'use strict'; var JX = require('./lib/javelin').JX; var http = require('http'); var https = require('https'); var util = require('util'); var fs = require('fs'); function parse_command_line_arguments(argv) { var args = { test: false, config: null }; for (var ii = 2; ii < argv.length; ii++) { var arg = argv[ii]; var matches = arg.match(/^--([^=]+)=(.*)$/); if (!matches) { throw new Error('Unknown argument "' + arg + '"!'); } if (!(matches[1] in args)) { throw new Error('Unknown argument "' + matches[1] + '"!'); } args[matches[1]] = matches[2]; } return args; } function parse_config(args) { var data = fs.readFileSync(args.config); return JSON.parse(data); } require('./lib/AphlictLog'); var debug = new JX.AphlictLog() .addConsole(console); var args = parse_command_line_arguments(process.argv); var config = parse_config(args); function set_exit_code(code) { process.on('exit', function() { process.exit(code); }); } process.on('uncaughtException', function(err) { var context = null; if (err.code == 'EACCES') { context = util.format( 'Unable to open file ("%s"). Check that permissions are set ' + 'correctly.', err.path); } var message = [ '\n<<< UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION! >>>', ]; if (context) { message.push(context); } message.push(err.stack); debug.log(message.join('\n\n')); set_exit_code(1); }); try { require('ws'); } catch (ex) { throw new Error( 'You need to install the Node.js "ws" module for websocket support. ' + 'See "Notifications User Guide: Setup and Configuration" in the ' + 'documentation for instructions. ' + ex.toString()); } // NOTE: Require these only after checking for the "ws" module, since they // depend on it. require('./lib/AphlictAdminServer'); require('./lib/AphlictClientServer'); var ii; var logs = config.logs || []; for (ii = 0; ii < logs.length; ii++) { debug.addLog(logs[ii].path); } var servers = []; for (ii = 0; ii < config.servers.length; ii++) { var spec = config.servers[ii]; spec.listen = spec.listen || ''; if (spec['ssl.key']) { spec['ssl.key'] = fs.readFileSync(spec['ssl.key']); } if (spec['ssl.cert']){ spec['ssl.cert'] = fs.readFileSync(spec['ssl.cert']); } if (spec['ssl.chain']){ spec['ssl.chain'] = fs.readFileSync(spec['ssl.chain']); } servers.push(spec); } // If we're just doing a configuration test, exit here before starting any // servers. if (args.test) { debug.log('Configuration test OK.'); set_exit_code(0); return; } debug.log('Starting servers (service PID %d).', process.pid); for (ii = 0; ii < logs.length; ii++) { debug.log('Logging to "%s".', logs[ii].path); } var aphlict_servers = []; var aphlict_clients = []; var aphlict_admins = []; for (ii = 0; ii < servers.length; ii++) { var server = servers[ii]; var is_client = (server.type == 'client'); var http_server; if (server['ssl.key']) { var https_config = { key: server['ssl.key'], cert: server['ssl.cert'], }; if (server['ssl.chain']) { https_config.ca = server['ssl.chain']; } http_server = https.createServer(https_config); } else { http_server = http.createServer(); } var aphlict_server; if (is_client) { aphlict_server = new JX.AphlictClientServer(http_server); } else { aphlict_server = new JX.AphlictAdminServer(http_server); } aphlict_server.setLogger(debug); aphlict_server.listen(server.port, server.listen); debug.log( 'Started %s server (Port %d, %s).', server.type, server.port, server['ssl.key'] ? 'With SSL' : 'No SSL'); aphlict_servers.push(aphlict_server); if (is_client) { aphlict_clients.push(aphlict_server); } else { aphlict_admins.push(aphlict_server); } } for (ii = 0; ii < aphlict_admins.length; ii++) { var admin_server = aphlict_admins[ii]; admin_server.setClientServers(aphlict_clients); }