loadAvailableDaemonClasses(); $symbols = igroup($symbols, 'library'); echo "\n"; foreach ($symbols as $library => $symbol_list) { echo phutil_console_format("Daemons in library __%s__:\n", $library); foreach ($symbol_list as $symbol) { echo " ".$symbol['name']."\n"; } echo "\n"; } return 0; } public function executeStatusCommand() { $daemons = $this->loadRunningDaemons(); if (!$daemons) { echo "There are no running Phabricator daemons.\n"; return 0; } printf( "%-5s\t%-24s\t%s\n", "PID", "Started", "Daemon"); foreach ($daemons as $daemon) { $name = $daemon->getName(); if (!$daemon->isRunning()) { $name = ' '.$name; if ($daemon->getPIDFile()) { Filesystem::remove($daemon->getPIDFile()); } } printf( "%5s\t%-24s\t%s\n", $daemon->getPID(), $daemon->getEpochStarted() ? date('M j Y, g:i:s A', $daemon->getEpochStarted()) : null, $name); } return 0; } public function executeStopCommand($pids = null) { $daemons = $this->loadRunningDaemons(); if (!$daemons) { echo "There are no running Phabricator daemons.\n"; return 0; } $daemons = mpull($daemons, null, 'getPID'); $running = array(); if ($pids == null) { $running = $daemons; } else { // We were given a PID or set of PIDs to kill. foreach ($pids as $key => $pid) { if (empty($daemons[$pid])) { echo "{$pid} is not Phabricator-controlled. Not killing.\n"; continue; } else { $running[] = $daemons[$pid]; } } } if (empty($running)) { echo "No daemons to kill.\n"; return 0; } $all_daemons = $running; foreach ($running as $key => $daemon) { $pid = $daemon->getPID(); $name = $daemon->getName(); echo "Stopping daemon '{$name}' ({$pid})...\n"; if (!$daemon->isRunning()) { echo "Daemon is not running.\n"; unset($running[$key]); } else { posix_kill($pid, SIGINT); } } $start = time(); do { foreach ($running as $key => $daemon) { $pid = $daemon->getPID(); if (!$daemon->isRunning()) { echo "Daemon {$pid} exited normally.\n"; unset($running[$key]); } } if (empty($running)) { break; } usleep(100000); } while (time() < $start + 15); foreach ($running as $key => $daemon) { $pid = $daemon->getPID(); echo "KILLing daemon {$pid}.\n"; posix_kill($pid, SIGKILL); } foreach ($all_daemons as $daemon) { if ($daemon->getPIDFile()) { Filesystem::remove($daemon->getPIDFile()); } } } public function executeHelpCommand() { echo phutil_console_format(<<setTimeout(5); $conduit->callMethodSynchronous('conduit.ping', array()); } public function launchDaemon($daemon, array $argv, $debug = false) { $symbols = $this->loadAvailableDaemonClasses(); $symbols = ipull($symbols, 'name', 'name'); if (empty($symbols[$daemon])) { throw new Exception("Daemon '{$daemon}' is not known."); } $pid_dir = $this->getControlDirectory('pid'); $log_dir = $this->getControlDirectory('log').'/daemons.log'; $libphutil_root = dirname(phutil_get_library_root('phutil')); $launch_daemon = $libphutil_root.'/scripts/daemon/'; // TODO: This should be a much better user experience. Filesystem::assertExists($pid_dir); Filesystem::assertIsDirectory($pid_dir); Filesystem::assertWritable($pid_dir); foreach ($argv as $key => $arg) { $argv[$key] = escapeshellarg($arg); } $bootloader = PhutilBootloader::getInstance(); $all_libraries = $bootloader->getAllLibraries(); $non_default_libraries = array_diff( $all_libraries, array('phutil', 'phabricator')); $extra_libraries = array(); foreach ($non_default_libraries as $library) { $extra_libraries[] = csprintf( '--load-phutil-library=%s', phutil_get_library_root($library)); } $command = csprintf( "./launch_daemon.php ". "%s ". "--load-phutil-library=%s ". "%C ". "--conduit-uri=%s ". "--phd=%s ". ($debug ? '--trace ' : '--daemonize '), $daemon, phutil_get_library_root('phabricator'), implode(' ', $extra_libraries), PhabricatorEnv::getURI('/api/'), $pid_dir); if (!$debug) { // If we're running "phd debug", send output straight to the console // instead of to a logfile. $command = csprintf("%C --log=%s", $command, $log_dir); } // Append the daemon's argv. $command = csprintf("%C %C", $command, implode(' ', $argv)); if ($debug) { // Don't terminate when the user sends ^C; it will be sent to the // subprocess which will terminate normally. pcntl_signal( SIGINT, array('PhabricatorDaemonControl', 'ignoreSignal')); echo "\n libphutil/scripts/daemon/ \$ {$command}\n\n"; phutil_passthru('(cd %s && exec %C)', $launch_daemon, $command); } else { $future = new ExecFuture('exec %C', $command); // Play games to keep 'ps' looking reasonable. $future->setCWD($launch_daemon); $future->resolvex(); } } public static function ignoreSignal($signo) { return; } public function getControlDirectory($dir) { $path = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('phd.pid-directory').'/'.$dir; if (!Filesystem::pathExists($path)) { list($err) = exec_manual('mkdir -p %s', $path); if ($err) { throw new Exception( "phd requires the directory '{$path}' to exist, but it does not ". "exist and could not be created. Create this directory or update ". "'phd.pid-directory' in your configuration to point to an existing ". "directory."); } } return $path; } protected function loadAvailableDaemonClasses() { $loader = new PhutilSymbolLoader(); return $loader ->setAncestorClass('PhutilDaemon') ->selectSymbolsWithoutLoading(); } protected function loadRunningDaemons() { $results = array(); $pid_dir = $this->getControlDirectory('pid'); $pid_files = Filesystem::listDirectory($pid_dir); if (!$pid_files) { return $results; } foreach ($pid_files as $pid_file) { $pid_data = Filesystem::readFile($pid_dir.'/'.$pid_file); $dict = json_decode($pid_data, true); if (!is_array($dict)) { // Just return a hanging reference, since control code needs to be // robust against unusual system states. $dict = array(); } $ref = PhabricatorDaemonReference::newFromDictionary($dict); $ref->setPIDFile($pid_dir.'/'.$pid_file); $results[] = $ref; } return $results; } protected function killDaemon(PhabricatorDaemonReference $ref) { } }