$now - 30 * 24 * 60 * 60) { $format = 'D, M j'; } return $format; } /** * Internal date rendering method. Do not call this directly; instead, call * @{function:phabricator_date}, @{function:phabricator_time}, or * @{function:phabricator_datetime}. * * @param int Unix epoch timestamp. * @param PhabricatorUser User viewing the timestamp. * @param string Date format, as per DateTime class. * @return string Formatted, local date/time. */ function __phabricator_format_local_time($epoch, $user, $format) { if (!$epoch) { // If we're missing date information for something, the DateTime class will // throw an exception when we try to construct an object. Since this is a // display function, just return an empty string. return ''; } $user_zone = $user->getTimezoneIdentifier(); static $zones = array(); if (empty($zones[$user_zone])) { $zones[$user_zone] = new DateTimeZone($user_zone); } $zone = $zones[$user_zone]; // NOTE: Although DateTime takes a second DateTimeZone parameter to its // constructor, it ignores it if the date string includes timezone // information. Further, it treats epoch timestamps ("@946684800") as having // a UTC timezone. Set the timezone explicitly after constructing the object. $date = new DateTime('@'.$epoch); $date->setTimeZone($zone); return $date->format($format); } function phabricator_format_relative_time($duration) { return phabricator_format_units_generic( $duration, array(60, 60, 24, 7), array('s', 'm', 'h', 'd', 'w'), $precision = 0); } function phabricator_format_units_generic( $n, array $scales, array $labels, $precision = 0, &$remainder = null) { $is_negative = false; if ($n < 0) { $is_negative = true; $n = abs($n); } $remainder = 0; $accum = 1; $scale = array_shift($scales); $label = array_shift($labels); while ($n > $scale && count($labels)) { $remainder += ($n % $scale) * $accum; $n /= $scale; $accum *= $scale; $label = array_shift($labels); if (!count($scales)) { break; } $scale = array_shift($scales); } if ($is_negative) { $n = -$n; $remainder = -$remainder; } if ($precision) { $num_string = number_format($n, $precision); } else { $num_string = (int)floor($n); } if ($label) { $num_string .= ' '.$label; } return $num_string; }