.. _ref-rest: ========================== Using the Twilio REST API ========================== Since version 3.0, we've introduced an updated API for interacting with the Twilio REST API. Gone are the days of manual URL creation and XML parsing. Creating a REST Client ======================= Before querying the API, you'll need to create a :php:class:`Services_Twilio` instance. The constructor takes your Twilio Account Sid and Auth Token (both available through your `Twilio Account Dashboard <http:www.twilio.com/user/account>`_). .. code-block:: php $ACCOUNT_SID = "AC123"; $AUTH_TOKEN = "secret"; $client = new Services_Twilio($ACCOUNT_SID, $AUTH_TOKEN); The :attr:`account` attribute ----------------------------- You access the Twilio API resources through this :attr:`$client`, specifically the :attr:`$account` attribute, which is an instance of :php:class:`Services_Twilio_Rest_Account`. We'll use the `Calls resource <http://www.twilio.com/docs/api/rest/call>`_ as an example. Listing Resources ==================== Iterating over the :attr:`calls` attribute will iterate over all of your call records, handling paging for you. Only use this when you need to get all your records. The :attr:`$call` object is a :php:class:`Services_Twilio_Rest_Call`, which means you can easily access fields through it's properties. The attribute names are lowercase and use underscores for sepearators. All the available attributes are documented in the :doc:`/api/rest` documentation. .. code-block:: php // If you have many calls, this could take a while foreach($client->account->calls as $call) { print $call->price . '\n'; print $call->duration . '\n'; } Filtering Resources ------------------- Many Twilio list resources allow for filtering via :php:meth:`getIterator` which takes an optional array of filter parameters. These parameters correspond directlty to the listed query string parameters in the REST API documentation. You can create a filtered iterator like this: .. code-block:: php $filteredCalls = $client->account->calls->getIterator( 0, 50, array("Status" => "in-progress")); foreach($filteredCalls as $call) { print $call->price . '\n'; print $call->duration . '\n'; } Retrieving the Total Number of Resources ---------------------------------------- Each of the list resources supports the `Countable` interface, which means you can retrieve the total number of list items like so: .. code-block:: php echo count($client->account->calls); Getting a Specific Resource ============================= If you know the unique identifier for a resource, you can get that resource using the :php:meth:`get` method on the list resource. .. code-block:: php $call = $client->account->calls->get("CA123"); :php:meth:`get` fetches objects lazily, so it will only load a resource when it is needed. This allows you to get nested objects without making multiple HTTP requests. .. code-block:: php $participant = $client->account->conferences ->get("CO123")->participants->get("PF123");