx($options, 'chrome', true)); $page->setDust(idx($options, 'dust', false)); $application_menu = $this->buildApplicationMenu(); if ($application_menu) { $page->setApplicationMenu($application_menu); } $response = new AphrontWebpageResponse(); return $response->setContent($page->render()); } public function didProcessRequest($response) { $request = $this->getRequest(); $response->setRequest($request); $seen = array(); while ($response instanceof AphrontProxyResponse) { $hash = spl_object_hash($response); if (isset($seen[$hash])) { $seen[] = get_class($response); throw new Exception( "Cycle while reducing proxy responses: ". implode(' -> ', $seen)); } $seen[$hash] = get_class($response); $response = $response->reduceProxyResponse(); } if ($response instanceof AphrontDialogResponse) { if (!$request->isAjax()) { $view = new PhabricatorStandardPageView(); $view->setRequest($request); $view->setController($this); $view->appendChild(hsprintf( '
', $response->buildResponseString())); $response = new AphrontWebpageResponse(); $response->setContent($view->render()); return $response; } else { return id(new AphrontAjaxResponse()) ->setContent(array( 'dialog' => $response->buildResponseString(), )); } } else if ($response instanceof AphrontRedirectResponse) { if ($request->isAjax()) { return id(new AphrontAjaxResponse()) ->setContent( array( 'redirect' => $response->getURI(), )); } } return $response; } protected function getHandle($phid) { if (empty($this->handles[$phid])) { throw new Exception( "Attempting to access handle which wasn't loaded: {$phid}"); } return $this->handles[$phid]; } protected function loadHandles(array $phids) { $phids = array_filter($phids); $this->handles = $this->loadViewerHandles($phids); return $this; } protected function getLoadedHandles() { return $this->handles; } protected function loadViewerHandles(array $phids) { return id(new PhabricatorObjectHandleData($phids)) ->setViewer($this->getRequest()->getUser()) ->loadHandles(); } /** * Render a list of links to handles, identified by PHIDs. The handles must * already be loaded. * * @param list List of PHIDs to render links to. * @param string Style, one of "\n" (to put each item on its own line) * or "," (to list items inline, separated by commas). * @return string Rendered list of handle links. */ protected function renderHandlesForPHIDs(array $phids, $style = "\n") { $style_map = array( "\n" => phutil_tag('br'), ',' => ', ', ); if (empty($style_map[$style])) { throw new Exception("Unknown handle list style '{$style}'!"); } $items = array(); foreach ($phids as $phid) { $items[] = $this->getHandle($phid)->renderLink(); } return phutil_implode_html($style_map[$style], $items); } protected function buildApplicationMenu() { return null; } protected function buildApplicationCrumbs() { $crumbs = array(); $application = $this->getCurrentApplication(); if ($application) { $sprite = $application->getIconName(); if (!$sprite) { $sprite = 'application'; } $crumbs[] = id(new PhabricatorCrumbView()) ->setHref($this->getApplicationURI()) ->setIcon($sprite); } $view = new PhabricatorCrumbsView(); foreach ($crumbs as $crumb) { $view->addCrumb($crumb); } return $view; } }