/** * Javelin core; installs Javelin and Stratcom event delegation. * * @provides javelin-magical-init * @nopackage * * @javelin-installs JX.__rawEventQueue * @javelin-installs JX.__simulate * @javelin-installs JX.enableDispatch * @javelin-installs JX.onload * * @javelin */ (function() { if (window.JX) { return; } window.JX = {}; window['__DEV__'] = window['__DEV__'] || 0; var loaded = false; var onload = []; var master_event_queue = []; var root = document.documentElement; var has_add_event_listener = !!root.addEventListener; JX.__rawEventQueue = function(what) { master_event_queue.push(what); // Evade static analysis - JX.Stratcom var Stratcom = JX['Stratcom']; if (Stratcom && Stratcom.ready) { // Empty the queue now so that exceptions don't cause us to repeatedly // try to handle events. var local_queue = master_event_queue; master_event_queue = []; for (var ii = 0; ii < local_queue.length; ++ii) { var evt = local_queue[ii]; // Sometimes IE gives us events which throw when ".type" is accessed; // just ignore them since we can't meaningfully dispatch them. TODO: // figure out where these are coming from. try { var test = evt.type; } catch (x) { continue; } if (!loaded && evt.type == 'domready') { document.body && (document.body.id = null); loaded = true; for (var ii = 0; ii < onload.length; ii++) { onload[ii](); } } Stratcom.dispatch(evt); } } else { var target = what.srcElement || what.target; if (target && (what.type in {click: 1, submit: 1}) && target.getAttribute && target.getAttribute('data-mustcapture') === '1') { what.returnValue = false; what.preventDefault && what.preventDefault(); document.body.id = 'event_capture'; // For versions of IE that use attachEvent, the event object is somehow // stored globally by reference, and all the references we push to the // master_event_queue will always refer to the most recent event. We // work around this by popping the useless global event off the queue, // and pushing a clone of the event that was just fired using the IE's // proprietary createEventObject function. // see: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms536390(v=vs.85).aspx if (!add_event_listener && document.createEventObject) { master_event_queue.pop(); master_event_queue.push(document.createEventObject(what)); } return false; } } } JX.enableDispatch = function(target, type) { if (target.addEventListener) { target.addEventListener(type, JX.__rawEventQueue, true); } else if (target.attachEvent) { target.attachEvent('on' + type, JX.__rawEventQueue); } }; var document_events = [ 'click', 'change', 'keypress', 'mousedown', 'mouseover', 'mouseout', 'mouseup', 'keydown', 'drop', 'dragenter', 'dragleave', 'dragover' ]; // Simulate focus and blur in old versions of IE using focusin and focusout // TODO: Document the gigantic IE mess here with focus/blur. // TODO: beforeactivate/beforedeactivate? // http://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2008/04/delegating_the.html if (!has_add_event_listener) { document_events.push('focusin', 'focusout'); } // Opera is multilol: it propagates focus / blur odd, and submit differently if (window.opera) { document_events.push('focus', 'blur'); } else { document_events.push('submit'); } for (var ii = 0; ii < document_events.length; ++ii) { JX.enableDispatch(root, document_events[ii]); } // In particular, we're interested in capturing window focus/blur here so // long polls can abort when the window is not focused. var window_events = [ ('onpagehide' in window) ? 'pagehide' : 'unload', 'resize', 'focus', 'blur' ]; for (var ii = 0; ii < window_events.length; ++ii) { JX.enableDispatch(window, window_events[ii]); } JX.__simulate = function(node, event) { if (!has_add_event_listener) { var e = {target: node, type: event}; JX.__rawEventQueue(e); if (e.returnValue === false) { return false; } } }; if (has_add_event_listener) { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { JX.__rawEventQueue({type: 'domready'}); }, true); } else { var ready = "if (this.readyState == 'complete') {" + "JX.__rawEventQueue({type: 'domready'});" + "}"; document.write( '<\/sc' + 'ript\>'); } JX.onload = function(func) { if (loaded) { func(); } else { onload.push(func); } } })();