#!/usr/bin/env php <?php $root = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))); require_once $root.'/scripts/__init_script__.php'; $args = new PhutilArgumentParser($argv); $args->setTagline('manage Phabricator storage and schemata'); $args->setSynopsis(<<<EOHELP **storage** __workflow__ [__options__] Manage Phabricator database storage and schema versioning. **storage** upgrade Initialize or upgrade Phabricator storage. **storage** upgrade --user __root__ --password __hunter2__ Use administrative credentials for schema changes. EOHELP ); $args->parseStandardArguments(); $conf = PhabricatorEnv::newObjectFromConfig( 'mysql.configuration-provider', array($dao = null, 'w')); $default_user = $conf->getUser(); $default_host = $conf->getHost(); $default_port = $conf->getPort(); $default_namespace = PhabricatorLiskDAO::getDefaultStorageNamespace(); try { $args->parsePartial( array( array( 'name' => 'force', 'short' => 'f', 'help' => 'Do not prompt before performing dangerous operations.', ), array( 'name' => 'user', 'short' => 'u', 'param' => 'username', 'default' => $default_user, 'help' => "Connect with __username__ instead of the configured ". "default ('{$default_user}').", ), array( 'name' => 'password', 'short' => 'p', 'param' => 'password', 'help' => 'Use __password__ instead of the configured default.', ), array( 'name' => 'namespace', 'param' => 'name', 'default' => $default_namespace, 'help' => "Use namespace __namespace__ instead of the configured ". "default ('{$default_namespace}'). This is an advanced ". "feature used by unit tests; you should not normally ". "use this flag.", ), array( 'name' => 'dryrun', 'help' => 'Do not actually change anything, just show what would be '. 'changed.', ), array( 'name' => 'disable-utf8mb4', 'help' => pht( 'Disable utf8mb4, even if the database supports it. This is an '. 'advanced feature used for testing changes to Phabricator; you '. 'should not normally use this flag.'), ) )); } catch (PhutilArgumentUsageException $ex) { $args->printUsageException($ex); exit(77); } // First, test that the Phabricator configuration is set up correctly. After // we know this works we'll test any administrative credentials specifically. $test_api = new PhabricatorStorageManagementAPI(); $test_api->setUser($default_user); $test_api->setHost($default_host); $test_api->setPort($default_port); $test_api->setPassword($conf->getPassword()); $test_api->setNamespace($args->getArg('namespace')); try { queryfx( $test_api->getConn(null), 'SELECT 1'); } catch (AphrontQueryException $ex) { $message = phutil_console_format( pht( "**MySQL Credentials Not Configured**\n\n". "Unable to connect to MySQL using the configured credentials. ". "You must configure standard credentials before you can upgrade ". "storage. Run these commands to set up credentials:\n". "\n". " phabricator/ $ ./bin/config set mysql.host __host__\n". " phabricator/ $ ./bin/config set mysql.user __username__\n". " phabricator/ $ ./bin/config set mysql.pass __password__\n". "\n". "These standard credentials are separate from any administrative ". "credentials provided to this command with __--user__ or ". "__--password__, and must be configured correctly before you can ". "proceed.\n". "\n". "**Raw MySQL Error**: %s\n", $ex->getMessage())); echo phutil_console_wrap($message); exit(1); } if ($args->getArg('password') === null) { // This is already a PhutilOpaqueEnvelope. $password = $conf->getPassword(); } else { // Put this in a PhutilOpaqueEnvelope. $password = new PhutilOpaqueEnvelope($args->getArg('password')); PhabricatorEnv::overrideConfig('mysql.pass', $args->getArg('password')); } $api = new PhabricatorStorageManagementAPI(); $api->setUser($args->getArg('user')); PhabricatorEnv::overrideConfig('mysql.user', $args->getArg('user')); $api->setHost($default_host); $api->setPort($default_port); $api->setPassword($password); $api->setNamespace($args->getArg('namespace')); $api->setDisableUTF8MB4($args->getArg('disable-utf8mb4')); try { queryfx( $api->getConn(null), 'SELECT 1'); } catch (AphrontQueryException $ex) { $message = phutil_console_format( pht( "**Bad Administrative Credentials**\n\n". "Unable to connnect to MySQL using the administrative credentials ". "provided with the __--user__ and __--password__ flags. Check that ". "you have entered them correctly.\n". "\n". "**Raw MySQL Error**: %s\n", $ex->getMessage())); echo phutil_console_wrap($message); exit(1); } $workflows = id(new PhutilSymbolLoader()) ->setAncestorClass('PhabricatorStorageManagementWorkflow') ->loadObjects(); $patches = PhabricatorSQLPatchList::buildAllPatches(); foreach ($workflows as $workflow) { $workflow->setAPI($api); $workflow->setPatches($patches); } $workflows[] = new PhutilHelpArgumentWorkflow(); $args->parseWorkflows($workflows);