#!/usr/bin/env php

require_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/__init_script__.php';

$args = new PhutilArgumentParser($argv);
$args->setTagline('regenerate CSS sprite sheets');
    Rebuild CSS sprite sheets.

      'name'  => 'source',
      'param' => 'directory',
      'help'  => 'Directory with sprite sources.',
      'name'  => 'force',
      'help'  => 'Force regeneration even if sources have not changed.',

$srcroot = $args->getArg('source');
if (!$srcroot) {
  throw new Exception(
    "You must specify a source directory with '--source'.");

$root = dirname(phutil_get_library_root('phabricator'));
$webroot = $root.'/webroot/rsrc';
$webroot = Filesystem::readablePath($webroot);

function glx($x) {
  return (60 + (48 * $x));

function gly($y) {
  return (110 + (48 * $y));

$sheet = new PhutilSpriteSheet();
$at = '@';
 * @provides autosprite-css
 * {$at}generated

.autosprite {
  background-image: url(/rsrc/image/autosprite.png);
  background-repeat: no-repeat;

$menu_normal_template = id(new PhutilSprite())
  ->setSourceSize(30, 30);

$menu_hover_template = id(new PhutilSprite())
  ->setSourceSize(30, 30);

$menu_selected_template = id(new PhutilSprite())
  ->setSourceSize(30, 30);

$menu_map = array(
  ''          => $menu_normal_template,
  '-selected' => $menu_selected_template,
  ':hover'    => $menu_hover_template,

$icon_map = array(
  'help'          => array(4, 19),
  'settings'      => array(0, 28),
  'logout'        => array(3, 6),
  'task'          => array(1, 15),

foreach ($icon_map as $icon => $coords) {
  list($x, $y) = $coords;
  foreach ($menu_map as $suffix => $template) {
      id(clone $template)
        ->setSourcePosition(glx($x), gly($y))

$app_template_large = id(new PhutilSprite())
  ->setSourceSize(60, 60);

$app_template_large_hover = id(new PhutilSprite())
  ->setSourceSize(60, 60);

$app_template_small = id(new PhutilSprite())
  ->setSourceSize(30, 30);

$app_template_small_hover = id(new PhutilSprite())
  ->setSourceSize(30, 30);

$app_template_small_selected = id(new PhutilSprite())
  ->setSourceSize(30, 30);

$app_source_map = array(
  '-large'          => array($app_template_large, 2),

  // For the application launch view, we only show hover state on the desktop
  // because it looks glitchy on touch devices. We show the hover state when
  // the surrounding <a> is hovered, not the icon itself.
  '-large /* hover */'    => array(
    '.device-desktop .phabricator-application-launch-container:hover '),

  ''                => array($app_template_small, 1),

  // Show hover state only for the desktop.
  ':hover'          => array(
    '.device-desktop  ',
  '-selected'       => array($app_template_small_selected, 1),

$app_map = array(
  'differential'    => array(9, 1),
  'fact'            => array(2, 4),
  'mail'            => array(0, 1),
  'diffusion'       => array(7, 13),
  'slowvote'        => array(1, 4),
  'phriction'       => array(1, 7),
  'maniphest'       => array(3, 24),
  'flags'           => array(6, 26),
  'settings'        => array(9, 11),
  'applications'    => array(0, 34),
  'default'         => array(9, 9),
  'people'          => array(3, 0),
  'ponder'          => array(4, 35),
  'calendar'        => array(5, 4),
  'files'           => array(6, 3),
  'projects'        => array(7, 35),
  'daemons'         => array(7, 6),
  'herald'          => array(1, 5),
  'countdown'       => array(7, 5),
  'conduit'         => array(7, 30),
  'feed'            => array(3, 11),
  'paste'           => array(9, 2),
  'audit'           => array(8, 19),
  'uiexample'       => array(7, 28),
  'phpast'          => array(6, 31),
  'owners'          => array(5, 32),
  'phid'            => array(9, 25),
  'diviner'         => array(1, 35),
  'repositories'    => array(8, 13),
  'phame'           => array(8, 4),
  'macro'           => array(0, 31),
  'releeph'         => array(5, 18),
  'drydock'         => array(5, 25),

$xadj = -1;
foreach ($app_map as $icon => $coords) {
  list($x, $y) = $coords;
  foreach ($app_source_map as $suffix => $spec) {
    list($template, $scale) = $spec;
    if (isset($spec[2])) {
      $prefix = $spec[2];
    } else {
      $prefix = '';
      id(clone $template)
        ->setSourcePosition(($xadj + glx($x)) * $scale, gly($y) * $scale)


/* -(  Icons Sheet  )-------------------------------------------------------- */

$generator = new CeleritySpriteGenerator();

$sheets = array(
  'icon' => $generator->buildIconSheet(),
  'menu' => $generator->buildMenuSheet(),
  'gradient' => $generator->buildGradientSheet(),

list($err) = exec_manual('optipng');
if ($err) {
  $have_optipng = false;
  echo phutil_console_format(
    "<bg:red> WARNING </bg> `optipng` not found in PATH.\n".
    "Sprites will not be optimized! Install `optipng`!\n");
} else {
  $have_optipng = true;

foreach ($sheets as $name => $sheet) {
  $manifest_path = $root.'/resources/sprite/manifest/'.$name.'.json';
  if (!$args->getArg('force')) {
    if (Filesystem::pathExists($manifest_path)) {
      $data = Filesystem::readFile($manifest_path);
      $data = json_decode($data, true);
      if (!$sheet->needsRegeneration($data)) {


  foreach ($sheet->getScales() as $scale) {
    if ($scale == 1) {
      $sheet_name = "sprite-{$name}.png";
    } else {
      $sheet_name = "sprite-{$name}-X{$scale}.png";

    $full_path = "{$webroot}/image/{$sheet_name}";
    $sheet->generateImage($full_path, $scale);

    if ($have_optipng) {
      echo "Optimizing...\n";
      phutil_passthru('optipng -o7 -clobber %s', $full_path);

echo "Done.\n";