#!/bin/bash confirm() { echo "Press RETURN to continue, or ^C to cancel."; read -e ignored } GIT='git' LTS="Ubuntu 10.04" ISSUE=`cat /etc/issue` if [[ $ISSUE != Ubuntu* ]] then echo "This script is intended for use on Ubuntu, but this system appears"; echo "to be something else. Your results may vary."; echo confirm elif [[ `expr match "$ISSUE" "$LTS"` -eq ${#LTS} ]] then GIT='git-core' fi echo "PHABRICATOR UBUNTU INSTALL SCRIPT"; echo "This script will install Phabricator and all of its core dependencies."; echo "Run it from the directory you want to install into."; echo ROOT=`pwd` echo "Phabricator will be installed to: ${ROOT}."; confirm echo "Testing sudo..." sudo true if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo "ERROR: You must be able to sudo to run this script."; exit 1; fi; echo "Installing dependencies: git, apache, mysql, php..."; echo set +x sudo apt-get -qq update sudo apt-get install \ $GIT mysql-server apache2 dpkg-dev \ php5 php5-mysql php5-gd php5-dev php5-curl php-apc php5-cli php5-json # Enable mod_rewrite sudo a2enmod rewrite HAVEPCNTL=`php -r "echo extension_loaded('pcntl');"` if [ $HAVEPCNTL != "1" ] then echo "Installing pcntl..."; echo apt-get source php5 PHP5=`ls -1F | grep '^php5-.*/$'` (cd $PHP5/ext/pcntl && phpize && ./configure && make && sudo make install) else echo "pcntl already installed"; fi if [ ! -e libphutil ] then git clone git://github.com/phacility/libphutil.git else (cd libphutil && git pull --rebase) fi if [ ! -e arcanist ] then git clone git://github.com/phacility/arcanist.git else (cd arcanist && git pull --rebase) fi if [ ! -e phabricator ] then git clone git://github.com/phacility/phabricator.git else (cd phabricator && git pull --rebase) fi echo echo echo "Install probably worked mostly correctly. Continue with the 'Configuration Guide':"; echo echo " http://www.phabricator.com/docs/phabricator/article/Configuration_Guide.html"; echo echo "You can delete any php5-* stuff that's left over in this directory if you want.";