
class Stripe_ApplicationFee extends Stripe_ApiResource
   * This is a special case because the application fee endpoint has an 
   *    underscore in it. The parent `className` function strips underscores.
   * @return string The name of the class.
  public static function className($class)
    return 'application_fee';

   * @param string $id The ID of the application fee to retrieve.
   * @param string|null $apiKey
   * @return Stripe_ApplicationFee
  public static function retrieve($id, $apiKey=null)
    $class = get_class();
    return self::_scopedRetrieve($class, $id, $apiKey);

   * @param string|null $params
   * @param string|null $apiKey
   * @return array An array of application fees.
  public static function all($params=null, $apiKey=null)
    $class = get_class();
    return self::_scopedAll($class, $params, $apiKey);

   * @param string|null $params
   * @return Stripe_ApplicationFee The refunded application fee.
  public function refund($params=null)
    $requestor = new Stripe_ApiRequestor($this->_apiKey);
    $url = $this->instanceUrl() . '/refund';
    list($response, $apiKey) = $requestor->request('post', $url, $params);
    $this->refreshFrom($response, $apiKey);
    return $this;