#!/usr/bin/env php <?php /** * /startup/ is not a Phutil library, so it can't use the phutil test fixture. * This script will just run the tests directly. * * NOTE: This test file will not run as part of `arc unit` run! */ final class PreambleUtilsTestCase { public function testTrustXForwardValues() { // For specific values of `$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']`, // `$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']` will be updated with the result. $undefined = 'SPECIAL::UNDEFINED'; $null_value = 'SPECIAL::NULL'; $test_cases = array( 'abc' => 'abc', $null_value => $undefined, '' => $undefined, // Strange, unexpected cases: 144 => '144', ); foreach ($test_cases as $input => $expected) { switch ($input) { case $undefined: unset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']); break; case $null_value: $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] = null; break; default: $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] = $input; break; } unset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); preamble_trust_x_forwarded_for_header(); if (!isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { if ($expected === $undefined) { // test pass continue; } else { $this->failTest("Failed for input {$input} - result is not defined!"); } } $actual = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if ($actual !== $expected) { var_dump($actual); $this->failTest( "Failed for input {$input} - actual output is {$actual}"); } } } private function failTest($message = null) { echo $message; echo "\n"; throw new Exception(); } /** * Run all tests in this class. * * Return: True if all tests passed; False if any test failed. */ final public function run() { $reflection = new ReflectionClass($this); $methods = $reflection->getMethods(); $any_fail = false; // Try to ensure that poorly-written tests which depend on execution order // (and are thus not properly isolated) will fail. shuffle($methods); foreach ($methods as $method) { $name = $method->getName(); if (!preg_match('/^test/', $name)) { continue; } try { call_user_func_array( array($this, $name), array()); echo "Test passed: {$name}\n"; } catch (Throwable $ex) { $any_fail = true; echo "Failed test: {$name}\n"; } } return !$any_fail; } } require_once dirname(__DIR__).'/preamble-utils.php'; $test_case = new PreambleUtilsTestCase(); $good = $test_case->run(); if (!$good) { exit(3); }