/** * @requires javelin-install * javelin-stratcom * javelin-util * javelin-behavior * javelin-json * javelin-dom * javelin-resource * javelin-routable * @provides javelin-request * @javelin */ /** * Make basic AJAX XMLHTTPRequests. */ JX.install('Request', { construct : function(uri, handler) { this.setURI(uri); if (handler) { this.listen('done', handler); } }, events : ['start', 'open', 'send', 'statechange', 'done', 'error', 'finally', 'uploadprogress'], members : { _xhrkey : null, _transport : null, _sent : false, _finished : false, _block : null, _data : null, _getSameOriginTransport : function() { try { try { return new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (x) { return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP'); } } catch (x) { return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); } }, _getCORSTransport : function() { try { var xport = new XMLHttpRequest(); if ('withCredentials' in xport) { // XHR supports CORS } else if (typeof XDomainRequest != 'undefined') { xport = new XDomainRequest(); } return xport; } catch (x) { return new XDomainRequest(); } }, getTransport : function() { if (!this._transport) { this._transport = this.getCORS() ? this._getCORSTransport() : this._getSameOriginTransport(); } return this._transport; }, getRoutable: function() { var routable = new JX.Routable(); routable.listen('start', JX.bind(this, function() { // Pass the event to allow other listeners to "start" to configure this // request before it fires. JX.Stratcom.pass(JX.Stratcom.context()); this.send(); })); this.listen('finally', JX.bind(routable, routable.done)); return routable; }, send : function() { if (this._sent || this._finished) { if (__DEV__) { if (this._sent) { JX.$E( 'JX.Request.send(): ' + 'attempting to send a Request that has already been sent.'); } if (this._finished) { JX.$E( 'JX.Request.send(): ' + 'attempting to send a Request that has finished or aborted.'); } } return; } // Fire the "start" event before doing anything. A listener may // perform pre-processing or validation on this request this.invoke('start', this); if (this._finished) { return; } var xport = this.getTransport(); xport.onreadystatechange = JX.bind(this, this._onreadystatechange); if (xport.upload) { xport.upload.onprogress = JX.bind(this, this._onuploadprogress); } var method = this.getMethod().toUpperCase(); if (__DEV__) { if (this.getRawData()) { if (method != 'POST') { JX.$E( 'JX.Request.send(): ' + 'attempting to send post data over GET. You must use POST.'); } } } var list_of_pairs = this._data || []; list_of_pairs.push(['__ajax__', true]); this._block = JX.Stratcom.allocateMetadataBlock(); list_of_pairs.push(['__metablock__', this._block]); var q = (this.getDataSerializer() || JX.Request.defaultDataSerializer)(list_of_pairs); var uri = this.getURI(); // If we're sending a file, submit the metadata via the URI instead of // via the request body, because the entire post body will be consumed by // the file content. if (method == 'GET' || this.getRawData()) { uri += ((uri.indexOf('?') === -1) ? '?' : '&') + q; } if (this.getTimeout()) { this._timer = setTimeout( JX.bind( this, this._fail, JX.Request.ERROR_TIMEOUT), this.getTimeout()); } xport.open(method, uri, true); // Must happen after xport.open so that listeners can modify the transport // Some transport properties can only be set after the transport is open this.invoke('open', this); if (this._finished) { return; } this.invoke('send', this); if (this._finished) { return; } if (method == 'POST') { if (this.getRawData()) { xport.send(this.getRawData()); } else { xport.setRequestHeader( 'Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); xport.send(q); } } else { xport.send(null); } this._sent = true; }, abort : function() { this._cleanup(); }, _onuploadprogress : function(progress) { this.invoke('uploadprogress', progress); }, _onreadystatechange : function() { var xport = this.getTransport(); var response; try { this.invoke('statechange', this); if (this._finished) { return; } if (xport.readyState != 4) { return; } // XHR requests to 'file:///' domains return 0 for success, which is why // we treat it as a good result in addition to HTTP 2XX responses. if (xport.status !== 0 && (xport.status < 200 || xport.status >= 300)) { this._fail(); return; } if (__DEV__) { var expect_guard = this.getExpectCSRFGuard(); if (!xport.responseText.length) { JX.$E( 'JX.Request("'+this.getURI()+'", ...): '+ 'server returned an empty response.'); } if (expect_guard && xport.responseText.indexOf('for (;;);') !== 0) { JX.$E( 'JX.Request("'+this.getURI()+'", ...): '+ 'server returned an invalid response.'); } if (expect_guard && xport.responseText == 'for (;;);') { JX.$E( 'JX.Request("'+this.getURI()+'", ...): '+ 'server returned an empty response.'); } } response = this._extractResponse(xport); if (!response) { JX.$E( 'JX.Request("'+this.getURI()+'", ...): '+ 'server returned an invalid response.'); } } catch (exception) { if (__DEV__) { JX.log( 'JX.Request("'+this.getURI()+'", ...): '+ 'caught exception processing response: '+exception); } this._fail(); return; } try { this._handleResponse(response); this._cleanup(); } catch (exception) { // In Firefox+Firebug, at least, something eats these. :/ setTimeout(function() { throw exception; }, 0); } }, _extractResponse : function(xport) { var text = xport.responseText; if (this.getExpectCSRFGuard()) { text = text.substring('for (;;);'.length); } var type = this.getResponseType().toUpperCase(); if (type == 'TEXT') { return text; } else if (type == 'JSON' || type == 'JAVELIN') { return JX.JSON.parse(text); } else if (type == 'XML') { var doc; try { if (typeof DOMParser != 'undefined') { var parser = new DOMParser(); doc = parser.parseFromString(text, 'text/xml'); } else { // IE // an XDomainRequest doc = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM'); doc.async = false; doc.loadXML(xport.responseText); } return doc.documentElement; } catch (exception) { if (__DEV__) { JX.log( 'JX.Request("'+this.getURI()+'", ...): '+ 'caught exception extracting response: '+exception); } this._fail(); return null; } } if (__DEV__) { JX.$E( 'JX.Request("'+this.getURI()+'", ...): '+ 'unrecognized response type.'); } return null; }, _fail : function(error) { this._cleanup(); this.invoke('error', error, this); this.invoke('finally'); }, _done : function(response) { this._cleanup(); if (response.onload) { for (var ii = 0; ii < response.onload.length; ii++) { (new Function(response.onload[ii]))(); } } var payload; if (this.getRaw()) { payload = response; } else { payload = response.payload; JX.Request._parseResponsePayload(payload); } this.invoke('done', payload, this); this.invoke('finally'); }, _cleanup : function() { this._finished = true; clearTimeout(this._timer); this._timer = null; // Should not abort the transport request if it has already completed // Otherwise, we may see an "HTTP request aborted" error in the console // despite it possibly having succeeded. if (this._transport && this._transport.readyState != 4) { this._transport.abort(); } }, setData : function(dictionary) { this._data = null; this.addData(dictionary); return this; }, addData : function(dictionary) { if (!this._data) { this._data = []; } for (var k in dictionary) { this._data.push([k, dictionary[k]]); } return this; }, setDataWithListOfPairs : function(list_of_pairs) { this._data = list_of_pairs; return this; }, _handleResponse : function(response) { if (this.getResponseType().toUpperCase() == 'JAVELIN') { if (response.error) { this._fail(response.error); } else { JX.Stratcom.mergeData( this._block, response.javelin_metadata || {}); var when_complete = JX.bind(this, function() { this._done(response); JX.initBehaviors(response.javelin_behaviors || {}); }); if (response.javelin_resources) { JX.Resource.load(response.javelin_resources, when_complete); } else { when_complete(); } } } else { this._cleanup(); this.invoke('done', response, this); this.invoke('finally'); } } }, statics : { ERROR_TIMEOUT : -9000, defaultDataSerializer : function(list_of_pairs) { var uri = []; for (var ii = 0; ii < list_of_pairs.length; ii++) { var pair = list_of_pairs[ii]; if (pair[1] === null) { continue; } var name = encodeURIComponent(pair[0]); var value = encodeURIComponent(pair[1]); uri.push(name + '=' + value); } return uri.join('&'); }, /** * When we receive a JSON blob, parse it to introduce meaningful objects * where there are magic keys for placeholders. * * Objects with the magic key '__html' are translated into JX.HTML objects. * * This function destructively modifies its input. */ _parseResponsePayload: function(parent, index) { var recurse = JX.Request._parseResponsePayload; var obj = (typeof index !== 'undefined') ? parent[index] : parent; if (JX.isArray(obj)) { for (var ii = 0; ii < obj.length; ii++) { recurse(obj, ii); } } else if (obj && typeof obj == 'object') { if (('__html' in obj) && (obj.__html !== null)) { parent[index] = JX.$H(obj.__html); } else { for (var key in obj) { recurse(obj, key); } } } } }, properties : { URI : null, dataSerializer : null, /** * Configure which HTTP method to use for the request. Permissible values * are "POST" (default) or "GET". * * @param string HTTP method, one of "POST" or "GET". */ method : 'POST', /** * Set the data parameter of transport.send. Useful if you want to send a * file or FormData. Not that you cannot send raw data and data at the same * time. * * @param Data, argument to transport.send */ rawData: null, raw : false, /** * Configure a timeout, in milliseconds. If the request has not resolved * (either with success or with an error) within the provided timeframe, * it will automatically fail with error JX.Request.ERROR_TIMEOUT. * * @param int Timeout, in milliseconds (e.g. 3000 = 3 seconds). */ timeout : null, /** * Whether or not we should expect the CSRF guard in the response. * * @param bool */ expectCSRFGuard : true, /** * Whether it should be a CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) request to * a third party domain other than the current site. * * @param bool */ CORS : false, /** * Type of the response. * * @param enum 'JAVELIN', 'JSON', 'XML', 'TEXT' */ responseType : 'JAVELIN' } });