/** * @provides differential-inline-comment-editor * @requires javelin-dom * javelin-util * javelin-stratcom * javelin-install * javelin-request * javelin-workflow */ JX.install('DifferentialInlineCommentEditor', { construct : function(uri) { this._uri = uri; }, events : ['done'], members : { _uri : null, _undoText : null, _skipOverInlineCommentRows : function(node) { // TODO: Move this semantic information out of class names. while (node && node.className.indexOf('inline') !== -1) { node = node.nextSibling; } return node; }, _buildRequestData : function() { return { op : this.getOperation(), on_right : this.getOnRight(), id : this.getID(), number : this.getLineNumber(), is_new : this.getIsNew(), length : this.getLength(), changesetID : this.getChangesetID(), text : this.getText() || '', renderer: this.getRenderer(), replyToCommentPHID: this.getReplyToCommentPHID() || '', }; }, _draw : function(content, exact_row) { var row = this.getRow(); var table = this.getTable(); var target = exact_row ? row : this._skipOverInlineCommentRows(row); function copyRows(dst, src, before) { var rows = JX.DOM.scry(src, 'tr'); for (var ii = 0; ii < rows.length; ii++) { // Find the table this belongs to. If it's a sub-table, like a // table in an inline comment, don't copy it. if (JX.DOM.findAbove(rows[ii], 'table') !== src) { continue; } if (before) { dst.insertBefore(rows[ii], before); } else { dst.appendChild(rows[ii]); } } return rows; } return copyRows(table, content, target); }, _removeUndoLink : function() { var rows = JX.DifferentialInlineCommentEditor._undoRows; if (rows) { for (var ii = 0; ii < rows.length; ii++) { JX.DOM.remove(rows[ii]); } } }, _undo : function() { this._removeUndoLink(); this.setText(this._undoText); this.start(); }, _registerUndoListener : function() { if (!JX.DifferentialInlineCommentEditor._activeEditor) { JX.Stratcom.listen( 'click', 'differential-inline-comment-undo', function(e) { JX.DifferentialInlineCommentEditor._activeEditor._undo(); e.kill(); }); } JX.DifferentialInlineCommentEditor._activeEditor = this; }, _setRowState : function(state) { var is_hidden = (state == 'hidden'); var is_loading = (state == 'loading'); var row = this.getRow(); JX.DOM.alterClass(row, 'differential-inline-hidden', is_hidden); JX.DOM.alterClass(row, 'differential-inline-loading', is_loading); }, _didContinueWorkflow : function(response) { var drawn = this._draw(JX.$H(response).getNode()); var op = this.getOperation(); if (op == 'edit') { this._setRowState('hidden'); } JX.DOM.find( drawn[0], 'textarea', 'differential-inline-comment-edit-textarea').focus(); var oncancel = JX.bind(this, function(e) { e.kill(); this._didCancelWorkflow(); if (op == 'edit') { this._setRowState('visible'); } JX.DOM.remove(drawn[0]); }); JX.DOM.listen(drawn[0], 'click', 'inline-edit-cancel', oncancel); var onsubmit = JX.bind(this, function(e) { e.kill(); JX.Workflow.newFromForm(e.getTarget()) .setHandler(JX.bind(this, function(response) { JX.DOM.remove(drawn[0]); if (op == 'edit') { this._setRowState('visible'); } this._didCompleteWorkflow(response); })) .start(); JX.DOM.alterClass(drawn[0], 'differential-inline-loading', true); }); JX.DOM.listen( drawn[0], ['submit', 'didSyntheticSubmit'], 'inline-edit-form', onsubmit); }, _didCompleteWorkflow : function(response) { var op = this.getOperation(); // We don't get any markup back if the user deletes a comment, or saves // an empty comment (which effects a delete). if (response.markup) { this._draw(JX.$H(response.markup).getNode()); } // These operations remove the old row (edit adds a new row first). var remove_old = (op == 'edit' || op == 'delete'); if (remove_old) { JX.DOM.remove(this.getRow()); var other_rows = this.getOtherRows(); for(var i = 0; i < other_rows.length; ++i) { JX.DOM.remove(other_rows[i]); } } // Once the user saves something, get rid of the 'undo' option. A // particular case where we need this is saving a delete, when we might // otherwise leave around an 'undo' for an earlier edit to the same // comment. this._removeUndoLink(); JX.Stratcom.invoke('differential-inline-comment-update'); this.invoke('done'); }, _didCancelWorkflow : function() { this.invoke('done'); var op = this.getOperation(); if (op == 'delete') { // No undo for delete, we prompt the user explicitly. return; } var textarea; try { textarea = JX.DOM.find( document.body, // TODO: use getDialogRootNode() when available 'textarea', 'differential-inline-comment-edit-textarea'); } catch (ex) { // The close handler is called whenever the dialog closes, even if the // user closed it by completing the workflow with "Save". The // JX.Workflow API should probably be refined to allow programmatic // distinction of close caused by 'cancel' vs 'submit'. Testing for // presence of the textarea serves as a proxy for detecting a 'cancel'. return; } var text = textarea.value; // If the user hasn't edited the text (i.e., no change from original for // 'edit' or no text at all), don't offer them an undo. if (text == this.getOriginalText() || text === '') { return; } // Save the text so we can 'undo' back to it. this._undoText = text; var templates = this.getTemplates(); var template = this.getOnRight() ? templates.r : templates.l; template = JX.$H(template).getNode(); // NOTE: Operation order matters here; we can't remove anything until // after we draw the new rows because _draw uses the old rows to figure // out where to place the comment. // We use 'exact_row' to put the "undo" text directly above the affected // comment. var exact_row = true; var rows = this._draw(template, exact_row); this._removeUndoLink(); JX.DifferentialInlineCommentEditor._undoRows = rows; }, start : function() { this._registerUndoListener(); var data = this._buildRequestData(); var op = this.getOperation(); if (op == 'delete') { this._setRowState('loading'); var oncomplete = JX.bind(this, this._didCompleteWorkflow); var onclose = JX.bind(this, function() { this._setRowState('visible'); this._didCancelWorkflow(); }); new JX.Workflow(this._uri, data) .setHandler(oncomplete) .setCloseHandler(onclose) .start(); } else { var handler = JX.bind(this, this._didContinueWorkflow); if (op == 'edit') { this._setRowState('loading'); } new JX.Request(this._uri, handler) .setData(data) .send(); } return this; } }, statics : { /** * Global refernece to the 'undo' rows currently rendered in the document. */ _undoRows : null, /** * Global listener for the 'undo' click associated with the currently * displayed 'undo' link. When an editor is start()ed, it becomes the active * editor. */ _activeEditor : null }, properties : { operation : null, row : null, otherRows: [], table : null, onRight : null, ID : null, lineNumber : null, changesetID : null, length : null, isNew : null, text : null, templates : null, originalText : null, renderer: null, replyToCommentPHID: null } });