view = idx($data, 'view'); } private function getArrToStrList($key) { $arr = $this->getRequest()->getArr($key); $arr = implode(',', $arr); return nonempty($arr, null); } public function processRequest() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $user = $request->getUser(); if ($request->isFormPost()) { // Redirect to GET so URIs can be copy/pasted. $task_ids = $request->getStr('set_tasks'); $task_ids = nonempty($task_ids, null); $search_text = $request->getStr('set_search'); $search_text = nonempty($search_text, null); $uri = $request->getRequestURI() ->alter('users', $this->getArrToStrList('set_users')) ->alter('projects', $this->getArrToStrList('set_projects')) ->alter('xprojects', $this->getArrToStrList('set_xprojects')) ->alter('owners', $this->getArrToStrList('set_owners')) ->alter('authors', $this->getArrToStrList('set_authors')) ->alter('tasks', $task_ids) ->alter('search', $search_text); return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse())->setURI($uri); } $nav = $this->buildBaseSideNav(); $has_filter = array( 'action' => true, 'created' => true, 'subscribed' => true, 'triage' => true, 'projecttriage' => true, 'projectall' => true, ); $query = null; $key = $request->getStr('key'); if (!$key && !$this->view) { if ($this->getDefaultQuery()) { $key = $this->getDefaultQuery()->getQueryKey(); } } if ($key) { $query = id(new PhabricatorSearchQuery())->loadOneWhere( 'queryKey = %s', $key); } // If the user is running a saved query, load query parameters from that // query. Otherwise, build a new query object from the HTTP request. if ($query) { $nav->selectFilter('Q:'.$query->getQueryKey(), 'custom'); $this->view = 'custom'; } else { $this->view = $nav->selectFilter($this->view, 'action'); $query = $this->buildQueryFromRequest(); } // Execute the query. list($tasks, $handles, $total_count) = self::loadTasks($query); // Extract information we need to render the filters from the query. $search_text = $query->getParameter('fullTextSearch'); $user_phids = $query->getParameter('userPHIDs', array()); $task_ids = $query->getParameter('taskIDs', array()); $owner_phids = $query->getParameter('ownerPHIDs', array()); $author_phids = $query->getParameter('authorPHIDs', array()); $project_phids = $query->getParameter('projectPHIDs', array()); $exclude_project_phids = $query->getParameter( 'excludeProjectPHIDs', array()); $page_size = $query->getParameter('limit'); $page = $query->getParameter('offset'); $q_status = $query->getParameter('status'); $q_group = $query->getParameter('group'); $q_order = $query->getParameter('order'); $form = id(new AphrontFormView()) ->setUser($user) ->setAction( $request->getRequestURI() ->alter('key', null) ->alter( $this->getStatusRequestKey(), $this->getStatusRequestValue($q_status)) ->alter( $this->getOrderRequestKey(), $this->getOrderRequestValue($q_order)) ->alter( $this->getGroupRequestKey(), $this->getGroupRequestValue($q_group))); if (isset($has_filter[$this->view])) { $tokens = array(); foreach ($user_phids as $phid) { $tokens[$phid] = $handles[$phid]->getFullName(); } $form->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormTokenizerControl()) ->setDatasource('/typeahead/common/searchowner/') ->setName('set_users') ->setLabel('Users') ->setValue($tokens)); } if ($this->view == 'custom') { $form->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormTextControl()) ->setName('set_search') ->setLabel('Search') ->setValue($search_text) ); $form->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormTextControl()) ->setName('set_tasks') ->setLabel('Task IDs') ->setValue(join(',', $task_ids)) ); $tokens = array(); foreach ($owner_phids as $phid) { $tokens[$phid] = $handles[$phid]->getFullName(); } $form->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormTokenizerControl()) ->setDatasource('/typeahead/common/searchowner/') ->setName('set_owners') ->setLabel('Owners') ->setValue($tokens)); $tokens = array(); foreach ($author_phids as $phid) { $tokens[$phid] = $handles[$phid]->getFullName(); } $form->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormTokenizerControl()) ->setDatasource('/typeahead/common/users/') ->setName('set_authors') ->setLabel('Authors') ->setValue($tokens)); } $tokens = array(); foreach ($project_phids as $phid) { $tokens[$phid] = $handles[$phid]->getFullName(); } if ($this->view != 'projectall' && $this->view != 'projecttriage') { $form->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormTokenizerControl()) ->setDatasource('/typeahead/common/searchproject/') ->setName('set_projects') ->setLabel('Projects') ->setValue($tokens)); } if ($this->view == 'custom') { $tokens = array(); foreach ($exclude_project_phids as $phid) { $tokens[$phid] = $handles[$phid]->getFullName(); } $form->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormTokenizerControl()) ->setDatasource('/typeahead/common/projects/') ->setName('set_xprojects') ->setLabel('Exclude Projects') ->setValue($tokens)); } $form ->appendChild($this->renderStatusControl($q_status)) ->appendChild($this->renderGroupControl($q_group)) ->appendChild($this->renderOrderControl($q_order)); $submit = id(new AphrontFormSubmitControl()) ->setValue('Filter Tasks'); // Only show "Save..." for novel queries which have some kind of query // parameters set. if ($this->view === 'custom' && empty($key) && $request->getRequestURI()->getQueryParams()) { $submit->addCancelButton( '/maniphest/custom/edit/?key='.$query->getQueryKey(), 'Save Custom Query...'); } $form->appendChild($submit); $create_uri = new PhutilURI('/maniphest/task/create/'); if ($project_phids) { // If we have project filters selected, use them as defaults for task // creation. $create_uri->setQueryParam('projects', implode(';', $project_phids)); } $filter = new AphrontListFilterView(); $filter->addButton( phutil_render_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => (string)$create_uri, 'class' => 'green button', ), 'Create New Task')); if (empty($key)) { $filter->appendChild($form); } $nav->appendChild($filter); $have_tasks = false; foreach ($tasks as $group => $list) { if (count($list)) { $have_tasks = true; break; } } require_celerity_resource('maniphest-task-summary-css'); $list_container = new AphrontNullView(); $list_container->appendChild('
'); if (!$have_tasks) { $list_container->appendChild( '

'. 'No matching tasks.'. '

'); } else { $pager = new AphrontPagerView(); $pager->setURI($request->getRequestURI(), 'offset'); $pager->setPageSize($page_size); $pager->setOffset($page); $pager->setCount($total_count); $cur = ($pager->getOffset() + 1); $max = min($pager->getOffset() + $page_size, $total_count); $tot = $total_count; $cur = number_format($cur); $max = number_format($max); $tot = number_format($tot); $list_container->appendChild( '
'. "Displaying tasks {$cur} - {$max} of {$tot}.". '
'); $selector = new AphrontNullView(); $group = $query->getParameter('group'); $order = $query->getParameter('order'); $is_draggable = ($group == 'priority') || ($group == 'none' && $order == 'priority'); $lists = new AphrontNullView(); $lists->appendChild('
'); foreach ($tasks as $group => $list) { $task_list = new ManiphestTaskListView(); $task_list->setShowBatchControls(true); if ($is_draggable) { $task_list->setShowSubpriorityControls(true); } $task_list->setUser($user); $task_list->setTasks($list); $task_list->setHandles($handles); $count = number_format(count($list)); $lists->appendChild( javelin_render_tag( 'h1', array( 'class' => 'maniphest-task-group-header', 'sigil' => 'task-group', 'meta' => array( 'priority' => head($list)->getPriority(), ), ), phutil_escape_html($group).' ('.$count.')')); $lists->appendChild($task_list); } $lists->appendChild('
'); $selector->appendChild($lists); $selector->appendChild($this->renderBatchEditor($query)); $form_id = celerity_generate_unique_node_id(); $selector = phabricator_render_form( $user, array( 'method' => 'POST', 'action' => '/maniphest/batch/', 'id' => $form_id, ), $selector->render()); $list_container->appendChild($selector); $list_container->appendChild($pager); Javelin::initBehavior( 'maniphest-subpriority-editor', array( 'root' => $form_id, 'uri' => '/maniphest/subpriority/', )); } $list_container->appendChild('
'); $nav->appendChild($list_container); return $this->buildStandardPageResponse( $nav, array( 'title' => 'Task List', )); } public static function loadTasks(PhabricatorSearchQuery $search_query) { $any_project = false; $search_text = $search_query->getParameter('fullTextSearch'); $user_phids = $search_query->getParameter('userPHIDs', array()); $project_phids = $search_query->getParameter('projectPHIDs', array()); $task_ids = $search_query->getParameter('taskIDs', array()); $xproject_phids = $search_query->getParameter( 'excludeProjectPHIDs', array()); $owner_phids = $search_query->getParameter('ownerPHIDs', array()); $author_phids = $search_query->getParameter('authorPHIDs', array()); $query = new ManiphestTaskQuery(); $query->withProjects($project_phids); $query->withTaskIDs($task_ids); if ($xproject_phids) { $query->withoutProjects($xproject_phids); } if ($owner_phids) { $query->withOwners($owner_phids); } if ($author_phids) { $query->withAuthors($author_phids); } $status = $search_query->getParameter('status', 'all'); if (!empty($status['open']) && !empty($status['closed'])) { $query->withStatus(ManiphestTaskQuery::STATUS_ANY); } else if (!empty($status['open'])) { $query->withStatus(ManiphestTaskQuery::STATUS_OPEN); } else { $query->withStatus(ManiphestTaskQuery::STATUS_CLOSED); } switch ($search_query->getParameter('view')) { case 'action': $query->withOwners($user_phids); break; case 'created': $query->withAuthors($user_phids); break; case 'subscribed': $query->withSubscribers($user_phids); break; case 'triage': $query->withOwners($user_phids); $query->withPriority(ManiphestTaskPriority::PRIORITY_TRIAGE); break; case 'alltriage': $query->withPriority(ManiphestTaskPriority::PRIORITY_TRIAGE); break; case 'all': break; case 'projecttriage': $query->withPriority(ManiphestTaskPriority::PRIORITY_TRIAGE); $any_project = true; break; case 'projectall': $any_project = true; break; } $query->withAnyProject($any_project); $query->withFullTextSearch($search_text); $order_map = array( 'priority' => ManiphestTaskQuery::ORDER_PRIORITY, 'created' => ManiphestTaskQuery::ORDER_CREATED, ); $query->setOrderBy( idx( $order_map, $search_query->getParameter('order'), ManiphestTaskQuery::ORDER_MODIFIED)); $group_map = array( 'priority' => ManiphestTaskQuery::GROUP_PRIORITY, 'owner' => ManiphestTaskQuery::GROUP_OWNER, 'status' => ManiphestTaskQuery::GROUP_STATUS, 'project' => ManiphestTaskQuery::GROUP_PROJECT, ); $query->setGroupBy( idx( $group_map, $search_query->getParameter('group'), ManiphestTaskQuery::GROUP_NONE)); $query->setCalculateRows(true); $query->setLimit($search_query->getParameter('limit')); $query->setOffset($search_query->getParameter('offset')); $data = $query->execute(); $total_row_count = $query->getRowCount(); $project_group_phids = array(); if ($search_query->getParameter('group') == 'project') { foreach ($data as $task) { foreach ($task->getProjectPHIDs() as $phid) { $project_group_phids[] = $phid; } } } $handle_phids = mpull($data, 'getOwnerPHID'); $handle_phids = array_merge( $handle_phids, $project_phids, $user_phids, $xproject_phids, $owner_phids, $author_phids, $project_group_phids, array_mergev(mpull($data, 'getProjectPHIDs'))); $handles = id(new PhabricatorObjectHandleData($handle_phids)) ->loadHandles(); switch ($search_query->getParameter('group')) { case 'priority': $data = mgroup($data, 'getPriority'); // If we have invalid priorities, they'll all map to "???". Merge // arrays to prevent them from overwriting each other. $out = array(); foreach ($data as $pri => $tasks) { $out[ManiphestTaskPriority::getTaskPriorityName($pri)][] = $tasks; } foreach ($out as $pri => $tasks) { $out[$pri] = array_mergev($tasks); } $data = $out; break; case 'status': $data = mgroup($data, 'getStatus'); $out = array(); foreach ($data as $status => $tasks) { $out[ManiphestTaskStatus::getTaskStatusFullName($status)] = $tasks; } $data = $out; break; case 'owner': $data = mgroup($data, 'getOwnerPHID'); $out = array(); foreach ($data as $phid => $tasks) { if ($phid) { $out[$handles[$phid]->getFullName()] = $tasks; } else { $out['Unassigned'] = $tasks; } } $data = $out; ksort($data); // Move "Unassigned" to the top of the list. if (isset($data['Unassigned'])) { $data = array('Unassigned' => $out['Unassigned']) + $out; } break; case 'project': $grouped = array(); foreach ($data as $task) { $phids = $task->getProjectPHIDs(); if ($project_phids && $any_project !== true) { // If the user is filtering on "Bugs", don't show a "Bugs" group // with every result since that's silly (the query also does this // on the backend). $phids = array_diff($phids, $project_phids); } if ($phids) { foreach ($phids as $phid) { $grouped[$handles[$phid]->getName()][$task->getID()] = $task; } } else { $grouped['No Project'][$task->getID()] = $task; } } $data = $grouped; ksort($data); // Move "No Project" to the end of the list. if (isset($data['No Project'])) { $noproject = $data['No Project']; unset($data['No Project']); $data += array('No Project' => $noproject); } break; default: $data = array( 'Tasks' => $data, ); break; } return array($data, $handles, $total_row_count); } private function renderBatchEditor(PhabricatorSearchQuery $search_query) { Javelin::initBehavior( 'maniphest-batch-selector', array( 'selectAll' => 'batch-select-all', 'selectNone' => 'batch-select-none', 'submit' => 'batch-select-submit', 'status' => 'batch-select-status-cell', )); $select_all = javelin_render_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => '#', 'mustcapture' => true, 'class' => 'grey button', 'id' => 'batch-select-all', ), 'Select All'); $select_none = javelin_render_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => '#', 'mustcapture' => true, 'class' => 'grey button', 'id' => 'batch-select-none', ), 'Clear Selection'); $submit = phutil_render_tag( 'button', array( 'id' => 'batch-select-submit', 'disabled' => 'disabled', 'class' => 'disabled', ), 'Batch Edit Selected Tasks »'); $export = javelin_render_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => '/maniphest/export/'.$search_query->getQueryKey().'/', 'class' => 'grey button', ), 'Export Tasks to Excel...'); return '
'. '
Batch Task Editor
'. ''. ''. ''. ''. ''. ''. ''. '
'. $select_all. $select_none. ''. $export. ''. '0 Selected Tasks'. ''.$submit.'
'. ''; } private function buildQueryFromRequest() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $user = $request->getUser(); $status = $this->getStatusValueFromRequest(); $group = $this->getGroupValueFromRequest(); $order = $this->getOrderValueFromRequest(); $user_phids = $request->getStrList( 'users', array($user->getPHID())); if ($this->view == 'projecttriage' || $this->view == 'projectall') { $project_query = new PhabricatorProjectQuery(); $project_query->setMembers($user_phids); $projects = $project_query->execute(); $project_phids = mpull($projects, 'getPHID'); } else { $project_phids = $request->getStrList('projects'); } $exclude_project_phids = $request->getStrList('xprojects'); $task_ids = $request->getStrList('tasks'); if ($task_ids) { // We only need the integer portion of each task ID, so get rid of any // non-numeric elements $numeric_task_ids = array(); foreach ($task_ids as $task_id) { $task_id = preg_replace('/[a-zA-Z]+/', '', $task_id); if (!empty($task_id)) { $numeric_task_ids[] = $task_id; } } if (empty($numeric_task_ids)) { $numeric_task_ids = array(null); } $task_ids = $numeric_task_ids; } $owner_phids = $request->getStrList('owners'); $author_phids = $request->getStrList('authors'); $search_string = $request->getStr('search'); $page = $request->getInt('offset'); $page_size = self::DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE; $query = new PhabricatorSearchQuery(); $query->setQuery('<>'); $query->setParameters( array( 'fullTextSearch' => $search_string, 'view' => $this->view, 'userPHIDs' => $user_phids, 'projectPHIDs' => $project_phids, 'excludeProjectPHIDs' => $exclude_project_phids, 'ownerPHIDs' => $owner_phids, 'authorPHIDs' => $author_phids, 'taskIDs' => $task_ids, 'group' => $group, 'order' => $order, 'offset' => $page, 'limit' => $page_size, 'status' => $status, )); $unguarded = AphrontWriteGuard::beginScopedUnguardedWrites(); $query->save(); unset($unguarded); return $query; } /* -( Toggle Button Controls )--------------------------------------------- These are a giant mess since we have several different values: the request key (GET param used in requests), the request value (short names used in requests to keep URIs readable), and the query value (complex value stored in the query). */ private function getStatusValueFromRequest() { $map = $this->getStatusMap(); $val = $this->getRequest()->getStr($this->getStatusRequestKey()); return idx($map, $val, head($map)); } private function getGroupValueFromRequest() { $map = $this->getGroupMap(); $val = $this->getRequest()->getStr($this->getGroupRequestKey()); return idx($map, $val, head($map)); } private function getOrderValueFromRequest() { $map = $this->getOrderMap(); $val = $this->getRequest()->getStr($this->getOrderRequestKey()); return idx($map, $val, head($map)); } private function getStatusRequestKey() { return 's'; } private function getGroupRequestKey() { return 'g'; } private function getOrderRequestKey() { return 'o'; } private function getStatusRequestValue($value) { return array_search($value, $this->getStatusMap()); } private function getGroupRequestValue($value) { return array_search($value, $this->getGroupMap()); } private function getOrderRequestValue($value) { return array_search($value, $this->getOrderMap()); } private function getStatusMap() { return array( 'o' => array( 'open' => true, ), 'c' => array( 'closed' => true, ), 'oc' => array( 'open' => true, 'closed' => true, ), ); } private function getGroupMap() { return array( 'p' => 'priority', 'o' => 'owner', 's' => 'status', 'j' => 'project', 'n' => 'none', ); } private function getOrderMap() { return array( 'p' => 'priority', 'u' => 'updated', 'c' => 'created', ); } private function getStatusButtonMap() { return array( 'o' => 'Open', 'c' => 'Closed', 'oc' => 'All', ); } private function getGroupButtonMap() { return array( 'p' => 'Priority', 'o' => 'Owner', 's' => 'Status', 'j' => 'Project', 'n' => 'None', ); } private function getOrderButtonMap() { return array( 'p' => 'Priority', 'u' => 'Updated', 'c' => 'Created', ); } public function renderStatusControl($value) { $request = $this->getRequest(); return id(new AphrontFormToggleButtonsControl()) ->setLabel('Status') ->setValue($this->getStatusRequestValue($value)) ->setBaseURI($request->getRequestURI(), $this->getStatusRequestKey()) ->setButtons($this->getStatusButtonMap()); } public function renderOrderControl($value) { $request = $this->getRequest(); return id(new AphrontFormToggleButtonsControl()) ->setLabel('Order') ->setValue($this->getOrderRequestValue($value)) ->setBaseURI($request->getRequestURI(), $this->getOrderRequestKey()) ->setButtons($this->getOrderButtonMap()); } public function renderGroupControl($value) { $request = $this->getRequest(); return id(new AphrontFormToggleButtonsControl()) ->setLabel('Group') ->setValue($this->getGroupRequestValue($value)) ->setBaseURI($request->getRequestURI(), $this->getGroupRequestKey()) ->setButtons($this->getGroupButtonMap()); } }