/** * @requires javelin-install * @provides javelin-leader * @javelin */ /** * Synchronize multiple tabs over LocalStorage. * * This class elects one tab as the "Leader". It remains the leader until it * is closed. * * Tabs can conditionally call a function if they are the leader using * @{method:callIfLeader}. This will trigger leader election, and call the * function if the current tab is elected. This can be used to keep one * websocket open across a group of tabs, or play a sound only once in response * to a server state change. * * Tabs can broadcast messages to other tabs using @{method:broadcast}. Each * message has an optional ID. When a tab receives multiple copies of a message * with the same ID, copies after the first copy are discarded. This can be * used in conjunction with @{method:callIfLeader} to allow multiple event * responders to trigger a reaction to an event (like a sound) and ensure that * it is played only once (not once for each notification), and by only one * tab (not once for each tab). * * Finally, tabs can register a callback which will run if they become the * leading tab, by listening for `onBecomeLeader`. */ JX.install('Leader', { events: ['onBecomeLeader', 'onReceiveBroadcast'], statics: { _interval: null, _broadcastKey: 'JX.Leader.broadcast', _leaderKey: 'JX.Leader.id', /** * Tracks leadership state. Since leadership election is asynchronous, * we can't expose this directly without inconsistent behavior. */ _isLeader: false, /** * Keeps track of message IDs we've seen, so we send each message only * once. */ _seen: {}, /** * Helps keep the list of seen message IDs from growing without bound. */ _seenList: [], /** * Elect a leader, triggering leadership callbacks if they are registered. */ start: function() { var self = JX.Leader; self.callIfLeader(JX.bag); }, /** * Call a method if this tab is the leader. * * This is asynchronous because leadership election is asynchronous. If * the current tab is not the leader after any election takes place, the * callback will not be invoked. */ callIfLeader: function(callback) { JX.Leader._callIf(callback, JX.bag); }, /** * Call a method after leader election. * * This is asynchronous because leadership election is asynchronous. The * callback will be invoked after election takes place. * * This method is useful if you want to invoke a callback no matter what, * but the callback behavior depends on whether this is the leader or * not. */ call: function(callback) { JX.Leader._callIf(callback, callback); }, /** * Elect a leader, then invoke either a leader callback or a follower * callback. */ _callIf: function(leader_callback, follower_callback) { var self = JX.Leader; if (!window.localStorage) { // If we don't have localStorage, pretend we're the only tab. self._becomeLeader(); leader_callback(); return; } // If we don't have an ID for this tab yet, generate one and register // event listeners. if (!self._id) { self._id = 1 + parseInt(Math.random() * 1000000000, 10); JX.Stratcom.listen('pagehide', null, self._pagehide); JX.Stratcom.listen('storage', null, self._storage); } // Read the current leadership lease. var lease = self._read(); // If the lease is good, we're all set. var now = +new Date(); if (lease.until > now) { if (lease.id === self._id) { // If we haven't installed an update timer yet, do so now. This will // renew our lease every 5 seconds, making sure we hold it until the // tab is closed. if (!self._interval && lease.until > now + 10000) { self._interval = window.setInterval(self._write, 5000); } self._becomeLeader(); leader_callback(); } else { follower_callback(); } return; } // If the lease isn't good, try to become the leader. We don't have // proper locking primitives for this, but can do a relatively good // job. The algorithm here is: // // - Write our ID, trying to acquire the lease. // - Delay for much longer than a write "could possibly" take. // - Read the key back. // - If nothing else overwrote the key, we become the leader. // // This avoids a race where our reads and writes could otherwise // interleave with another tab's reads and writes, electing both or // neither as the leader. // // This approximately follows an algorithm attributed to Fischer in // "A Fast Mutual Exclusion Algorithm" (Leslie Lamport, 1985). That // paper also describes a faster (but more complex) algorithm, but // it's not problematic to add a significant delay here because // leader election is not especially performance-sensitive. self._write(); window.setTimeout( JX.bind(null, self._callIf, leader_callback, follower_callback), 50); }, /** * Send a message to all open tabs. * * Tabs can receive messages by listening to `onReceiveBroadcast`. * * @param string|null Message ID. If provided, subsequent messages with * the same ID will be discarded. * @param wild The message to send. */ broadcast: function(id, message) { var self = JX.Leader; if (id !== null) { if (id in self._seen) { return; } self._markSeen(id); } if (window.localStorage) { var json = JX.JSON.stringify( { id: id, message: message, // LocalStorage only emits events if the value changes. Include // a random component to make sure that broadcasts are never // eaten. Although this is probably not often useful in a // production system, it makes testing easier and more predictable. uniq: parseInt(Math.random() * 1000000, 10) }); window.localStorage.setItem(self._broadcastKey, json); } self._receiveBroadcast(message); }, /** * Write a lease which names us as the leader. */ _write: function() { var self = JX.Leader; var str = [self._id, ((+new Date()) + 16000)].join(':'); window.localStorage.setItem(self._leaderKey, str); }, /** * Read the current lease. */ _read: function() { var self = JX.Leader; var leader = window.localStorage.getItem(self._leaderKey) || '0:0'; leader = leader.split(':'); return { id: parseInt(leader[0], 10), until: parseInt(leader[1], 10) }; }, /** * When the tab is closed, if we're the leader, release leadership. * * This will trigger a new election if there are other tabs open. */ _pagehide: function() { var self = JX.Leader; if (self._read().id === self._id) { window.localStorage.removeItem(self._leaderKey); } }, /** * React to a storage update. */ _storage: function(e) { var self = JX.Leader; var key = e.getRawEvent().key; var new_value = e.getRawEvent().newValue; switch (key) { case self._broadcastKey: new_value = JX.JSON.parse(new_value); if (new_value.id !== null) { if (new_value.id in self._seen) { return; } self._markSeen(new_value.id); } self._receiveBroadcast(new_value.message); break; case self._leaderKey: // If the leader tab closed, elect a new leader. if (new_value === null) { self.callIfLeader(JX.bag); } break; } }, _receiveBroadcast: function(message) { var self = JX.Leader; new JX.Leader().invoke('onReceiveBroadcast', message, self._isLeader); }, _becomeLeader: function() { var self = JX.Leader; if (self._isLeader) { return; } self._isLeader = true; new JX.Leader().invoke('onBecomeLeader'); }, /** * Mark a message as seen. * * We keep a fixed-sized list of recent messages, and let old ones fall * off the end after a while. */ _markSeen: function(id) { var self = JX.Leader; self._seen[id] = true; self._seenList.push(id); while (self._seenList.length > 128) { delete self._seen[self._seenList[0]]; self._seenList.splice(0, 1); } } } });