<?php require('vendor/autoload.php'); Httpful\Bootstrap::init(); RESTful\Bootstrap::init(); Balanced\Bootstrap::init(); $API_KEY_SECRET = '5f4db668a5ec11e1b908026ba7e239a9'; Balanced\Settings::$api_key = $API_KEY_SECRET; $marketplace = Balanced\Marketplace::mine(); print "create a card\n"; $card = $marketplace->cards->create(array( "card_number" => "5105105105105100", "expiration_month" => "12", "expiration_year" => "2015" )); print "our card: " . $card->uri . "\n"; print "create a **buyer** account with that card\n"; $buyer = $marketplace->createBuyer(null, $card->uri); print "our buyer account: " . $buyer->uri . "\n"; print "debit our buyer, let's say $15\n"; try { $debit = $buyer->debit(1500); print "our buyer debit: " . $debit->uri . "\n"; } catch (Balanced\Errors\Declined $e) { print "oh no, the processor declined the debit!\n"; } catch (Balanced\Errors\NoFundingSource $e) { print "oh no, the buyer has not active funding sources!\n"; } catch (Balanced\Errors\CannotDebit $e) { print "oh no, the buyer has no debitable funding sources!\n"; } print "and there you have it 8)\n"; ?>