/** * @provides phui-calendar-css */ .phui-calendar-list { /* When hovering over a day, this allows the hover color to peek through the event name, but for event names to mostly remain readable. */ background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75); } .application-search-view div.phui-calendar-box { border-left: 1px solid {$thinblueborder}; border-right: 1px solid {$thinblueborder}; border-bottom: 1px solid {$lightblueborder}; border-radius: 0; } .phui-calendar-list a { color: {$greytext}; } .phui-calendar-list .event-cancelled .phui-calendar-list-title { text-decoration: line-through; } .phui-calendar-viewer-invited a { color: {$green}; } .phui-calendar-red a { color: {$red}; } .phui-calendar-orange a { color: {$orange}; } .phui-calendar-yellow a { color: {$yellow}; } .phui-calendar-green a { color: {$green} } .phui-calendar-blue a { color: {$blue}; } .phui-calendar-sky a { color: {$sky}; } .phui-calendar-indigo a { color: {$indigo}; } .phui-calendar-violet a { color: {$violet}; } .phui-calendar-grey a { color: {$lightgreytext}; } .phui-calendar-bg-viewer-invited { background-color: {$lightgreen}; } .phui-calendar-bg-red { background-color: {$lightred}; } .phui-calendar-bg-orange { background-color: {$lightorange}; } .phui-calendar-bg-yellow { background-color: {$lightyellow}; } .phui-calendar-bg-green { background-color: {$lightgreen}; } .phui-calendar-bg-blue { background-color: {$lightblue}; } .phui-calendar-bg-sky { background-color: {$lightsky}; } .phui-calendar-bg-indigo { background-color: {$lightindigo}; } .phui-calendar-bg-violet { background-color: {$lightviolet}; } .phui-calendar-bg-grey { background-color: {$darkgreybackground}; } .phui-calendar-list-dot { background-color: {$lightgreytext}; border-color: {$lightgreytext}; } .phui-calendar-viewer-invited .phui-calendar-list-dot { background-color: {$green}; border-color: {$green}; } .phui-calendar-red .phui-calendar-list-dot { background-color: {$red}; border-color: {$red}; } .phui-calendar-orange .phui-calendar-list-dot { background-color: {$orange}; border-color: {$orange}; } .phui-calendar-yellow .phui-calendar-list-dot { background-color: {$orange}; border-color: {$orange}; } .phui-calendar-green .phui-calendar-list-dot { background-color: {$green}; border-color: {$green}; } .phui-calendar-blue .phui-calendar-list-dot { background-color: {$blue}; border-color: {$blue}; } .phui-calendar-sky .phui-calendar-list-dot { background-color: {$sky}; border-color: {$sky}; } .phui-calendar-indigo .phui-calendar-list-dot { background-color: {$indigo}; border-color: {$indigo}; } .phui-calendar-violet .phui-calendar-list-dot { background-color: {$violet}; border-color: {$violet}; } .phui-calendar-grey .phui-calendar-list-dot { background-color: {$lightgreytext}; border-color: {$lightgreytext}; }