getOldValue(); $new = $this->getNewValue(); $req_phids = array(); switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case self::TYPE_MEMBERS: $add = array_diff($new, $old); $rem = array_diff($old, $new); $req_phids = array_merge($add, $rem); break; case self::TYPE_IMAGE: $req_phids[] = $old; $req_phids[] = $new; break; } return array_merge($req_phids, parent::getRequiredHandlePHIDs()); } public function getColor() { $old = $this->getOldValue(); $new = $this->getNewValue(); switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case self::TYPE_STATUS: if ($old == 0) { return 'red'; } else { return 'green'; } } return parent::getColor(); } public function shouldHideForFeed() { switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case self::TYPE_HASWORKBOARD: case self::TYPE_DEFAULT_SORT: case self::TYPE_DEFAULT_FILTER: case self::TYPE_BACKGROUND: return true; } return parent::shouldHideForFeed(); } public function shouldHideForMail(array $xactions) { switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case self::TYPE_HASWORKBOARD: case self::TYPE_DEFAULT_SORT: case self::TYPE_DEFAULT_FILTER: case self::TYPE_BACKGROUND: return true; } return parent::shouldHideForMail($xactions); } public function getIcon() { $old = $this->getOldValue(); $new = $this->getNewValue(); switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case self::TYPE_STATUS: if ($old == 0) { return 'fa-ban'; } else { return 'fa-check'; } case self::TYPE_LOCKED: if ($new) { return 'fa-lock'; } else { return 'fa-unlock'; } case self::TYPE_ICON: return $new; case self::TYPE_IMAGE: return 'fa-photo'; case self::TYPE_MEMBERS: return 'fa-user'; case self::TYPE_SLUGS: return 'fa-tag'; } return parent::getIcon(); } public function getTitle() { $old = $this->getOldValue(); $new = $this->getNewValue(); $author_phid = $this->getAuthorPHID(); $author_handle = $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid); switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_CREATE: return pht( '%s created this project.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid)); case self::TYPE_NAME: if ($old === null) { return pht( '%s created this project.', $author_handle); } else { return pht( '%s renamed this project from "%s" to "%s".', $author_handle, $old, $new); } break; case self::TYPE_STATUS: if ($old == 0) { return pht( '%s archived this project.', $author_handle); } else { return pht( '%s activated this project.', $author_handle); } break; case self::TYPE_IMAGE: // TODO: Some day, it would be nice to show the images. if (!$old) { return pht( "%s set this project's image to %s.", $author_handle, $this->renderHandleLink($new)); } else if (!$new) { return pht( "%s removed this project's image.", $author_handle); } else { return pht( "%s updated this project's image from %s to %s.", $author_handle, $this->renderHandleLink($old), $this->renderHandleLink($new)); } break; case self::TYPE_ICON: $set = new PhabricatorProjectIconSet(); return pht( "%s set this project's icon to %s.", $author_handle, $set->getIconLabel($new)); break; case self::TYPE_COLOR: return pht( "%s set this project's color to %s.", $author_handle, PHUITagView::getShadeName($new)); break; case self::TYPE_LOCKED: if ($new) { return pht( "%s locked this project's membership.", $author_handle); } else { return pht( "%s unlocked this project's membership.", $author_handle); } break; case self::TYPE_SLUGS: $add = array_diff($new, $old); $rem = array_diff($old, $new); if ($add && $rem) { return pht( '%s changed project hashtag(s), added %d: %s; removed %d: %s.', $author_handle, count($add), $this->renderSlugList($add), count($rem), $this->renderSlugList($rem)); } else if ($add) { return pht( '%s added %d project hashtag(s): %s.', $author_handle, count($add), $this->renderSlugList($add)); } else if ($rem) { return pht( '%s removed %d project hashtag(s): %s.', $author_handle, count($rem), $this->renderSlugList($rem)); } break; case self::TYPE_MEMBERS: $add = array_diff($new, $old); $rem = array_diff($old, $new); if ($add && $rem) { return pht( '%s changed project member(s), added %d: %s; removed %d: %s.', $author_handle, count($add), $this->renderHandleList($add), count($rem), $this->renderHandleList($rem)); } else if ($add) { if (count($add) == 1 && (head($add) == $this->getAuthorPHID())) { return pht( '%s joined this project.', $author_handle); } else { return pht( '%s added %d project member(s): %s.', $author_handle, count($add), $this->renderHandleList($add)); } } else if ($rem) { if (count($rem) == 1 && (head($rem) == $this->getAuthorPHID())) { return pht( '%s left this project.', $author_handle); } else { return pht( '%s removed %d project member(s): %s.', $author_handle, count($rem), $this->renderHandleList($rem)); } } break; case self::TYPE_HASWORKBOARD: if ($new) { return pht( '%s enabled the workboard for this project.', $author_handle); } else { return pht( '%s disabled the workboard for this project.', $author_handle); } case self::TYPE_DEFAULT_SORT: return pht( '%s changed the default sort order for the project workboard.', $author_handle); case self::TYPE_DEFAULT_FILTER: return pht( '%s changed the default filter for the project workboard.', $author_handle); case self::TYPE_BACKGROUND: return pht( '%s changed the background color of the project workboard.', $author_handle); } return parent::getTitle(); } public function getTitleForFeed() { $author_phid = $this->getAuthorPHID(); $object_phid = $this->getObjectPHID(); $author_handle = $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid); $object_handle = $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid); $old = $this->getOldValue(); $new = $this->getNewValue(); switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case self::TYPE_NAME: if ($old === null) { return pht( '%s created %s.', $author_handle, $object_handle); } else { return pht( '%s renamed %s from "%s" to "%s".', $author_handle, $object_handle, $old, $new); } case self::TYPE_STATUS: if ($old == 0) { return pht( '%s archived %s.', $author_handle, $object_handle); } else { return pht( '%s activated %s.', $author_handle, $object_handle); } case self::TYPE_IMAGE: // TODO: Some day, it would be nice to show the images. if (!$old) { return pht( '%s set the image for %s to %s.', $author_handle, $object_handle, $this->renderHandleLink($new)); } else if (!$new) { return pht( '%s removed the image for %s.', $author_handle, $object_handle); } else { return pht( '%s updated the image for %s from %s to %s.', $author_handle, $object_handle, $this->renderHandleLink($old), $this->renderHandleLink($new)); } case self::TYPE_ICON: $set = new PhabricatorProjectIconSet(); return pht( '%s set the icon for %s to %s.', $author_handle, $object_handle, $set->getIconLabel($new)); case self::TYPE_COLOR: return pht( '%s set the color for %s to %s.', $author_handle, $object_handle, PHUITagView::getShadeName($new)); case self::TYPE_LOCKED: if ($new) { return pht( '%s locked %s membership.', $author_handle, $object_handle); } else { return pht( '%s unlocked %s membership.', $author_handle, $object_handle); } case self::TYPE_SLUGS: $add = array_diff($new, $old); $rem = array_diff($old, $new); if ($add && $rem) { return pht( '%s changed %s hashtag(s), added %d: %s; removed %d: %s.', $author_handle, $object_handle, count($add), $this->renderSlugList($add), count($rem), $this->renderSlugList($rem)); } else if ($add) { return pht( '%s added %d %s hashtag(s): %s.', $author_handle, count($add), $object_handle, $this->renderSlugList($add)); } else if ($rem) { return pht( '%s removed %d %s hashtag(s): %s.', $author_handle, count($rem), $object_handle, $this->renderSlugList($rem)); } } return parent::getTitleForFeed(); } public function getMailTags() { $tags = array(); switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case self::TYPE_NAME: case self::TYPE_SLUGS: case self::TYPE_IMAGE: case self::TYPE_ICON: case self::TYPE_COLOR: $tags[] = self::MAILTAG_METADATA; break; case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDGE: $type = $this->getMetadata('edge:type'); $type = head($type); $type_member = PhabricatorProjectProjectHasMemberEdgeType::EDGECONST; $type_watcher = PhabricatorObjectHasWatcherEdgeType::EDGECONST; if ($type == $type_member) { $tags[] = self::MAILTAG_MEMBERS; } else if ($type == $type_watcher) { $tags[] = self::MAILTAG_WATCHERS; } else { $tags[] = self::MAILTAG_OTHER; } break; case self::TYPE_STATUS: case self::TYPE_LOCKED: default: $tags[] = self::MAILTAG_OTHER; break; } return $tags; } private function renderSlugList($slugs) { return implode(', ', $slugs); } }