viewer = $viewer; return $this; } public function getViewer() { return $this->viewer; } public function setProfileObject($profile_object) { $this->profileObject = $profile_object; return $this; } public function getProfileObject() { return $this->profileObject; } public function setCustomPHID($custom_phid) { $this->customPHID = $custom_phid; return $this; } public function getCustomPHID() { return $this->customPHID; } public function setController(PhabricatorController $controller) { $this->controller = $controller; return $this; } public function getController() { return $this->controller; } private function setDefaultItem( PhabricatorProfileMenuItemConfiguration $default_item) { $this->defaultItem = $default_item; return $this; } public function getDefaultItem() { $this->loadItems(); return $this->defaultItem; } abstract protected function getItemURI($path); abstract protected function isMenuEngineConfigurable(); public function buildResponse() { $controller = $this->getController(); $viewer = $controller->getViewer(); $this->setViewer($viewer); $request = $controller->getRequest(); $item_action = $request->getURIData('itemAction'); // If the engine is not configurable, don't respond to any of the editing // or configuration routes. if (!$this->isMenuEngineConfigurable()) { switch ($item_action) { case 'view': break; default: return new Aphront404Response(); } } $item_id = $request->getURIData('itemID'); $item_list = $this->getItems(); $selected_item = null; if (strlen($item_id)) { $item_id_int = (int)$item_id; foreach ($item_list as $item) { if ($item_id_int) { if ((int)$item->getID() === $item_id_int) { $selected_item = $item; break; } } $builtin_key = $item->getBuiltinKey(); if ($builtin_key === (string)$item_id) { $selected_item = $item; break; } } } switch ($item_action) { case 'view': case 'info': case 'hide': case 'default': case 'builtin': if (!$selected_item) { return new Aphront404Response(); } break; case 'edit': if (!$request->getURIData('id')) { // If we continue along the "edit" pathway without an ID, we hit an // unrelated exception because we can not build a new menu item out // of thin air. For menus, new items are created via the "new" // action. Just catch this case and 404 early since there's currently // no clean way to make EditEngine aware of this. return new Aphront404Response(); } break; } $navigation = $this->buildNavigation(); $navigation->selectFilter('item.configure'); $crumbs = $controller->buildApplicationCrumbsForEditEngine(); switch ($item_action) { case 'view': $content = $this->buildItemViewContent($selected_item); break; case 'configure': $content = $this->buildItemConfigureContent($item_list); $crumbs->addTextCrumb(pht('Configure Menu')); break; case 'reorder': $content = $this->buildItemReorderContent($item_list); break; case 'new': $item_key = $request->getURIData('itemKey'); $content = $this->buildItemNewContent($item_key); break; case 'builtin': $content = $this->buildItemBuiltinContent($selected_item); break; case 'hide': $content = $this->buildItemHideContent($selected_item); break; case 'default': $content = $this->buildItemDefaultContent( $selected_item, $item_list); break; case 'edit': $content = $this->buildItemEditContent(); break; default: throw new Exception( pht( 'Unsupported item action "%s".', $item_action)); } if ($content instanceof AphrontResponse) { return $content; } if ($content instanceof AphrontResponseProducerInterface) { return $content; } $crumbs->setBorder(true); return $controller->newPage() ->setTitle(pht('Configure Menu')) ->setNavigation($navigation) ->setCrumbs($crumbs) ->appendChild($content); } public function buildNavigation() { if ($this->navigation) { return $this->navigation; } $nav = id(new AphrontSideNavFilterView()) ->setIsProfileMenu(true) ->setBaseURI(new PhutilURI($this->getItemURI(''))); $menu_items = $this->getItems(); $filtered_items = array(); foreach ($menu_items as $menu_item) { if ($menu_item->isDisabled()) { continue; } $filtered_items[] = $menu_item; } $filtered_groups = mgroup($filtered_items, 'getMenuItemKey'); foreach ($filtered_groups as $group) { $first_item = head($group); $first_item->willBuildNavigationItems($group); } foreach ($menu_items as $menu_item) { if ($menu_item->isDisabled()) { continue; } $items = $menu_item->buildNavigationMenuItems(); foreach ($items as $item) { $this->validateNavigationMenuItem($item); } // If the item produced only a single item which does not otherwise // have a key, try to automatically assign it a reasonable key. This // makes selecting the correct item simpler. if (count($items) == 1) { $item = head($items); if ($item->getKey() === null) { $builtin_key = $menu_item->getBuiltinKey(); $item_phid = $menu_item->getPHID(); if ($builtin_key !== null) { $item->setKey($builtin_key); } else if ($item_phid !== null) { $item->setKey($item_phid); } } } foreach ($items as $item) { $nav->addMenuItem($item); } } $more_items = $this->newAutomaticMenuItems($nav); foreach ($more_items as $item) { $nav->addMenuItem($item); } $nav->selectFilter(null); $this->navigation = $nav; return $this->navigation; } private function getItems() { if ($this->items === null) { $this->items = $this->loadItems(); } return $this->items; } private function loadItems() { $viewer = $this->getViewer(); $object = $this->getProfileObject(); $items = $this->loadBuiltinProfileItems(); if ($this->getCustomPHID()) { $stored_items = id(new PhabricatorProfileMenuItemConfigurationQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->withProfilePHIDs(array($object->getPHID())) ->withCustomPHIDs(array($this->getCustomPHID())) ->execute(); } else { $stored_items = id(new PhabricatorProfileMenuItemConfigurationQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->withProfilePHIDs(array($object->getPHID())) ->execute(); } foreach ($stored_items as $stored_item) { $impl = $stored_item->getMenuItem(); $impl->setViewer($viewer); } // Merge the stored items into the builtin items. If a builtin item has // a stored version, replace the defaults with the stored changes. foreach ($stored_items as $stored_item) { if (!$stored_item->shouldEnableForObject($object)) { continue; } $builtin_key = $stored_item->getBuiltinKey(); if ($builtin_key !== null) { // If this builtin actually exists, replace the builtin with the // stored configuration. Otherwise, we're just going to drop the // stored config: it corresponds to an out-of-date or uninstalled // item. if (isset($items[$builtin_key])) { $items[$builtin_key] = $stored_item; } else { continue; } } else { $items[] = $stored_item; } } $items = msort($items, 'getSortKey'); // Normalize keys since callers shouldn't rely on this array being // partially keyed. $items = array_values($items); // Make sure exactly one valid item is marked as default. $default = null; $first = null; foreach ($items as $item) { if (!$item->canMakeDefault()) { continue; } if ($item->isDefault()) { $default = $item; break; } if ($first === null) { $first = $item; } } if (!$default) { $default = $first; } if ($default) { $this->setDefaultItem($default); } return $items; } private function loadBuiltinProfileItems() { $object = $this->getProfileObject(); $builtins = $this->getBuiltinProfileItems($object); $items = PhabricatorProfileMenuItem::getAllMenuItems(); $viewer = $this->getViewer(); $order = 1; $map = array(); foreach ($builtins as $builtin) { $builtin_key = $builtin->getBuiltinKey(); if (!$builtin_key) { throw new Exception( pht( 'Object produced a builtin item with no builtin item key! '. 'Builtin items must have a unique key.')); } if (isset($map[$builtin_key])) { throw new Exception( pht( 'Object produced two items with the same builtin key ("%s"). '. 'Each item must have a unique builtin key.', $builtin_key)); } $item_key = $builtin->getMenuItemKey(); $item = idx($items, $item_key); if (!$item) { throw new Exception( pht( 'Builtin item ("%s") specifies a bad item key ("%s"); there '. 'is no corresponding item implementation available.', $builtin_key, $item_key)); } $item = clone $item; $item->setViewer($viewer); $builtin ->setProfilePHID($object->getPHID()) ->attachMenuItem($item) ->attachProfileObject($object) ->setMenuItemOrder($order); if (!$builtin->shouldEnableForObject($object)) { continue; } $map[$builtin_key] = $builtin; $order++; } return $map; } private function validateNavigationMenuItem($item) { if (!($item instanceof PHUIListItemView)) { throw new Exception( pht( 'Expected buildNavigationMenuItems() to return a list of '. 'PHUIListItemView objects, but got a surprise.')); } } private function newAutomaticMenuItems(AphrontSideNavFilterView $nav) { $items = array(); // NOTE: We're adding a spacer item for the fixed footer, so that if the // menu taller than the page content you can still scroll down the page far // enough to access the last item without the content being obscured by the // fixed items. $items[] = id(new PHUIListItemView()) ->setHideInApplicationMenu(true) ->addClass('phui-profile-menu-spacer'); $collapse_id = celerity_generate_unique_node_id(); $viewer = $this->getViewer(); $collapse_key = PhabricatorProfileMenuCollapsedSetting::SETTINGKEY; $is_collapsed = $viewer->getUserSetting($collapse_key); if ($is_collapsed) { $nav->addClass('phui-profile-menu-collapsed'); } else { $nav->addClass('phui-profile-menu-expanded'); } if ($viewer->isLoggedIn()) { $settings_uri = '/settings/adjust/?key='.$collapse_key; } else { $settings_uri = null; } Javelin::initBehavior( 'phui-profile-menu', array( 'menuID' => $nav->getMainID(), 'collapseID' => $collapse_id, 'isCollapsed' => (bool)$is_collapsed, 'settingsURI' => $settings_uri, )); $collapse_icon = id(new PHUIIconCircleView()) ->addClass('phui-list-item-icon') ->addClass('phui-profile-menu-visible-when-expanded') ->setIcon('fa-chevron-left'); $expand_icon = id(new PHUIIconCircleView()) ->addClass('phui-list-item-icon') ->addClass('phui-profile-menu-visible-when-collapsed') ->addSigil('has-tooltip') ->setMetadata( array( 'tip' => pht('Expand'), 'align' => 'E', )) ->setIcon('fa-chevron-right'); $items[] = id(new PHUIListItemView()) ->setName('Collapse') ->addIcon($collapse_icon) ->addIcon($expand_icon) ->setID($collapse_id) ->addClass('phui-profile-menu-footer') ->addClass('phui-profile-menu-footer-1') ->setHideInApplicationMenu(true) ->setHref('#'); return $items; } public function getConfigureURI() { return $this->getItemURI('configure/'); } private function buildItemReorderContent(array $items) { $viewer = $this->getViewer(); $object = $this->getProfileObject(); PhabricatorPolicyFilter::requireCapability( $viewer, $object, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT); $controller = $this->getController(); $request = $controller->getRequest(); $request->validateCSRF(); $order = $request->getStrList('order'); $by_builtin = array(); $by_id = array(); foreach ($items as $key => $item) { $id = $item->getID(); if ($id) { $by_id[$id] = $key; continue; } $builtin_key = $item->getBuiltinKey(); if ($builtin_key) { $by_builtin[$builtin_key] = $key; continue; } } $key_order = array(); foreach ($order as $order_item) { if (isset($by_id[$order_item])) { $key_order[] = $by_id[$order_item]; continue; } if (isset($by_builtin[$order_item])) { $key_order[] = $by_builtin[$order_item]; continue; } } $items = array_select_keys($items, $key_order) + $items; $type_order = PhabricatorProfileMenuItemConfigurationTransaction::TYPE_ORDER; $order = 1; foreach ($items as $item) { $xactions = array(); $xactions[] = id(new PhabricatorProfileMenuItemConfigurationTransaction()) ->setTransactionType($type_order) ->setNewValue($order); $editor = id(new PhabricatorProfileMenuEditor()) ->setContentSourceFromRequest($request) ->setActor($viewer) ->setContinueOnMissingFields(true) ->setContinueOnNoEffect(true) ->applyTransactions($item, $xactions); $order++; } return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse()) ->setURI($this->getConfigureURI()); } private function buildItemConfigureContent(array $items) { $viewer = $this->getViewer(); $object = $this->getProfileObject(); PhabricatorPolicyFilter::requireCapability( $viewer, $object, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT); $list_id = celerity_generate_unique_node_id(); Javelin::initBehavior( 'reorder-profile-menu-items', array( 'listID' => $list_id, 'orderURI' => $this->getItemURI('reorder/'), )); $list = id(new PHUIObjectItemListView()) ->setID($list_id); foreach ($items as $item) { $id = $item->getID(); $builtin_key = $item->getBuiltinKey(); $can_edit = PhabricatorPolicyFilter::hasCapability( $viewer, $item, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT); $view = id(new PHUIObjectItemView()); $name = $item->getDisplayName(); $type = $item->getMenuItemTypeName(); if (!strlen(trim($name))) { $name = pht('Untitled "%s" Item', $type); } $view->setHeader($name); $view->addAttribute($type); if ($can_edit) { $view ->setGrippable(true) ->addSigil('profile-menu-item') ->setMetadata( array( 'key' => nonempty($id, $builtin_key), )); if ($id) { $default_uri = $this->getItemURI("default/{$id}/"); } else { $default_uri = $this->getItemURI("default/{$builtin_key}/"); } if ($item->isDefault()) { $default_icon = 'fa-thumb-tack green'; $default_text = pht('Current Default'); } else if ($item->canMakeDefault()) { $default_icon = 'fa-thumb-tack'; $default_text = pht('Make Default'); } else { $default_text = null; } if ($default_text !== null) { $view->addAction( id(new PHUIListItemView()) ->setHref($default_uri) ->setWorkflow(true) ->setName($default_text) ->setIcon($default_icon)); } if ($id) { $view->setHref($this->getItemURI("edit/{$id}/")); $hide_uri = $this->getItemURI("hide/{$id}/"); } else { $view->setHref($this->getItemURI("builtin/{$builtin_key}/")); $hide_uri = $this->getItemURI("hide/{$builtin_key}/"); } if ($item->isDisabled()) { $hide_icon = 'fa-plus'; $hide_text = pht('Enable'); } else if ($item->getBuiltinKey() !== null) { $hide_icon = 'fa-times'; $hide_text = pht('Disable'); } else { $hide_icon = 'fa-times'; $hide_text = pht('Delete'); } $can_disable = $item->canHideMenuItem(); $view->addAction( id(new PHUIListItemView()) ->setHref($hide_uri) ->setWorkflow(true) ->setDisabled(!$can_disable) ->setName($hide_text) ->setIcon($hide_icon)); } if ($item->isDisabled()) { $view->setDisabled(true); } $list->addItem($view); } $action_view = id(new PhabricatorActionListView()) ->setUser($viewer); $item_types = PhabricatorProfileMenuItem::getAllMenuItems(); $object = $this->getProfileObject(); $action_list = id(new PhabricatorActionListView()) ->setViewer($viewer); $action_list->addAction( id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setLabel(true) ->setName(pht('Add New Menu Item...'))); foreach ($item_types as $item_type) { if (!$item_type->canAddToObject($object)) { continue; } $item_key = $item_type->getMenuItemKey(); $action_list->addAction( id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setIcon($item_type->getMenuItemTypeIcon()) ->setName($item_type->getMenuItemTypeName()) ->setHref($this->getItemURI("new/{$item_key}/")) ->setWorkflow(true)); } $action_list->addAction( id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setLabel(true) ->setName(pht('Documentation'))); $doc_link = PhabricatorEnv::getDoclink('Profile Menu User Guide'); $doc_name = pht('Profile Menu User Guide'); $action_list->addAction( id(new PhabricatorActionView()) ->setIcon('fa-book') ->setHref($doc_link) ->setName($doc_name)); $header = id(new PHUIHeaderView()) ->setHeader(pht('Profile Menu Items')) ->setHeaderIcon('fa-list'); $box = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView()) ->setHeaderText(pht('Navigation')) ->setBackground(PHUIObjectBoxView::BLUE_PROPERTY) ->setObjectList($list); $panel = id(new PHUICurtainPanelView()) ->appendChild($action_view); $curtain = id(new PHUICurtainView()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->setActionList($action_list); $view = id(new PHUITwoColumnView()) ->setHeader($header) ->setCurtain($curtain) ->setMainColumn( array( $box, )); return $view; } private function buildItemNewContent($item_key) { $item_types = PhabricatorProfileMenuItem::getAllMenuItems(); $item_type = idx($item_types, $item_key); if (!$item_type) { return new Aphront404Response(); } $object = $this->getProfileObject(); if (!$item_type->canAddToObject($object)) { return new Aphront404Response(); } $configuration = PhabricatorProfileMenuItemConfiguration::initializeNewItem( $object, $item_type); $viewer = $this->getViewer(); PhabricatorPolicyFilter::requireCapability( $viewer, $configuration, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT); $controller = $this->getController(); return id(new PhabricatorProfileMenuEditEngine()) ->setMenuEngine($this) ->setProfileObject($object) ->setNewMenuItemConfiguration($configuration) ->setController($controller) ->buildResponse(); } private function buildItemEditContent() { $viewer = $this->getViewer(); $object = $this->getProfileObject(); $controller = $this->getController(); return id(new PhabricatorProfileMenuEditEngine()) ->setMenuEngine($this) ->setProfileObject($object) ->setController($controller) ->buildResponse(); } private function buildItemBuiltinContent( PhabricatorProfileMenuItemConfiguration $configuration) { // If this builtin item has already been persisted, redirect to the // edit page. $id = $configuration->getID(); if ($id) { return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse()) ->setURI($this->getItemURI("edit/{$id}/")); } // Otherwise, act like we're creating a new item, we're just starting // with the builtin template. $viewer = $this->getViewer(); PhabricatorPolicyFilter::requireCapability( $viewer, $configuration, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT); $object = $this->getProfileObject(); $controller = $this->getController(); return id(new PhabricatorProfileMenuEditEngine()) ->setIsBuiltin(true) ->setMenuEngine($this) ->setProfileObject($object) ->setNewMenuItemConfiguration($configuration) ->setController($controller) ->buildResponse(); } private function buildItemHideContent( PhabricatorProfileMenuItemConfiguration $configuration) { $controller = $this->getController(); $request = $controller->getRequest(); $viewer = $this->getViewer(); PhabricatorPolicyFilter::requireCapability( $viewer, $configuration, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT); if (!$configuration->canHideMenuItem()) { return $controller->newDialog() ->setTitle(pht('Mandatory Item')) ->appendParagraph( pht('This menu item is very important, and can not be disabled.')) ->addCancelButton($this->getConfigureURI()); } if ($configuration->getBuiltinKey() === null) { $new_value = null; $title = pht('Delete Menu Item'); $body = pht('Delete this menu item?'); $button = pht('Delete Menu Item'); } else if ($configuration->isDisabled()) { $new_value = PhabricatorProfileMenuItemConfiguration::VISIBILITY_VISIBLE; $title = pht('Enable Menu Item'); $body = pht( 'Enable this menu item? It will appear in the menu again.'); $button = pht('Enable Menu Item'); } else { $new_value = PhabricatorProfileMenuItemConfiguration::VISIBILITY_DISABLED; $title = pht('Disable Menu Item'); $body = pht( 'Disable this menu item? It will no longer appear in the menu, but '. 'you can re-enable it later.'); $button = pht('Disable Menu Item'); } $v_visibility = $configuration->getVisibility(); if ($request->isFormPost()) { if ($new_value === null) { $configuration->delete(); } else { $type_visibility = PhabricatorProfileMenuItemConfigurationTransaction::TYPE_VISIBILITY; $xactions = array(); $xactions[] = id(new PhabricatorProfileMenuItemConfigurationTransaction()) ->setTransactionType($type_visibility) ->setNewValue($new_value); $editor = id(new PhabricatorProfileMenuEditor()) ->setContentSourceFromRequest($request) ->setActor($viewer) ->setContinueOnMissingFields(true) ->setContinueOnNoEffect(true) ->applyTransactions($configuration, $xactions); } return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse()) ->setURI($this->getConfigureURI()); } return $controller->newDialog() ->setTitle($title) ->appendParagraph($body) ->addCancelButton($this->getConfigureURI()) ->addSubmitButton($button); } private function buildItemDefaultContent( PhabricatorProfileMenuItemConfiguration $configuration, array $items) { $controller = $this->getController(); $request = $controller->getRequest(); $viewer = $this->getViewer(); PhabricatorPolicyFilter::requireCapability( $viewer, $configuration, PhabricatorPolicyCapability::CAN_EDIT); $done_uri = $this->getConfigureURI(); if (!$configuration->canMakeDefault()) { return $controller->newDialog() ->setTitle(pht('Not Defaultable')) ->appendParagraph( pht( 'This item can not be set as the default item. This is usually '. 'because the item has no page of its own, or links to an '. 'external page.')) ->addCancelButton($done_uri); } if ($configuration->isDefault()) { return $controller->newDialog() ->setTitle(pht('Already Default')) ->appendParagraph( pht( 'This item is already set as the default item for this menu.')) ->addCancelButton($done_uri); } if ($request->isFormPost()) { $key = $configuration->getID(); if (!$key) { $key = $configuration->getBuiltinKey(); } $this->adjustDefault($key); return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse()) ->setURI($done_uri); } return $controller->newDialog() ->setTitle(pht('Make Default')) ->appendParagraph( pht( 'Set this item as the default for this menu? Users arriving on '. 'this page will be shown the content of this item by default.')) ->addCancelButton($done_uri) ->addSubmitButton(pht('Make Default')); } protected function newItem() { return PhabricatorProfileMenuItemConfiguration::initializeNewBuiltin(); } public function adjustDefault($key) { $controller = $this->getController(); $request = $controller->getRequest(); $viewer = $request->getViewer(); $items = $this->loadItems(); // To adjust the default item, we first change any existing items that // are marked as defaults to "visible", then make the new default item // the default. $default = array(); $visible = array(); foreach ($items as $item) { $builtin_key = $item->getBuiltinKey(); $id = $item->getID(); $is_target = (($builtin_key !== null) && ($builtin_key === $key)) || (($id !== null) && ((int)$id === (int)$key)); if ($is_target) { if (!$item->isDefault()) { $default[] = $item; } } else { if ($item->isDefault()) { $visible[] = $item; } } } $type_visibility = PhabricatorProfileMenuItemConfigurationTransaction::TYPE_VISIBILITY; $v_visible = PhabricatorProfileMenuItemConfiguration::VISIBILITY_VISIBLE; $v_default = PhabricatorProfileMenuItemConfiguration::VISIBILITY_DEFAULT; $apply = array( array($v_visible, $visible), array($v_default, $default), ); foreach ($apply as $group) { list($value, $items) = $group; foreach ($items as $item) { $xactions = array(); $xactions[] = id(new PhabricatorProfileMenuItemConfigurationTransaction()) ->setTransactionType($type_visibility) ->setNewValue($value); $editor = id(new PhabricatorProfileMenuEditor()) ->setContentSourceFromRequest($request) ->setActor($viewer) ->setContinueOnMissingFields(true) ->setContinueOnNoEffect(true) ->applyTransactions($item, $xactions); } } return $this; } }