@title Configuring Accounts and Registration @group config Describes how to configure user access to Phabricator. = Overview = Phabricator supports a number of login systems, like traditional username/password, Facebook OAuth, GitHub OAuth, and Google OAuth. You can enable or disable these systems to configure who can register for and access your install, and how users with existing accounts can login. By default, only username/password auth is enabled, and there are no valid accounts. Start by creating a new account with the ##phabricator/bin/accountadmin## script. = Using accountadmin = ##accountadmin## is a user-friendly command line interface for creating and editing accounts. To use ##accountadmin##, just run the script: $ ./phabricator/bin/accountadmin Enter a username to create a new account or edit an existing account. Enter a username: This will walk you through the process of creating an initial user account. Once you've created an account, you can login with it and use the web console to create and manage accounts more easily (provided you make your first account an administrator). You can use this script later to create or edit accounts if you, for example, accidentally remove your admin flag. = Managing Accounts with the Web Console = To manage accounts from the web, login as an administrator account and go to ##/people/## or click "People" on the homepage. Provided you're an admin, you'll see options to create or edit accounts. = Managing Accounts from the Command Line = You can use ##scripts/user/add_user.php## to batch create accounts. Run it like: $ ./add_user.php For example: $ ./add_user.php alincoln alincoln@logcabin.com 'Abraham Lincoln' tjefferson This will create a new ##alincoln## user and send them a "Welcome to Phabricator" email from ##tjefferson## with instructions on how to log in and set a password. = Configuring Facebook OAuth = You can configure Facebook OAuth to allow login, login and registration, or nothing (the default). If registration is not allowed, users must have an existing account in order to link a Facebook account to it, but can use Facebook to login once the accounts are linked. To configure Facebook OAuth, create a new Facebook Application: https://www.facebook.com/developers/createapp.php You should set these things in your application: - **Site URL**: Set this to your full domain with protocol, like "##https://phabricator.example.com/##". - **Site Domain**: Set this to the entire domain, like ##example.com##. You might be able to get away with including the subdomain if you want to scope more tightly. Once that is set up, edit your Phabricator configuration and set these keys: - **facebook.auth-enabled**: set this to ##true##. - **facebook.application-id**: set to your Facebook application's ID. Make sure you set this as a string. - **facebook.application-secret**: set to your Facebook application's secret key. - **facebook.registration-enabled**: set this to ##true## to let users register for your install with a Facebook account (this is a very open setting) or ##false## to prevent users from registering with Facebook. - **facebook.auth-permanent**: you can set this to prevent account unlinking. It is unlikely you want to prevent it, but Facebook's internal install uses this option since Facebook uses Facebook as its only auth mechanism. = Configuring GitHub OAuth = You can configure GitHub OAuth to allow login, login and registration, or nothing (the default). To configure GitHub OAuth, create a new GitHub Application: https://github.com/settings/applications/new You should set these things in your application: - **URL**: Set this to the full domain with protocol, like "##https://phabricator.example.com/##". - **Callback URL**: Set this to your domain plus "##/oauth/github/login/##", like "##https://phabricator.example.com/oauth/github/login/##". Once you've created an application, edit your Phabricator configuration and set these keys: - **github.auth-enabled**: set this to ##true##. - **github.application-id**: set this to your application/client ID. - **github.application-secret**: set this to your application secret. - **github.registration-enabled**: set to ##true## to let users register with just GitHub credentials (this is a very open setting) or ##false## to prevent users from registering. If set to ##false##, users may still link existing accounts and use GitHub to login, they just can't create new accounts. - **github.auth-permanent**: set to ##true## to prevent unlinking Phabricator accounts from GitHub accounts. = Configuring Google OAuth = You can configure Google OAuth to allow login, login and registration, or nothing (the default). To configure Google OAuth, create a new Google "API Project": https://code.google.com/apis/console/ You don't need to enable any **Services**, just go to **API Access**, click **"Create an OAuth 2.0 client ID..."**, and configure these settings: - Click **More Options** next to **Authorized Redirect APIs** and add the full domain (with protocol) plus ##/oauth/google/login/## to the list. For example, ##https://phabricator.example.com/oauth/google/login/## - Click **Create Client ID**. Once you've created a client ID, edit your Phabricator configuration and set these keys: - **google.auth-enabled**: set this to ##true##. - **google.application-id**: set this to your Client ID (from above). - **google.application-secret**: set this to your Client Secret (from above). - **google.registration-enabled**: set this to ##true## to let users register with just Google credentials (this is a very open setting) or ##false## to prevent users from registering. If set to ##false##, users may still link existing accounts and use Google to login, they jus can't create new accounts. - **google.auth-permanent**: set this to ##true## to prevent unlinking Phabricator accounts from Google accounts. = Next Steps = Continue by: - returning to the @{article:Configuration Guide}.