getViewer(); $method_name = $request->getURIData('method'); $method = id(new PhabricatorConduitMethodQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->withMethods(array($method_name)) ->executeOne(); if (!$method) { return new Aphront404Response(); } $method->setViewer($viewer); $call_uri = '/api/'.$method->getAPIMethodName(); $status = $method->getMethodStatus(); $reason = $method->getMethodStatusDescription(); $errors = array(); switch ($status) { case ConduitAPIMethod::METHOD_STATUS_DEPRECATED: $reason = nonempty($reason, pht('This method is deprecated.')); $errors[] = pht('Deprecated Method: %s', $reason); break; case ConduitAPIMethod::METHOD_STATUS_UNSTABLE: $reason = nonempty( $reason, pht( 'This method is new and unstable. Its interface is subject '. 'to change.')); $errors[] = pht('Unstable Method: %s', $reason); break; } $form = id(new AphrontFormView()) ->setAction($call_uri) ->setUser($request->getUser()) ->appendRemarkupInstructions( pht( 'Enter parameters using **JSON**. For instance, to enter a '. 'list, type: `%s`', '["apple", "banana", "cherry"]')); $params = $method->getParamTypes(); foreach ($params as $param => $desc) { $form->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormTextControl()) ->setLabel($param) ->setName("params[{$param}]") ->setCaption($desc)); } $must_login = !$viewer->isLoggedIn() && $method->shouldRequireAuthentication(); if ($must_login) { $errors[] = pht( 'Login Required: This method requires authentication. You must '. 'log in before you can make calls to it.'); } else { $form ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormSelectControl()) ->setLabel(pht('Output Format')) ->setName('output') ->setOptions( array( 'human' => pht('Human Readable'), 'json' => pht('JSON'), ))) ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormSubmitControl()) ->addCancelButton($this->getApplicationURI()) ->setValue(pht('Call Method'))); } $header = id(new PHUIHeaderView()) ->setUser($viewer) ->setHeader($method->getAPIMethodName()); $form_box = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView()) ->setHeaderText(pht('Call Method')) ->setForm($form); $content = array(); $properties = $this->buildMethodProperties($method); $info_box = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView()) ->setHeaderText(pht('API Method: %s', $method->getAPIMethodName())) ->setFormErrors($errors) ->appendChild($properties); $content[] = $info_box; $content[] = $method->getMethodDocumentation(); $content[] = $form_box; $content[] = $this->renderExampleBox($method, null); $crumbs = $this->buildApplicationCrumbs(); $crumbs->addTextCrumb($method->getAPIMethodName()); return $this->buildApplicationPage( array( $crumbs, $content, ), array( 'title' => $method->getAPIMethodName(), )); } private function buildMethodProperties(ConduitAPIMethod $method) { $viewer = $this->getViewer(); $view = id(new PHUIPropertyListView()); $view->addProperty( pht('Returns'), $method->getReturnType()); $error_types = $method->getErrorTypes(); $error_types['ERR-CONDUIT-CORE'] = pht('See error message for details.'); $error_description = array(); foreach ($error_types as $error => $meaning) { $error_description[] = hsprintf( '
  • %s: %s
  • ', $error, $meaning); } $error_description = phutil_tag('ul', array(), $error_description); $view->addProperty( pht('Errors'), $error_description); $scope = $method->getRequiredScope(); switch ($scope) { case ConduitAPIMethod::SCOPE_ALWAYS: $oauth_icon = 'fa-globe green'; $oauth_description = pht( 'OAuth clients may always call this method.'); break; case ConduitAPIMethod::SCOPE_NEVER: $oauth_icon = 'fa-ban red'; $oauth_description = pht( 'OAuth clients may never call this method.'); break; default: $oauth_icon = 'fa-unlock-alt blue'; $oauth_description = pht( 'OAuth clients may call this method after requesting access to '. 'the "%s" scope.', $scope); break; } $view->addProperty( pht('OAuth Scope'), array( id(new PHUIIconView())->setIcon($oauth_icon), ' ', $oauth_description, )); $view->addSectionHeader( pht('Description'), PHUIPropertyListView::ICON_SUMMARY); $view->addTextContent( new PHUIRemarkupView($viewer, $method->getMethodDescription())); return $view; } }