/** * @provides javelin-diffusion-locate-file-source * @requires javelin-install * javelin-dom * javelin-typeahead-preloaded-source * javelin-util * @javelin */ JX.install('DiffusionLocateFileSource', { extend: 'TypeaheadPreloadedSource', construct: function(uri) { JX.TypeaheadPreloadedSource.call(this, uri); this.cache = {}; }, members: { tree: null, limit: 20, cache: null, ondata: function(results) { this.tree = results.tree; if (this.lastValue !== null) { this.matchResults(this.lastValue); } this.setReady(true); }, /** * Match a query and show results in the typeahead. */ matchResults: function(value, partial) { // For now, just pretend spaces don't exist. var search = value.toLowerCase(); search = search.replace(' ', ''); var paths = this.findResults(search); var nodes = []; for (var ii = 0; ii < paths.length; ii++) { var path = paths[ii]; var name = []; name.push(path.path.substr(0, path.pos)); name.push( JX.$N('strong', {}, path.path.substr(path.pos, path.score))); var pos = path.score; var lower = path.path.toLowerCase(); for (var jj = path.pos + path.score; jj < path.path.length; jj++) { if (lower.charAt(jj) == search.charAt(pos)) { pos++; name.push(JX.$N('strong', {}, path.path.charAt(jj))); if (pos == search.length) { break; } } else { name.push(path.path.charAt(jj)); } } if (jj < path.path.length - 1 ) { name.push(path.path.substr(jj + 1)); } var attr = { className: 'visual-only phui-icon-view phui-font-fa fa-file' }; var icon = JX.$N('span', attr, ''); nodes.push( JX.$N( 'a', { sigil: 'typeahead-result', className: 'jx-result diffusion-locate-file', ref: path.path }, [icon, name])); } this.invoke('resultsready', nodes, value); if (!partial) { this.invoke('complete'); } }, /** * Find the results matching a query. */ findResults: function(search) { if (!search.length) { return []; } // Be nice with terminal users that may have "./" or "/" prefixes. // Otherwise, not a single result is returned. search = search.replace(/^\.?\//, ''); // We know that the results for "abc" are always a subset of the results // for "a" and "ab" -- and there's a good chance we already computed // those result sets. Find the longest cached result which is a prefix // of the search query. var best = 0; var start = this.tree; for (var k in this.cache) { if ((k.length <= search.length) && (k.length > best) && (search.substr(0, k.length) == k)) { best = k.length; start = this.cache[k]; } } var matches; if (start === null) { matches = null; } else { matches = this.matchTree(start, search, 0); } // Save this tree in cache; throw the cache away after a few minutes. if (!(search in this.cache)) { this.cache[search] = matches; setTimeout( JX.bind(this, function() { delete this.cache[search]; }), 1000 * 60 * 5); } if (!matches) { return []; } var paths = []; this.buildPaths(matches, paths, '', search, []); paths.sort( function(u, v) { if (u.score != v.score) { return (v.score - u.score); } if (u.pos != v.pos) { return (u.pos - v.pos); } return ((u.path > v.path) ? 1 : -1); }); var num = Math.min(paths.length, this.limit); var results = []; for (var ii = 0; ii < num; ii++) { results.push(paths[ii]); } return results; }, /** * Select the subtree that matches a query. */ matchTree: function(tree, value, pos) { var matches = null; for (var k in tree) { var p = pos; if (p != value.length) { p = this.matchString(k, value, pos); } var result; if (p == value.length) { result = tree[k]; } else { if (tree == 1) { continue; } else { result = this.matchTree(tree[k], value, p); if (!result) { continue; } } } if (!matches) { matches = {}; } matches[k] = result; } return matches; }, /** * Look for the needle in a string, returning how much of it was found. */ matchString: function(haystack, needle, pos) { var str = haystack.toLowerCase(); var len = str.length; for (var ii = 0; ii < len; ii++) { if (str.charAt(ii) == needle.charAt(pos)) { pos++; if (pos == needle.length) { break; } } } return pos; }, /** * Flatten a tree into paths. */ buildPaths: function(matches, paths, prefix, search) { var first = search.charAt(0); for (var k in matches) { if (matches[k] == 1) { var path = prefix + k; var lower = path.toLowerCase(); var best = 0; var pos = 0; for (var jj = 0; jj < lower.length; jj++) { if (lower.charAt(jj) != first) { continue; } var score = this.scoreMatch(lower, jj, search); if (score == -1) { break; } if (score > best) { best = score; pos = jj; if (best == search.length) { break; } } } paths.push({ path: path, score: best, pos: pos }); } else { this.buildPaths(matches[k], paths, prefix + k, search); } } }, /** * Score a matching string by finding the longest prefix of the search * query it contains contiguously. */ scoreMatch: function(haystack, haypos, search) { var pos = 0; for (var ii = haypos; ii < haystack.length; ii++) { if (haystack.charAt(ii) == search.charAt(pos)) { pos++; if (pos == search.length) { return pos; } } else { ii++; break; } } var rem = pos; for (/* keep going */; ii < haystack.length; ii++) { if (haystack.charAt(ii) == search.charAt(rem)) { rem++; if (rem == search.length) { return pos; } } } return -1; } } });