<?php abstract class Stripe_ApiResource extends Stripe_Object { protected static function _scopedRetrieve($class, $id, $apiKey=null) { $instance = new $class($id, $apiKey); $instance->refresh(); return $instance; } public function refresh() { $requestor = new Stripe_ApiRequestor($this->_apiKey); $url = $this->instanceUrl(); list($response, $apiKey) = $requestor->request('get', $url); $this->refreshFrom($response, $apiKey); return $this; } public static function classUrl($class) { // Useful for namespaces: Foo\Stripe_Charge if ($postfix = strrchr($class, '\\')) $class = substr($postfix, 1); if (substr($class, 0, strlen('Stripe')) == 'Stripe') $class = substr($class, strlen('Stripe')); $class = str_replace('_', '', $class); $name = urlencode($class); $name = strtolower($name); return "/${name}s"; } public function instanceUrl() { $id = $this['id']; $class = get_class($this); if (!$id) { throw new Stripe_InvalidRequestError("Could not determine which URL to request: $class instance has invalid ID: $id"); } $id = Stripe_ApiRequestor::utf8($id); $base = self::classUrl($class); $extn = urlencode($id); return "$base/$extn"; } private static function _validateCall($method, $params=null, $apiKey=null) { if ($params && !is_array($params)) throw new Stripe_Error("You must pass an array as the first argument to Stripe API method calls. (HINT: an example call to create a charge would be: \"StripeCharge::create(array('amount' => 100, 'currency' => 'usd', 'card' => array('number' => 4242424242424242, 'exp_month' => 5, 'exp_year' => 2015)))\")"); if ($apiKey && !is_string($apiKey)) throw new Stripe_Error('The second argument to Stripe API method calls is an optional per-request apiKey, which must be a string. (HINT: you can set a global apiKey by "Stripe::setApiKey(<apiKey>)")'); } protected static function _scopedAll($class, $params=null, $apiKey=null) { self::_validateCall('all', $params, $apiKey); $requestor = new Stripe_ApiRequestor($apiKey); $url = self::classUrl($class); list($response, $apiKey) = $requestor->request('get', $url, $params); return Stripe_Util::convertToStripeObject($response, $apiKey); } protected static function _scopedCreate($class, $params=null, $apiKey=null) { self::_validateCall('create', $params, $apiKey); $requestor = new Stripe_ApiRequestor($apiKey); $url = self::classUrl($class); list($response, $apiKey) = $requestor->request('post', $url, $params); return Stripe_Util::convertToStripeObject($response, $apiKey); } protected function _scopedSave($class) { self::_validateCall('save'); if ($this->_unsavedValues) { $requestor = new Stripe_ApiRequestor($this->_apiKey); $params = array(); foreach ($this->_unsavedValues->toArray() as $k) $params[$k] = $this->$k; $url = $this->instanceUrl(); list($response, $apiKey) = $requestor->request('post', $url, $params); $this->refreshFrom($response, $apiKey); } return $this; } protected function _scopedDelete($class, $params=null) { self::_validateCall('delete'); $requestor = new Stripe_ApiRequestor($this->_apiKey); $url = $this->instanceUrl(); list($response, $apiKey) = $requestor->request('delete', $url, $params); $this->refreshFrom($response, $apiKey); return $this; } }