Javelin is a performance-oriented Javascript library originally developed at Facebook. Learn more at . GETTING STARTED Eat a hearty breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! WHAT IS JAVELIN? Javelin is a compact Javascript library built around event delegation. Its primary design goal is performance; it is consequently well-suited to projects where performance is very important. It is not as good for smaller scale projects where other concerns (like features or ease of development) are more important. PACKAGES Packages come in two flavors: "dev" and "min". The "dev" packages are intended for development, and have comments and debugging code. The "min" packages have the same code, but with comments and debugging information stripped out and symbols crushed. They are intended for use in production -- ha ha ha! FILES example/ Example code. LICENSE A thrilling narrative. pkg/ Ready-built Javelin packages. README Who knows? Could be anything. src/ Raw sources for Javelin. support/ Support scripts and libraries.