metadataBlock = (int)$_REQUEST['__metablock__']; } } public function addMetadata($metadata) { $id = count($this->metadata); $this->metadata[$id] = $metadata; return $this->metadataBlock.'_'.$id; } public function getMetadataBlock() { return $this->metadataBlock; } /** * Register a behavior for initialization. NOTE: if $config is empty, * a behavior will execute only once even if it is initialized multiple times. * If $config is nonempty, the behavior will be invoked once for each config. */ public function initBehavior( $behavior, array $config = array(), $source_name = 'phabricator') { $this->requireResource('javelin-behavior-'.$behavior, $source_name); if (empty($this->behaviors[$behavior])) { $this->behaviors[$behavior] = array(); } if ($config) { $this->behaviors[$behavior][] = $config; } return $this; } public function requireResource($symbol, $source_name) { if (isset($this->symbols[$source_name][$symbol])) { return $this; } // Verify that the resource exists. $map = CelerityResourceMap::getNamedInstance($source_name); $name = $map->getResourceNameForSymbol($symbol); if ($name === null) { throw new Exception( pht( 'No resource with symbol "%s" exists in source "%s"!', $symbol, $source_name)); } $this->symbols[$source_name][$symbol] = true; $this->needsResolve = true; return $this; } private function resolveResources() { if ($this->needsResolve) { $this->packaged = array(); foreach ($this->symbols as $source_name => $symbols_map) { $symbols = array_keys($symbols_map); $map = CelerityResourceMap::getNamedInstance($source_name); $packaged = $map->getPackagedNamesForSymbols($symbols); $this->packaged[$source_name] = $packaged; } $this->needsResolve = false; } return $this; } public function renderSingleResource($symbol, $source_name) { $map = CelerityResourceMap::getNamedInstance($source_name); $packaged = $map->getPackagedNamesForSymbols(array($symbol)); return $this->renderPackagedResources($map, $packaged); } public function renderResourcesOfType($type) { $this->resolveResources(); $result = array(); foreach ($this->packaged as $source_name => $resource_names) { $map = CelerityResourceMap::getNamedInstance($source_name); $resources_of_type = array(); foreach ($resource_names as $resource_name) { $resource_type = $map->getResourceTypeForName($resource_name); if ($resource_type == $type) { $resources_of_type[] = $resource_name; } } $result[] = $this->renderPackagedResources($map, $resources_of_type); } return phutil_implode_html('', $result); } private function renderPackagedResources( CelerityResourceMap $map, array $resources) { $output = array(); foreach ($resources as $name) { if (isset($this->hasRendered[$name])) { continue; } $this->hasRendered[$name] = true; $output[] = $this->renderResource($map, $name); } return $output; } private function renderResource( CelerityResourceMap $map, $name) { $uri = $this->getURI($map, $name); $type = $map->getResourceTypeForName($name); switch ($type) { case 'css': return phutil_tag( 'link', array( 'rel' => 'stylesheet', 'type' => 'text/css', 'href' => $uri, )); case 'js': return phutil_tag( 'script', array( 'type' => 'text/javascript', 'src' => $uri, ), ''); } throw new Exception( pht( 'Unable to render resource "%s", which has unknown type "%s".', $name, $type)); } public function renderHTMLFooter() { $data = array(); if ($this->metadata) { $json_metadata = AphrontResponse::encodeJSONForHTTPResponse( $this->metadata); $this->metadata = array(); } else { $json_metadata = '{}'; } // Even if there is no metadata on the page, Javelin uses the mergeData() // call to start dispatching the event queue. $data[] = 'JX.Stratcom.mergeData('.$this->metadataBlock.', '. $json_metadata.');'; $onload = array(); if ($this->behaviors) { $behaviors = $this->behaviors; $this->behaviors = array(); $higher_priority_names = array( 'refresh-csrf', 'aphront-basic-tokenizer', 'dark-console', 'history-install', ); $higher_priority_behaviors = array_select_keys( $behaviors, $higher_priority_names); foreach ($higher_priority_names as $name) { unset($behaviors[$name]); } $behavior_groups = array( $higher_priority_behaviors, $behaviors); foreach ($behavior_groups as $group) { if (!$group) { continue; } $group_json = AphrontResponse::encodeJSONForHTTPResponse( $group); $onload[] = 'JX.initBehaviors('.$group_json.')'; } } if ($onload) { foreach ($onload as $func) { $data[] = 'JX.onload(function(){'.$func.'});'; } } if ($data) { $data = implode("\n", $data); return self::renderInlineScript($data); } else { return ''; } } public static function renderInlineScript($data) { if (stripos($data, '') !== false) { throw new Exception( 'Literal is not allowed inside inline script.'); } if (strpos($data, ' because it is ignored by HTML parsers. We // would need to send the document with XHTML content type. return phutil_tag( 'script', array('type' => 'text/javascript'), phutil_safe_html($data)); } public function buildAjaxResponse($payload, $error = null) { $response = array( 'error' => $error, 'payload' => $payload, ); if ($this->metadata) { $response['javelin_metadata'] = $this->metadata; $this->metadata = array(); } if ($this->behaviors) { $response['javelin_behaviors'] = $this->behaviors; $this->behaviors = array(); } $this->resolveResources(); $resources = array(); foreach ($this->packaged as $source_name => $resource_names) { $map = CelerityResourceMap::getNamedInstance($source_name); foreach ($resource_names as $resource_name) { $resources[] = $this->getURI($map, $resource_name); } } if ($resources) { $response['javelin_resources'] = $resources; } return $response; } public function getURI( CelerityResourceMap $map, $name) { $uri = $map->getURIForName($name); // In developer mode, we dump file modification times into the URI. When a // page is reloaded in the browser, any resources brought in by Ajax calls // do not trigger revalidation, so without this it's very difficult to get // changes to Ajaxed-in CSS to work (you must clear your cache or rerun // the map script). In production, we can assume the map script gets run // after changes, and safely skip this. if (PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('phabricator.developer-mode')) { $mtime = $map->getModifiedTimeForName($name); $uri = preg_replace('@^/res/@', '/res/'.$mtime.'T/', $uri); } return PhabricatorEnv::getCDNURI($uri); } }