#!/usr/bin/env php setSynopsis(<<parseStandardArguments(); if (ctags_check_executable() == false) { echo phutil_console_format( "%s\n\n%s\n", pht( 'Could not find Exuberant Ctags. Make sure it is installed and '. 'available in executable path.'), pht( 'Exuberant Ctags project page: %s', 'http://ctags.sourceforge.net/')); exit(1); } if (posix_isatty(STDIN)) { echo phutil_console_format( "%s\n", pht( 'Usage: %s', "find . -type f -name '*.py' | ./generate_ctags_symbols.php")); exit(1); } $input = file_get_contents('php://stdin'); $data = array(); $futures = array(); foreach (explode("\n", trim($input)) as $file) { if (!phutil_nonempty_string($file)) { continue; } $file = Filesystem::readablePath($file); $futures[$file] = ctags_get_parser_future($file); } $futures = new FutureIterator($futures); foreach ($futures->limit(8) as $file => $future) { $tags = $future->resolve(); $tags = explode("\n", $tags[1]); foreach ($tags as $tag) { $parts = explode(';', $tag); // Skip lines that we can not parse. if (count($parts) < 2) { continue; } // Split ctags information. $tag_info = explode("\t", $parts[0]); // Split exuberant ctags "extension fields" (additional information). $parts[1] = trim($parts[1], "\t \""); $extension_fields = explode("\t", $parts[1]); // Skip lines that we can not parse. if (count($tag_info) < 3 || count($extension_fields) < 2) { continue; } // Default context to empty. $extension_fields[] = ''; list($token, $file_path, $line_num) = $tag_info; list($type, $language, $context) = $extension_fields; // Skip lines with tokens containing a space. if (strpos($token, ' ') !== false) { continue; } // Strip "language:" $language = substr($language, 9); // To keep consistent with "Separate with commas, for example: php, py" // in Arcanist Project edit form. $language = str_ireplace('python', 'py', $language); // Also, "normalize" C++ and C#. $language = str_ireplace('c++', 'cpp', $language); $language = str_ireplace('c#', 'cs', $language); // Ruby has "singleton method", for example. $type = substr(str_replace(' ', '_', $type), 0, 12); // class:foo, struct:foo, union:foo, enum:foo, ... $context = last(explode(':', $context, 2)); $ignore = array( 'variable' => true, ); if (empty($ignore[$type])) { print_symbol($file_path, $line_num, $type, $token, $context, $language); } } } function ctags_get_parser_future($path) { $future = new ExecFuture('ctags -n --fields=Kls -o - %s', $path); return $future; } function ctags_check_executable() { $result = exec_manual('ctags --version'); return !empty($result[1]); } function print_symbol($file, $line_num, $type, $token, $context, $language) { // Get rid of relative path. $file = explode('/', $file); if ($file[0] == '.' || $file[0] == '..') { array_shift($file); } $file = '/'.implode('/', $file); $parts = array( $context, $token, $type, strtolower($language), $line_num, $file, ); echo implode(' ', $parts)."\n"; }