getMessage(); self::write("Unable to load modules from libphutil: {$message}\n"); $open_libphutil = false; } try { phutil_require_module('arcanist', 'workflow/base'); $open_arcanist = true; } catch (Exception $ex) { $message = $ex->getMessage(); self::write("Unable to load modules from Arcanist: {$message}\n"); $open_arcanist = false; } $open_urandom = @fopen('/dev/urandom', 'r'); if (!$open_urandom) { self::write("Unable to open /dev/urandom!\n"); } try { $tmp = new TempFile(); file_put_contents($tmp, '.'); $open_tmp = @fopen((string)$tmp, 'r'); } catch (Exception $ex) { $message = $ex->getMessage(); $dir = sys_get_temp_dir(); self::write("Unable to open temp files from '{$dir}': {$message}\n"); $open_tmp = false; } if (!$open_urandom || !$open_tmp || !$open_libphutil || !$open_arcanist) { self::writeFailure(); self::write( "Setup failure! Your server is configured with 'open_basedir' in ". "php.ini which prevents Phabricator from opening files it needs to ". "access. Either make the setting more permissive or remove it. It ". "is unlikely you derive significant security benefits from having ". "this configured; files outside this directory can still be ". "accessed through system command execution."); return; } else { self::write( "[WARN] You have an 'open_basedir' configured in your php.ini. ". "Although the setting seems permissive enough that Phabricator ". "will run properly, you may run into problems because of it. It is ". "unlikely you gain much real security benefit from having it ". "configured, because the application can still access files outside ". "the 'open_basedir' by running system commands.\n"); } } else { self::write(" okay 'open_basedir' is not set.\n"); } if (!PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('security.alternate-file-domain')) { self::write( "[WARN] You have not configured 'security.alternate-file-domain'. ". "This makes your installation vulnerable to attack. Make sure you ". "read the documentation for this parameter and understand the ". "consequences of leaving it unconfigured.\n"); } $path = getenv('PATH'); if (empty($path)) { self::writeFailure(); self::write( "Setup failure! The environmental \$PATH variable is empty. ". "Phabricator needs to execute system commands like 'svn', 'git', ". "'hg', and 'diff'. Set up your webserver so that it passes a valid ". "\$PATH to the PHP process.\n\n"); if (php_sapi_name() == 'fpm-fcgi') { self::write( "You're running php-fpm, so the easiest way to do this is to add ". "this line to your php-fpm.conf:\n\n". " env[PATH] = /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin\n\n". "Then restart php-fpm.\n"); } return; } else { self::write(" okay \$PATH is nonempty.\n"); } self::write("[OKAY] Core configuration OKAY.\n"); self::writeHeader("REQUIRED PHP EXTENSIONS"); $extensions = array( 'mysql', 'hash', 'json', 'openssl', 'mbstring', 'iconv', // There is a chance we might not need this, but some configurations (like // Amazon SES) will require it. Just mark it 'required' since it's widely // available and relatively core. 'curl', ); foreach ($extensions as $extension) { $ok = self::requireExtension($extension); if (!$ok) { self::writeFailure(); self::write("Setup failure! Install PHP extension '{$extension}'."); return; } } list($err, $stdout, $stderr) = exec_manual('which php'); if ($err) { self::writeFailure(); self::write("Unable to locate 'php' on the command line from the web ". "server. Verify that 'php' is in the webserver's PATH.\n". " err: {$err}\n". "stdout: {$stdout}\n". "stderr: {$stderr}\n"); return; } else { self::write(" okay PHP binary found on the command line.\n"); $php_bin = trim($stdout); } // NOTE: In cPanel + suphp installs, 'php' may be the PHP CGI SAPI, not the // PHP CLI SAPI. proc_open() will pass the environment to the child process, // which will re-execute the webpage (causing an infinite number of // processes to spawn). To test that the 'php' binary is safe to execute, // we call php_sapi_name() using "env -i" to wipe the environment so it // doesn't execute another reuqest if it's the wrong binary. We can't use // "-r" because php-cgi doesn't support that flag. $tmp_file = new TempFile('sapi.php'); Filesystem::writeFile($tmp_file, 'getProtocol(); $allowed_protocols = array( 'http' => true, 'https' => true, ); if (empty($allowed_protocols[$protocol])) { self::writeFailure(); self::write( "You must specify the protocol over which your host works (e.g.: ". "\"http:// or https://\")\nin your custom config file.\nRefer to ". "'default.conf.php' for documentation on configuration options.\n"); return; } if (preg_match('/.*\/$/', $host)) { self::write(" okay phabricator.base-uri protocol\n"); } else { self::writeFailure(); self::write( "You must add a trailing slash at the end of the host\n(e.g.: ". "\" instead of ". "\")\nin your custom config file.". "\nRefer to 'default.conf.php' for documentation on configuration ". "options.\n"); return; } $host_domain = $host_uri->getDomain(); if (strpos($host_domain, '.') !== false) { self::write(" okay phabricator.base-uri domain\n"); } else { self::writeFailure(); self::write( "You must host Phabricator on a domain that contains a dot ('.'). ". "The current domain, '{$host_domain}', does not have a dot, so some ". "browsers will not set cookies on it. For instance, ". "' is OK, but 'http://example/' won't work. ". "If you are using localhost, create an entry in the hosts file like ". "'', and access the localhost with ". "''."); return; } } $timezone = nonempty( PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('phabricator.timezone'), ini_get('date.timezone')); if (!$timezone) { self::writeFailure(); self::write( "Setup failure! Your configuration fails to specify a server ". "timezone. Either set 'date.timezone' in your php.ini or ". "'phabricator.timezone' in your Phabricator configuration. See the ". "PHP documentation for a list of supported timezones:\n\n". "\n"); return; } else { self::write(" okay Timezone '{$timezone}' configured.\n"); } self::write("[OKAY] Basic configuration OKAY\n"); $issue_gd_warning = false; self::writeHeader('GD LIBRARY'); if (extension_loaded('gd')) { self::write(" okay Extension 'gd' is loaded.\n"); $image_type_map = array( 'imagepng' => 'PNG', 'imagegif' => 'GIF', 'imagejpeg' => 'JPEG', ); foreach ($image_type_map as $function => $image_type) { if (function_exists($function)) { self::write(" okay Support for '{$image_type}' is available.\n"); } else { self::write(" warn Support for '{$image_type}' is not available!\n"); $issue_gd_warning = true; } } } else { self::write(" warn Extension 'gd' is not loaded.\n"); $issue_gd_warning = true; } if ($issue_gd_warning) { self::write( "[WARN] The 'gd' library is missing or lacks full support. ". "Phabricator will not be able to generate image thumbnails without ". "gd.\n"); } else { self::write("[OKAY] 'gd' loaded and has full image type support.\n"); } self::writeHeader('FACEBOOK INTEGRATION'); $fb_auth = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('facebook.auth-enabled'); if (!$fb_auth) { self::write(" skip 'facebook.auth-enabled' not enabled.\n"); } else { self::write(" okay 'facebook.auth-enabled' is enabled.\n"); $app_id = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('facebook.application-id'); $app_secret = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('facebook.application-secret'); if (!$app_id) { self::writeFailure(); self::write( "Setup failure! 'facebook.auth-enabled' is true but there is no ". "setting for 'facebook.application-id'.\n"); return; } else { self::write(" okay 'facebook.application-id' is set.\n"); } if (!is_string($app_id)) { self::writeFailure(); self::write( "Setup failure! 'facebook.application-id' should be a string."); return; } else { self::write(" okay 'facebook.application-id' is string.\n"); } if (!$app_secret) { self::writeFailure(); self::write( "Setup failure! 'facebook.auth-enabled' is true but there is no ". "setting for 'facebook.application-secret'."); return; } else { self::write(" okay 'facebook.application-secret is set.\n"); } self::write("[OKAY] Facebook integration OKAY\n"); } self::writeHeader("MySQL DATABASE & STORAGE CONFIGURATION"); $conf = DatabaseConfigurationProvider::getConfiguration(); $conn_user = $conf->getUser(); $conn_pass = $conf->getPassword(); $conn_host = $conf->getHost(); $timeout = ini_get('mysql.connect_timeout'); if ($timeout > 5) { self::writeNote( "Your MySQL connect timeout is very high ({$timeout} seconds). ". "Consider reducing it to 5 or below by setting ". "'mysql.connect_timeout' in your php.ini."); } self::write(" okay Trying to connect to MySQL database ". "{$conn_user}@{$conn_host}...\n"); ini_set('mysql.connect_timeout', 2); $conn_raw = new AphrontMySQLDatabaseConnection( array( 'user' => $conn_user, 'pass' => $conn_pass, 'host' => $conn_host, 'database' => null, )); try { queryfx($conn_raw, 'SELECT 1'); self::write(" okay Connection successful!\n"); } catch (AphrontQueryConnectionException $ex) { $message = $ex->getMessage(); self::writeFailure(); self::write( "Setup failure! MySQL exception: {$message} \n". "Edit Phabricator configuration keys 'mysql.user', ". "'' and 'mysql.pass' to enable Phabricator ". "to connect."); return; } $databases = queryfx_all($conn_raw, 'SHOW DATABASES'); $databases = ipull($databases, 'Database'); $databases = array_fill_keys($databases, true); if (empty($databases['phabricator_meta_data'])) { self::writeFailure(); self::write( "Setup failure! You haven't loaded the 'initialize.sql' file into ". "MySQL. This file initializes necessary databases. See this guide for ". "instructions:\n"); self::writeDoc('article/Configuration_Guide.html'); return; } else { self::write(" okay Databases have been initialized.\n"); } $schema_version = queryfx_one( $conn_raw, 'SELECT version FROM phabricator_meta_data.schema_version'); $schema_version = idx($schema_version, 'version', 'null'); $expect = PhabricatorSQLPatchList::getExpectedSchemaVersion(); if ($schema_version != $expect) { self::writeFailure(); self::write( "Setup failure! You haven't upgraded your database schema to the ". "latest version. Expected version is '{$expect}', but your local ". "version is '{$schema_version}'. See this guide for instructions:\n"); self::writeDoc('article/Upgrading_Schema.html'); return; } else { self::write(" okay Database schema are up to date (v{$expect}).\n"); } $index_min_length = queryfx_one( $conn_raw, 'SHOW VARIABLES LIKE %s', 'ft_min_word_len'); $index_min_length = idx($index_min_length, 'Value', 4); if ($index_min_length >= 4) { self::writeNote( "MySQL is configured with a 'ft_min_word_len' of 4 or greater, which ". "means you will not be able to search for 3-letter terms. Consider ". "setting this in your configuration:\n". "\n". " [mysqld]\n". " ft_min_word_len=3\n". "\n". "Then optionally run:\n". "\n". " REPAIR TABLE phabricator_search.search_documentfield QUICK;\n". "\n". " reindex existing documents."); } $max_allowed_packet = queryfx_one( $conn_raw, 'SHOW VARIABLES LIKE %s', 'max_allowed_packet'); $max_allowed_packet = idx($max_allowed_packet, 'Value', PHP_INT_MAX); $recommended_minimum = 1024 * 1024; if ($max_allowed_packet < $recommended_minimum) { self::writeNote( "MySQL is configured with a small 'max_allowed_packet' ". "('{$max_allowed_packet}'), which may cause some large writes to ". "fail. Consider raising this to at least {$recommended_minimum}."); } else { self::write(" okay max_allowed_packet = {$max_allowed_packet}.\n"); } $mysql_key = 'storage.mysql-engine.max-size'; $mysql_limit = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig($mysql_key); if ($mysql_limit && ($mysql_limit + 8192) > $max_allowed_packet) { self::writeFailure(); self::write( "Setup failure! Your Phabricator 'storage.mysql-engine.max-size' ". "configuration ('{$mysql_limit}') must be at least 8KB smaller ". "than your MySQL 'max_allowed_packet' configuration ". "('{$max_allowed_packet}'). Raise the 'max_allowed_packet' in your ". "MySQL configuration, or reduce the maximum file size allowed by ". "the Phabricator configuration.\n"); return; } else if (!$mysql_limit) { self::write(" skip MySQL file storage engine not configured.\n"); } else { self::write(" okay MySQL file storage engine configuration okay.\n"); } $local_key = 'storage.local-disk.path'; $local_path = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig($local_key); if ($local_path) { if (!Filesystem::pathExists($local_path) || !is_readable($local_path) || !is_writable($local_path)) { self::writeFailure(); self::write( "Setup failure! You have configured local disk storage but the ". "path you specified ('{$local_path}') does not exist or is not ". "readable or writable.\n"); if ($open_basedir) { self::write( "You have an 'open_basedir' setting -- make sure Phabricator is ". "allowed to open files in the local storage directory.\n"); } return; } else { self::write(" okay Local disk storage exists and is writable.\n"); } } else { self::write(" skip Not configured for local disk storage.\n"); } $selector = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('storage.engine-selector'); try { $storage_selector_exists = class_exists($selector); } catch (Exception $ex) { $storage_selector_exists = false; } if ($storage_selector_exists) { self::write(" okay Using '{$selector}' as a storage engine selector.\n"); } else { self::writeFailure(); self::write( "Setup failure! You have configured '{$selector}' as a storage engine ". "selector but it does not exist or could not be loaded.\n"); return; } self::write("[OKAY] Database and storage configuration OKAY\n"); self::writeHeader("OUTBOUND EMAIL CONFIGURATION"); $have_adapter = false; $is_ses = false; $adapter = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('metamta.mail-adapter'); switch ($adapter) { case 'PhabricatorMailImplementationPHPMailerLiteAdapter': $have_adapter = true; if (!Filesystem::pathExists('/usr/bin/sendmail') && !Filesystem::pathExists('/usr/sbin/sendmail')) { self::writeFailure(); self::write( "Setup failure! You don't have a 'sendmail' binary on this system ". "but outbound email is configured to use sendmail. Install an MTA ". "(like sendmail, qmail or postfix) or use a different outbound ". "mail configuration. See this guide for configuring outbound ". "email:\n"); self::writeDoc('article/Configuring_Outbound_Email.html'); return; } else { self::write(" okay Sendmail is configured.\n"); } break; case 'PhabricatorMailImplementationAmazonSESAdapter': $is_ses = true; $have_adapter = true; if (PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('metamta.can-send-as-user')) { self::writeFailure(); self::write( "Setup failure! 'metamta.can-send-as-user' must be false when ". "configured with Amazon SES."); return; } else { self::write(" okay Sender config looks okay.\n"); } if (!PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('amazon-ses.access-key')) { self::writeFailure(); self::write( "Setup failure! 'amazon-ses.access-key' is not set, but ". "outbound mail is configured to deliver via Amazon SES."); return; } else { self::write(" okay Amazon SES access key is set.\n"); } if (!PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('amazon-ses.secret-key')) { self::writeFailure(); self::write( "Setup failure! 'amazon-ses.secret-key' is not set, but ". "outbound mail is configured to deliver via Amazon SES."); return; } else { self::write(" okay Amazon SES secret key is set.\n"); } if (PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('metamta.send-immediately')) { self::writeNote( "Your configuration uses Amazon SES to deliver email but tries ". "to send it immediately. This will work, but it's slow. ". "Consider configuring the MetaMTA daemon."); } break; case 'PhabricatorMailImplementationTestAdapter': self::write(" skip You have disabled outbound email.\n"); break; default: self::write(" skip Configured with a custom adapter.\n"); break; } if ($have_adapter) { $default = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('metamta.default-address'); if (!$default || $default == '') { self::writeFailure(); self::write( "Setup failure! You have not set 'metamta.default-address'."); return; } else { self::write(" okay metamta.default-address is set.\n"); } if ($is_ses) { self::writeNote( "Make sure you've verified your 'from' address ('{$default}') with ". "Amazon SES. Until you verify it, you will be unable to send mail ". "using Amazon SES."); } $domain = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('metamta.domain'); if (!$domain || $domain == '') { self::writeFailure(); self::write( "Setup failure! You have not set 'metamta.domain'."); return; } else { self::write(" okay metamta.domain is set.\n"); } self::write("[OKAY] Mail configuration OKAY\n"); } self::writeHeader('CONFIG CLASSES'); foreach (PhabricatorEnv::getRequiredClasses() as $key => $class) { if (!PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig($key)) { self::writeNote("'$key' is not set."); } else { try { PhabricatorEnv::newObjectFromConfig($key); } catch (Exception $ex) { self::writeFailure(); self::write("Setup failure! ".$ex->getMessage()); return; } } } self::write("[OKAY] Config classes OKAY\n"); self::writeHeader('SUCCESS!'); self::write( "Congratulations! Your setup seems mostly correct, or at least fairly ". "reasonable.\n\n". "*** NEXT STEP ***\n". "Edit your configuration file (conf/{$env}.conf.php) and remove the ". "'phabricator.setup' line to finish installation."); } public static function requireExtension($extension) { if (extension_loaded($extension)) { self::write(" okay Extension '{$extension}' installed.\n"); return true; } else { self::write("[FAIL] Extension '{$extension}' is NOT INSTALLED!\n"); return false; } } private static function writeFailure() { self::write("\n\n<<< *** FAILURE! *** >>>\n"); } private static function write($str) { echo $str; ob_flush(); flush(); // This, uh, makes it look cool. -_- usleep(20000); } private static function writeNote($note) { $note = "*** NOTE: ".wordwrap($note, 75, "\n", true); $note = "\n".str_replace("\n", "\n ", $note)."\n\n"; self::write($note); } public static function writeHeader($header) { $template = '>>>'.str_repeat('-', 77); $template = substr_replace( $template, ' '.$header.' ', 3, strlen($header) + 4); self::write("\n\n{$template}\n\n"); } public static function writeDoc($doc) { self::write( "\n". ''.$doc. "\n\n"); } }